At a high level, RLlib provides an ``Trainer`` class which
holds a policy for environment interaction. Through the trainer interface, the policy can
be trained, checkpointed, or an action computed. In multi-agent training, the trainer manages the querying and optimization of multiple policies at once.
Each algorithm has specific hyperparameters that can be set with ``--config``, in addition to a number of `common hyperparameters <>`__. See the
You can control the degree of parallelism used by setting the ``num_workers``
hyperparameter for most algorithms. The Trainer will construct that many
"remote worker" instances (`see RolloutWorker class <>`__)
that are constructed as ray.remote actors, plus exactly one "local worker", a ``RolloutWorker`` object that is not a
ray actor, but lives directly inside the Trainer.
For most algorithms, learning updates are performed on the local worker and sample collection from
one or more environments is performed by the remote workers (in parallel).
For example, setting ``num_workers=0`` will only create the local worker, in which case both
sample collection and training will be done by the local worker.
On the other hand, setting ``num_workers=5`` will create the local worker (responsible for training updates)
and 5 remote workers (responsible for sample collection).
Since learning is most of the time done on the local worker, it may help to provide one or more GPUs
to that worker via the ``num_gpus`` setting.
Similarly, the resource allocation to remote workers can be controlled via ``num_cpus_per_worker``, ``num_gpus_per_worker``, and ``custom_resources_per_worker``.
The number of GPUs can be fractional quantities (e.g. 0.5) to allocate only a fraction
of a GPU. For example, with DQN you can pack five trainers onto one GPU by setting
``num_gpus: 0.2``. Check out `this fractional GPU example here <>`__
as well that also demonstrates how environments (running on the remote workers) that
require a GPU can benefit from the ``num_gpus_per_worker`` setting.
For synchronous algorithms like PPO and A2C, the driver and workers can make use of
the same GPU. To do this for an amount of ``n`` GPUS:
1. If the environment is slow and cannot be replicated (e.g., since it requires interaction with physical systems), then you should use a sample-efficient off-policy algorithm such as :ref:`DQN <dqn>` or :ref:`SAC <sac>`. These algorithms default to ``num_workers: 0`` for single-process operation. Make sure to set ``num_gpus: 1`` if you want to use a GPU. Consider also batch RL training with the `offline data <rllib-offline.html>`__ API.
2. If the environment is fast and the model is small (most models for RL are), use time-efficient algorithms such as :ref:`PPO <ppo>`, :ref:`IMPALA <impala>`, or :ref:`APEX <apex>`. These can be scaled by increasing ``num_workers`` to add rollout workers. It may also make sense to enable `vectorization <rllib-env.html#vectorized>`__ for inference. Make sure to set ``num_gpus: 1`` if you want to use a GPU. If the learner becomes a bottleneck, multiple GPUs can be used for learning by setting ``num_gpus > 1``.
3. If the model is compute intensive (e.g., a large deep residual network) and inference is the bottleneck, consider allocating GPUs to workers by setting ``num_gpus_per_worker: 1``. If you only have a single GPU, consider ``num_workers: 0`` to use the learner GPU for inference. For efficient use of GPU time, use a small number of GPU workers and a large number of `envs per worker <rllib-env.html#vectorized>`__.
4. Finally, if both model and environment are compute intensive, then enable `remote worker envs <rllib-env.html#vectorized>`__ with `async batching <rllib-env.html#vectorized>`__ by setting ``remote_worker_envs: True`` and optionally ``remote_env_batch_wait_ms``. This batches inference on GPUs in the rollout workers while letting envs run asynchronously in separate actors, similar to the `SEED <>`__ architecture. The number of workers and number of envs per worker should be tuned to maximize GPU utilization. If your env requires GPUs to function, or if multi-node SGD is needed, then also consider :ref:`DD-PPO <ddppo>`.
The Python API provides the needed flexibility for applying RLlib to new problems. You will need to use this API if you wish to use `custom environments, preprocessors, or models <rllib-models.html>`__ with RLlib.
Here is an example of the basic usage (for a more complete example, see ` <>`__):
It's recommended that you run RLlib trainers with :doc:`Tune <tune/index>`, for easy experiment management and visualization of results. Just set ``"run": ALG_NAME, "env": ENV_NAME`` in the experiment config.
All RLlib trainers are compatible with the :ref:`Tune API <tune-60-seconds>`. This enables them to be easily used in experiments with :doc:`Tune <tune/index>`. For example, the following code performs a simple hyperparam sweep of PPO:
```` returns an ExperimentAnalysis object that allows further analysis of the training results and retrieving the checkpoint(s) of the trained agent.
It also simplifies saving the trained agent. For example:
..code-block:: python
# allows setting a custom log directory (other than ``~/ray-results``)
# and automatically saving the trained agent
analysis =
# list of lists: one list per checkpoint; each checkpoint list contains
It is common to need to access a trainer's internal state, e.g., to set or get internal weights. In RLlib trainer state is replicated across multiple *rollout workers* (Ray actors) in the cluster. However, you can easily get and update this state between calls to ``train()`` via ``trainer.workers.foreach_worker()`` or ``trainer.workers.foreach_worker_with_index()``. These functions take a lambda function that is applied with the worker as an arg. You can also return values from these functions and those will be returned as a list.
You can also access just the "master" copy of the trainer state through ``trainer.get_policy()`` or ``trainer.workers.local_worker()``, but note that updates here may not be immediately reflected in remote replicas if you have configured ``num_workers > 0``. For example, to access the weights of a local TF policy, you can run ``trainer.get_policy().get_weights()``. This is also equivalent to ``trainer.workers.local_worker().policy_map["default_policy"].get_weights()``:
Similar to accessing policy state, you may want to get a reference to the underlying neural network model being trained. For example, you may want to pre-train it separately, or otherwise update its weights outside of RLlib. This can be done by accessing the ``model`` of the policy:
In the `basic training example <>`__, Tune will call ``train()`` on your trainer once per training iteration and report the new training results. Sometimes, it is desirable to have full control over training, but still run inside Tune. Tune supports :ref:`custom trainable functions <trainable-docs>` that can be used to implement `custom training workflows (example) <>`__.
For even finer-grained control over training, you can use RLlib's lower-level `building blocks <rllib-concepts.html>`__ directly to implement `fully customized training workflows <>`__.
Sometimes, it is necessary to coordinate between pieces of code that live in different processes managed by RLlib. For example, it can be useful to maintain a global average of a certain variable, or centrally control a hyperparameter used by policies. Ray provides a general way to achieve this through *named actors* (learn more about Ray actors `here <actors.html>`__). These actors are assigned a global name and handles to them can be retrieved using these names. As an example, consider maintaining a shared global counter that is incremented by environments and read periodically from your driver program: # async call to increment the global count
Ray actors provide high levels of performance, so in more complex cases they can be used implement communication patterns such as parameter servers and allreduce.
You can provide callbacks to be called at points during policy evaluation. These callbacks have access to state for the current `episode <>`__. Certain callbacks such as ``on_postprocess_trajectory``, ``on_sample_end``, and ``on_train_result`` are also places where custom postprocessing can be applied to intermediate data or results.
User-defined state can be stored for the `episode <>`__ in the ``episode.user_data`` dict, and custom scalar metrics reported by saving values to the ``episode.custom_metrics`` dict. These custom metrics will be aggregated and reported as part of training results. For a full example, see ` <>`__.
There is an end to end example of how to set up custom online evaluation in ` <>`__. Note that if you only want to eval your policy at the end of training, you can set ``evaluation_interval: N``, where ``N`` is the number of training iterations before stopping.
Below are some examples of how the custom evaluation metrics are reported nested under the ``evaluation`` key of normal training results:
Note that in the ``on_postprocess_traj`` callback you have full access to the trajectory batch (``post_batch``) and other training state. This can be used to rewrite the trajectory, which has a number of uses including:
* Backdating rewards to previous time steps (e.g., based on values in ``info``).
* Adding model-based curiosity bonuses to rewards (you can train the model with a `custom model supervised loss <rllib-models.html#supervised-model-losses>`__).
To access the policy / model (``policy.model``) in the callbacks, note that ``info['pre_batch']`` returns a tuple where the first element is a policy and the second one is the batch itself. You can also access all the rollout worker state using the following call:
..code-block:: python
from ray.rllib.evaluation.rollout_worker import get_global_worker
# You can use this from any callback to get a reference to the
# RolloutWorker running in the process, which in turn has references to
# all the policies, etc: see for more info.
rollout_worker = get_global_worker()
Policy losses are defined over the ``post_batch`` data, so you can mutate that in the callbacks to change what data the policy loss function sees.
# Train using `` or `Trainer.train()` and the above config stub.
# ...
There are two more ways to use the RLlib's other APIs to implement `curriculum learning <>`__.
Use the Trainer API and update the environment between calls to ``train()``. This example shows the trainer being run inside a Tune function.
This is basically the same as what the built-in `env_task_fn` API described above already does under the hood, but allows you to do even more
You can use the `data output API <rllib-offline.html>`__ to save episode traces for debugging. For example, the following command will run PPO while saving episode traces to ``/tmp/debug``.
You can control the trainer log level via the ``"log_level"`` flag. Valid values are "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN" (default), and "ERROR". This can be used to increase or decrease the verbosity of internal logging. You can also use the ``-v`` and ``-vv`` flags. For example, the following two commands are about equivalent:
You can use the ``ray stack`` command to dump the stack traces of all the Python workers on a single node. This can be useful for debugging unexpected hangs or performance issues.
In some cases (i.e., when interacting with an externally hosted simulator or production environment) it makes more sense to interact with RLlib as if it were an independently running service, rather than RLlib hosting the simulations itself. This is possible via RLlib's external applications interface `(full documentation) <rllib-env.html#external-agents-and-applications>`__.