Unfortunately, no good way to test font-lock as font-lock-mode won't
activate under noninteractive ecukes (can try --no-win or --win, but
won't fly under travis)
In practice, polymode font-lock bugs often manifest themselves much as
issue #456 did. The rear-nonsticky property on the input prompt gets
washed away by font-lock and brokenness ensues.
Some users run jupyter via `jupyter-notebook` instead of `jupyter`,
and break because we unilaterally impose the "notebook" subcommand.
Those users can now:
M-x customize-group ein
Jupyter Server Use Subcommand: Omit
Currently, an org block that has no output (e.g., `foo = 5`) never
clears the `[....]` upon block completion.
Also, no `:session` should default to localhost.
Before: Exit emacs with modified notebooks. Be asked "You have
unsaved notebooks. Discard changes?" Respond no, and manually figure
out which notebooks haven't been saved.
After: Exit emacs with modified notebooks. Be asked "Save A?".
Respond yes. Quit without further ado.
Also, bugfix killing of buffers in polymode. Must kill host buffer,
not indirect buffers.
M-x customize-group RET ein
Toggle Ein:Polymode
Avoid trying to emulate jump-to-definition, eldoc, and autocompletion
functionalities that Elpy will always do better.
* Testing for shared eval and connecting buffers.
* Forgot the feature.
* Need a small delay to make sure code is evaluated.
* Testing for shared eval and connecting buffers.
* Forgot the feature.
* Need a small delay to make sure code is evaluated.
* Add scenario for company completion in a connected buffer.
* Works better if we test completion first.
* Update ipython version tested in travis.
* Stab in the dark to fix travis erroring under ipython 6.x
* Revert "Stab in the dark to fix travis erroring under ipython 6.x"
This reverts commit 7255d31fdb.
We can't be certain when the shared output cell can be safely turned
over to the next org block. I have witnessed `display_data` updates being
received *after* both the `execute_result` and `execute_reply`
messages. As a HACK, we `run-at-time 2` seconds the turning over of
the cell to accommodate any eleventh hour straggler display_data's.
In light of #425 and #456, provide more guidance on curl errors.
Also, clean up eldoc stub. Leveraging elpy's eldoc perfection seems
the only sensible choice, however.
Do not assume python... leverage ESS to improve R interaction.
Fix both undo and fontify in the presence of toggling cells (`C-c
Fix and test switching kernels
M-x customize-group RET ein-completion
Set `Ein:Completion Backend` to `ein:use-none-backend`, Set `State` to
`Save for Future Sessions`.
Also use `featurep` and `with-eval-after-load` to clean up the
subpackage requiring gymnastics.
As `ein:notebok-kill-kernel-then-close-cmmand` must wait for the
server to delete the session, the buffer wouldn't disappear right
away, leaving the user nonplussed whether the `C-c C-q` took. Display
a status message "Ending session" with a modest animation instead.
Also add a "Stop" test for notebooklist. Sorry about breaking "Stop"
in ee3b0f0
Renaming of functions with better understanding of reconnects. Under
the original logic, reconnecting blithely created a new session if
the original no longer existed. Now it will alert the user when this
Also hopefully fixes#381 as there was a bug of missing argument not
being caught by lisp's undisciplined typing.
Upon disconnection, the jupyter server apparently returns the same kernel for a given
notebook path input. So reconnect is a thing, and restart is very
distinct from that.
Coursera appears to kill websockets every minute or so, and I'm
observing firsthand the buggy behaviors described in #356. This PR
cleans up the websocket code and kernel restart logic. Removed
backwards compatibility for the v2 messaging api
as keeping it in the presence of the refactoring would make it more
broken that it already was.
As emacs users we prefer and have the luxury of fuzzy file navigation
via ido and projectile. From a notebook or notebooklist buffer, the commands
`C-c C-f` ein:file-open
`C-c C-o` ein:notebook-open
offer an ido alternative to point and click navigation.
To populate the ido lists, retrieving the content hierarchy is on by
default. Two custom variables determine how wide and deep the content query
probes (currently at 2 levels deep and 6 directories wide). Set both
to zero to turn off.
tkf half finished code to quickly go from local file buffers to notebook
mode via `C-c C-z` or `C-c C-o`. This is now possible. EIN will
start the server from a suitable parent directory of the visited file.
Enable ido completion for `notebooklist-login`.
Remove the albatross `ein-loaddefs.el` in favor of more standard
`ein-autoloads.el` that is not git tracked.
Convenience `make install` from git source (local alternative to
Merge the login and open commands (open aliased to login). Add login
tests described in #352.
Attempt to improve user experience by synchronously executing
`ein:jupyter-server-start`. `ein:dev-prefer-deferred` custom variable
allows easy switch to compare sychronous versus old asynchronous behavior.