Each algorithm has specific hyperparameters that can be set with ``--config``, in addition to a number of `common hyperparameters <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/rllib/agents/agent.py>`__. See the
`algorithms documentation <rllib-algorithms.html>`__ for more information.
In an example below, we train A3C by specifying 8 workers through the config flag.
function that creates the env to refer to it by name. The contents of the env_config agent config field will be passed to that function to allow the environment to be configured. The return type should be an OpenAI gym.Env. For example:
(some of them are tuned to run on GPUs). If you find better settings or tune
an algorithm on a different domain, consider submitting a Pull Request!
Python API
The Python API provides the needed flexibility for applying RLlib to new problems. You will need to use this API if you wish to use custom environments, preprocesors, or models with RLlib.
# Can optionally call agent.restore(path) to load a checkpoint.
for i in range(1000):
# Perform one iteration of training the policy with PPO
result = agent.train()
print("result: {}".format(result))
if i % 100 == 0:
checkpoint = agent.save()
print("checkpoint saved at", checkpoint)
All RLlib agents implement the tune Trainable API, which means they support incremental training and checkpointing. This enables them to be easily used in experiments with Ray Tune.
Accessing Global State
It is common to need to access an agent's internal state, e.g., to set or get internal weights. In RLlib an agent's state is replicated across multiple *policy evaluators* (Ray actors) in the cluster. However, you can easily get and update this state between calls to ``train()`` via ``agent.optimizer.foreach_evaluator()`` or ``agent.optimizer.foreach_evaluator_with_index()``. These functions take a lambda function that is applied with the evaluator as an arg. You can also return values from these functions and those will be returned as a list.
You can also access just the "master" copy of the agent state through ``agent.optimizer.local_evaluator``, but note that updates here may not be reflected in remote replicas if you have configured ``num_workers > 0``.
In some cases (i.e., when interacting with an external environment) it makes more sense to interact with RLlib as if were an independently running service, rather than RLlib hosting the simulations itself. This is possible via RLlib's serving env `interface <rllib-envs.html#serving>`__.
For a full client / server example that you can run, see the example `client script <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/rllib/examples/serving/cartpole_client.py>`__ and also the corresponding `server script <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/rllib/examples/serving/cartpole_server.py>`__, here configured to serve a policy for the toy CartPole-v0 environment.