mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 16:51:38 -05:00
makes test
This commit is contained in:
40 changed files with 280 additions and 262 deletions
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(depends-on "anaphora")
(depends-on "websocket")
(depends-on "kubernetes")
(depends-on "request")
(depends-on "dash")
(depends-on "ert-runner")
@ -32,27 +32,27 @@
(defvar eldomain-prefix nil)
(defun eldomain-get-symbols (predicate)
(loop for x being the symbols
(cl-loop for x being the symbols
with regexp = (format "^%s" eldomain-prefix)
if (and (funcall predicate x)
(string-match regexp (format "%S" x)))
collect x))
(defun eldomain-get-function-data ()
(loop for x in (eldomain-get-symbols #'fboundp)
(cl-loop for x in (eldomain-get-symbols #'fboundp)
for name = (format "%S" x)
for arg = (help-function-arglist x)
for doc = (documentation x)
collect `((name . ,name) (arg . ,arg) (doc . ,doc))))
(defun eldomain-get-variable-data ()
(loop for x in (eldomain-get-symbols #'boundp)
(cl-loop for x in (eldomain-get-symbols #'boundp)
for name = (format "%S" x)
for doc = (documentation-property x 'variable-documentation t)
collect `((name . ,name) (doc . ,doc))))
(defun eldomain-get-face-data ()
(loop for x in (eldomain-get-symbols #'facep)
(cl-loop for x in (eldomain-get-symbols #'facep)
for name = (format "%S" x)
for doc = (documentation-property x 'face-documentation t)
collect `((name . ,name) (doc . ,doc))))
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
(defun eldomain-get-keymap-data ()
(loop for x in (eldomain-get-symbols
(cl-loop for x in (eldomain-get-symbols
(lambda (v) (and (boundp v) (keymapp (eval v)))))
for name = (format "%S" x)
for doc = (documentation-property x 'variable-documentation t)
@ -114,8 +114,6 @@ Scenario: Specific port, portless localhost refers to same, concurrent execution
Scenario: portless url with path, image, C-c ' lets you C-c C-c as well
Given I set "ein:completion-backend" to eval "(quote ein:use-none-backend)"
Given I stop the server
When I open temp file "path.org"
And I call "org-mode"
And I type "<s"
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
(lambda (kernel-name)
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'R-mode) #'ignore))
(let ((notebook (ein:notebook-switch-kernel (ein:get-notebook) kernel-name)))
(loop repeat 10
(cl-loop repeat 10
until (ein:kernel-live-p (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook))
do (sleep-for 0 500)
finally do (should (string= "R" (ein:$kernelspec-language
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
(cancel-function-timers #'ein:notebooklist-reload)
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'y-or-n-p) #'ignore))
(ein:jupyter-server-stop t))
(loop repeat 10
(cl-loop repeat 10
with buffer = (get-buffer *ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name*)
until (null (get-buffer-process buffer))
do (sleep-for 0 1000)
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
(When "^I wait for completions \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (key)
(loop repeat 10
(cl-loop repeat 10
until (gethash key (ein:$kernel-oinfo-cache (ein:get-kernel)))
do (sleep-for 0 500)
finally do (should (gethash key (ein:$kernel-oinfo-cache (ein:get-kernel)))))))
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
(When "^I keep clicking \"\\(.+\\)\" until \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (go stop)
(loop repeat 10
(cl-loop repeat 10
until (search stop (buffer-string))
do (And (format "I click on \"%s\"" go))
do (sleep-for 0 1000)
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
(let ((was (widget-at)))
(When "I press \"RET\"")
(loop until (not (equal was (widget-at)))
(cl-loop until (not (equal was (widget-at)))
do (sleep-for 0 500))))))
(When "^I click on dir \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
@ -310,18 +310,18 @@
(re-search-backward "Dir" nil t)
(let ((was (widget-at)))
(When "I press \"RET\"")
(loop until (not (equal was (widget-at)))
(cl-loop until (not (equal was (widget-at)))
do (sleep-for 0 500)))))
(When "^I click on dir \"\\(.+\\)\" until \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (dir stop)
(loop repeat 10
(cl-loop repeat 10
until (search stop (buffer-string))
do (When (format "I go to word \"%s\"" dir))
do (re-search-backward "Dir" nil t)
do (let ((was (widget-at)))
(When "I press \"RET\"")
(loop until (not (equal was (widget-at)))
(cl-loop until (not (equal was (widget-at)))
do (sleep-for 0 500)))
finally do (should (search stop (buffer-string))))))
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
(lambda (path)
(lexical-let ((url-or-port (car (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info))) notebook)
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer url-or-port)
(loop repeat 2
(cl-loop repeat 2
until (and notebook
(ein:aand (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook)
(ein:kernel-live-p it)))
@ -43,10 +43,10 @@
(defun ein:testing-after-scenario ()
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer (car (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info)))
(loop for notebook in (ein:notebook-opened-notebooks)
(cl-loop for notebook in (ein:notebook-opened-notebooks)
for path = (ein:$notebook-notebook-path notebook)
do (ein:notebook-kill-kernel-then-close-command notebook)
do (loop repeat 16
do (cl-loop repeat 16
until (not (ein:notebook-live-p notebook))
do (sleep-for 0 1000)
finally do (when (ein:notebook-live-p notebook)
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
(search "Untitled" path)
(search "Renamed" path))
(ein:notebooklist-delete-notebook path)
(loop repeat 16
(cl-loop repeat 16
with fullpath = (concat (file-name-as-directory ein:testing-jupyter-server-root) path)
for extant = (file-exists-p fullpath)
until (not extant)
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
finally do (when extant
(ein:display-warning (format "cannot del %s" path)))))))
(aif (ein:notebook-opened-notebooks)
(loop for nb in it
(cl-loop for nb in it
for path = (ein:$notebook-notebook-path nb)
do (ein:log 'debug "Notebook %s still open" path)
finally do (assert nil))))
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
'(python-indent-guess-indent-offset-verbose nil)
'(ein:jupyter-use-containers nil))
(setq ein:jupyter-default-kernel
(loop with cand = ""
(cl-loop with cand = ""
for (k . spec) in
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
(data . (,data)))))
(defun ein:maybe-get-output-mime-data (output)
(loop for type in '(:svg :png :jpeg :html :latex :javascript :text)
(cl-loop for type in '(:svg :png :jpeg :html :latex :javascript :text)
if (plist-get output type)
collecting (cons (ein:output-property type) (plist-get output type))))
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
(metadata . ,(make-hash-table)))))
(defun ein:find-and-make-outputs (output-plist)
(loop for prop in ein:output-type-map
(cl-loop for prop in ein:output-type-map
when (plist-get output-plist (cdr prop))
collect (list (cdr prop) (plist-get output-plist (cdr prop)))))
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ a number will limit the number of lines in a cell output."
(cl-defmethod ein:cell-convert ((cell ein:basecell) type)
(let ((new (ein:cell-from-type type)))
;; copy attributes
(loop for k in '(read-only ewoc)
(cl-loop for k in '(read-only ewoc)
do (setf (slot-value new k) (slot-value cell k)))
;; copy input
(setf (slot-value new 'input) (if (ein:cell-active-p cell)
@ -325,14 +325,14 @@ a number will limit the number of lines in a cell output."
"Convert CELL to TYPE and redraw corresponding ewoc nodes."
(let ((new (ein:cell-convert cell type)))
;; copy element attribute
(loop for k in (slot-value new 'element-names)
(cl-loop for k in (slot-value new 'element-names)
with old-element = (slot-value cell 'element)
do (progn
(setf (slot-value new 'element)
(plist-put (slot-value new 'element) k
(plist-get old-element k)))))
;; setting ewoc nodes
(loop for en in (ein:cell-all-element cell)
(cl-loop for en in (ein:cell-all-element cell)
for node = (ewoc-data en)
do (setf (ein:$node-data node) new))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
@ -342,12 +342,12 @@ a number will limit the number of lines in a cell output."
#'ewoc-delete (slot-value new 'ewoc)
(loop for name in (slot-value cell 'element-names)
(cl-loop for name in (slot-value cell 'element-names)
unless (memq name (slot-value new 'element-names))
collect (let ((ens (ein:cell-element-get cell name)))
(if (listp ens) ens (list ens))))))
;; draw ewoc node
(loop with ewoc = (slot-value new 'ewoc)
(cl-loop with ewoc = (slot-value new 'ewoc)
for en in (ein:cell-all-element new)
do (ein:cell--ewoc-invalidate ewoc en)))
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ a number will limit the number of lines in a cell output."
(buffer-undo-list t)) ; disable undo recording
(setf (slot-value cell 'level) level)
;; draw ewoc node
(loop with ewoc = (slot-value cell 'ewoc)
(cl-loop with ewoc = (slot-value cell 'ewoc)
for en in (ein:cell-all-element cell)
do (ein:cell--ewoc-invalidate ewoc en))))
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ Return language name as a string or `nil' when not defined.
(fn cell)")
(cl-defmethod ein:cell-language ((cell ein:codecell))
(ein:and-let* ((kernel (slot-value cell 'kernel))
(ein:and-let* ((kernel (ein:oref-safe cell 'kernel))
(kernelspec (ein:$kernel-kernelspec kernel)))
(ein:$kernelspec-language kernelspec)))
(cl-defmethod ein:cell-language ((cell ein:markdowncell)) nil "markdown")
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ Return language name as a string or `nil' when not defined.
:prompt (funcall make-node 'prompt)
:input (funcall make-node 'input)
:output (loop for i from 0 below num-outputs
:output (cl-loop for i from 0 below num-outputs
collect (funcall make-node 'output i))
:footer (funcall make-node 'footer))))
@ -972,7 +972,7 @@ prettified text thus be used instead of HTML type."
(defun ein:cell-append-mime-type (json dynamic)
(when (plist-get json :data)
(setq json (plist-get json :data))) ;; For nbformat v4 support.
for key in (cond
((functionp ein:output-type-preference)
(funcall ein:output-type-preference json))
@ -1024,6 +1024,7 @@ prettified text thus be used instead of HTML type."
,@(aif (ein:oref-safe cell 'input-prompt-number)
`((prompt_number . ,it)))
(outputs . ,(if discard-output [] (apply #'vector (slot-value cell 'outputs))))
(language . ,(or (ein:cell-language cell) "python"))
(collapsed . ,(if (slot-value cell 'collapsed) t json-false))))
(defvar ein:output-type-map
@ -1056,7 +1057,7 @@ prettified text thus be used instead of HTML type."
(append renamed-outputs
(list (let ((ocopy (cl-copy-list output))
(new-output '()))
(loop while ocopy
(cl-loop while ocopy
do (let ((prop (pop ocopy))
(value (pop ocopy)))
(ein:log 'debug "Checking property %s for output type '%s'"
@ -1229,7 +1230,7 @@ prettified text thus be used instead of HTML type."
(defun ein:output-area-convert-mime-types (json data)
(loop for (prop . mime) in '((:text . :text/plain)
(cl-loop for (prop . mime) in '((:text . :text/plain)
(:html . :text/html)
(:svg . :image/svg+xml)
(:png . :image/png)
@ -1258,7 +1259,7 @@ prettified text thus be used instead of HTML type."
(cl-defmethod ein:cell-has-image-ouput-p ((cell ein:codecell))
"Return `t' if given cell has image output, `nil' otherwise."
(loop for out in (slot-value cell 'outputs)
(cl-loop for out in (slot-value cell 'outputs)
when (or (plist-member out :svg)
(plist-member out :image/svg+xml)
(plist-member out :png)
@ -1271,7 +1272,7 @@ prettified text thus be used instead of HTML type."
(cl-defmethod ein:cell-get-tb-data ((cell ein:codecell))
(loop for out in (slot-value cell 'outputs)
(cl-loop for out in (slot-value cell 'outputs)
when (and (plist-get out :traceback)
(member (plist-get out :output_type) '("pyerr" "error")))
return (plist-get out :traceback)))
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
(setf (ein:$kernel-oinfo-cache kernel) (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(defun ein:completions-get-cached (partial oinfo-cache)
(loop for candidate being the hash-keys of oinfo-cache
(cl-loop for candidate being the hash-keys of oinfo-cache
when (string-prefix-p partial candidate)
collect candidate))
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ global setting. For global setting and more information, see
(defun ein:fix-legacy-content-data (data)
(if (listp (car data))
(loop for item in data
(cl-loop for item in data
(ein:fix-legacy-content-data item))
(if (string= (plist-get data :path) "")
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ global setting. For global setting and more information, see
(callback callback)
(items (ein:$content-raw-content content))
(directories (if (< depth ein:content-query-max-depth)
(loop for item in items
(cl-loop for item in items
with result
until (>= (length result) ein:content-query-max-branch)
if (string= "directory" (plist-get item :type))
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ global setting. For global setting and more information, see
into result
finally return result)))
(others (loop for item in items
(others (cl-loop for item in items
with c0
if (not (string= "directory" (plist-get item :type)))
do (setf c0 (ein:new-content url-or-port path item))
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ global setting. For global setting and more information, see
(loop for c0 in directories
(cl-loop for c0 in directories
((c0 c0)
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ the source is in git repository) or elpa version."
(intern (format ":%s" name))
(ks (or (plist-get kernelspecs name)
(loop for (key spec) on (ein:plist-exclude kernelspecs '(:default)) by 'cddr
(cl-loop for (key spec) on (ein:plist-exclude kernelspecs '(:default)) by 'cddr
if (string= (ein:$kernelspec-language spec) lang)
return spec
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ as `defgeneric' in EIEIO, but it takes no argument. Actual
implementation is chosen based on context (buffer, point, etc.).
This helps writing generic commands which requires same object
but can operate in different contexts."
(loop for func in func-list
(cl-loop for func in func-list
if (and (functionp func) (funcall func))
return it))
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
(ein:load-files "^ein-.*\\.el$"))
(cl-defun ein:dev-require-all (&key (ignore-p #'ignore))
(loop for f in (directory-files ein:source-dir nil "^ein-.*\\.el$")
(cl-loop for f in (directory-files ein:source-dir nil "^ein-.*\\.el$")
unless (or (equal f "ein-pkg.el")
(equal f "ein-autoloads.el")
(funcall ignore-p f))
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ callback (`websocket-callback-debug-on-error') is enabled."
(defun ein:dev-sys-info--lib (name)
(let* ((libsym (intern-soft name))
(version-var (loop for fmt in '("%s-version" "%s:version")
(version-var (cl-loop for fmt in '("%s-version" "%s:version")
if (intern-soft (format fmt name))
return it))
(version (symbol-value version-var)))
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ callback (`websocket-callback-debug-on-error') is enabled."
:version version)))
(defun ein:dev-dump-vars (names)
(loop for var in names
(cl-loop for var in names
collect (intern (format ":%s" var))
collect (symbol-value (intern (format "ein:%s" var)))))
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
(require 'ein-core)
(require 'ein-notebooklist)
(require 'ein-dev)
(require 'ein-k8s)
(defcustom ein:jupyter-use-containers nil
"Take EIN in a different direcsh."
@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ with the call to the jupyter notebook."
(condition-case err
(lambda (x) `(const :tag ,(cdr x) ,(car x)))
for (k . spec) in
@ -108,6 +109,19 @@ with the call to the jupyter notebook."
(defvar *ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name*
(format "*%s*" *ein:jupyter-server-process-name*))
(defun ein:jupyter-process-lines (url-or-port command &rest args)
"If URL-OR-PORT registered as a k8s url, preface COMMAND ARGS with `kubectl exec'."
(condition-case err
(cond ((and url-or-port (string= url-or-port (ein:k8s-service-url-or-port)))
(let ((pod-name (kubernetes-state-resource-name (ein:k8s-get-pod))))
(apply #'process-lines kubernetes-kubectl-executable
(split-string (format "exec %s -- %s" pod-name command))
(t (apply #'process-lines command args)))
(error (ein:log 'info "ein:jupyter-process-lines: %s" (error-message-string err))
(defsubst ein:jupyter-server-process ()
"Return the emacs process object of our session."
(get-buffer-process (get-buffer *ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name*)))
@ -241,7 +255,7 @@ server command."
(if (numberp port)
`("--port" ,(format "%s" port)
"--port-retries" "0")))))
(loop repeat 30
(cl-loop repeat 30
until (car (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info *ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name*))
do (sleep-for 0 500)
finally do
@ -277,7 +291,7 @@ server command."
(ein:and-let* ((url-or-port (first (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info)))
(_ok (or force (y-or-n-p "Stop server and close notebooks?"))))
(ein:notebook-close-notebooks t)
(loop repeat 10
(cl-loop repeat 10
do (ein:query-running-process-table)
until (zerop (hash-table-count ein:query-running-process-table))
do (sleep-for 0 500))
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
"Log on to a jupyterhub server using PAM authentication. Requires jupyterhub version 0.8 or greater. CALLBACK takes two arguments, the resulting buffer and the singleuser url-or-port"
(interactive (let ((url-or-port (ein:notebooklist-ask-url-or-port))
(pam-plist (ein:notebooklist-ask-user-pw-pair "User" "Password")))
(loop for (user pw) on pam-plist by (function cddr)
(cl-loop for (user pw) on pam-plist by (function cddr)
return (list url-or-port (symbol-name user) pw (lambda (buffer _url-or-port) (pop-to-buffer buffer))))))
(ein:jupyterhub--query-version url-or-port callback username password))
@ -90,9 +90,7 @@
(-let* [((&alist 'contexts contexts 'current-context current) response)
(names (--map (alist-get 'name it) (append contexts nil)))
(state (kubernetes-state))
(current (alist-get 'name (kubernetes-state-current-context state)))]
(names (--map (alist-get 'name it) (append contexts nil)))]
(when (member current names)
(setq names (cons current (-remove-item current names))))
@ -102,47 +100,52 @@
(-let* [(deployments (kubernetes-state-deployments (kubernetes-state)))
((&alist 'items items) deployments)]
(seq-some (lambda (it)
(-let [(&alist 'metadata (&alist 'name name 'creationTimestamp created-time)
'spec (&alist 'replicas desired)
'status (&alist 'replicas current
'availableReplicas available
'updatedReplicas up-to-date))
(-let [(&alist 'metadata (&alist 'name)) it]
(and (string= name ein:k8s-name-deployment) it)))
(defun ein:k8s-get-service ()
(-let* [(services (kubernetes-state-services (kubernetes-state)))
((&alist 'items items) services)]
(seq-some (lambda (it)
(-let [(&alist 'metadata (&alist 'name 'creationTimestamp)
'spec (&alist 'selector)
(and (string= name ein:k8s-name-service) it)))
(defun ein:k8s-service-url-or-port ()
(when-let ((service (ein:k8s-get-service)))
(-let [(&alist 'spec (&alist 'ports [(&alist 'nodePort)])) service]
(defun ein:k8s-get-node ()
(when-let ((pod (ein:k8s-get-pod)))
(-let* (((&alist 'spec (&alist 'nodeName)) pod))
(when-let ((node (kubernetes-state-lookup-node
(-let (((&alist 'metadata (&alist 'name)) node))
(defun ein:k8s-get-pod ()
(when-let ((deployment (ein:k8s-get-deployment)))
(cl-first (kubernetes-overview--pods-for-deployment (kubernetes-state)
(defun ein:k8s-get-service ()
(-let* [(services (kubernetes-state-services (kubernetes-state)))
((&alist 'items items) services)]
(seq-some (lambda (it)
(-let [(&alist 'metadata (&alist 'name)) it]
(and (string= name ein:k8s-name-service) it)))
(defun ein:k8s-get-node ()
(-when-let* ((pod (ein:k8s-get-pod))
((&alist 'spec (&alist 'nodeName)) pod)
(node (kubernetes-state-lookup-node nodeName (kubernetes-state)))
((&alist 'metadata (&alist 'name)) node))
(defsubst ein:k8s-p ()
(and (executable-find kubernetes-kubectl-executable)
(or (kubernetes-state-current-context (kubernetes-state))
(unless noninteractive
(condition-case err
(error (ein:log 'info "ein:k8s-p %s" (error-message-string err))
(defun ein:k8s-service-url-or-port ()
(-when-let* ((k8s-p (ein:k8s-p))
(service (ein:k8s-get-service))
((&alist 'spec (&alist 'ports [(&alist 'nodePort)])) service)
(node (ein:k8s-get-node))
((&alist 'status (&alist 'addresses)) node)
(seq-some (lambda (address)
(when (string= (alist-get 'type address) "InternalIP")
(alist-get 'address address)))
(ein:url (concat host-ip ":" (number-to-string nodePort)))))
(provide 'ein-k8s)
@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ We need this to have proper behavior for the 'Stop' command in the ein:notebookl
(ein:events-trigger events 'execution_count.Kernel it))))))))
(defun ein:kernel--handle-payload (kernel callbacks payload)
(loop with events = (ein:$kernel-events kernel)
(cl-loop with events = (ein:$kernel-events kernel)
for p in payload
for text = (or (plist-get p :text)
(plist-get (plist-get p :data)
@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ See `ein:kernel-history-request' for other usable options."
(setq finished t))
(loop repeat (floor (/ timeout tick-time))
(cl-loop repeat (floor (/ timeout tick-time))
do (sit-for tick-time)
when finished
return t
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
(setq ein:log-message-level (ein:log-level-name-to-int level)))
(defun ein:log-level-int-to-name (int)
(loop for (n . i) in ein:log-level-def
(cl-loop for (n . i) in ein:log-level-def
when (>= int i)
return n
finally 'error))
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Modified version of `org-src-get-lang-mode'."
(unless (eq major-mode lang-mode) (funcall lang-mode))
(setq pos (point-min))
(loop for next = (next-single-property-change pos 'face nil (point-max))
(cl-loop for next = (next-single-property-change pos 'face nil (point-max))
do (put-text-property
;; `font-lock-face' property is used instead of `font'.
;; This is the only difference from org-src.
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ This function may raise an error."
"Parent modes for `ein:notebook-multilang-mode' to register in yasnippet.")
(defun ein:ml-setup-yasnippet ()
(loop for define-parents in '(yas/define-parents
(cl-loop for define-parents in '(yas/define-parents
when (fboundp define-parents)
do (ignore-errors
@ -49,9 +49,9 @@
(memq class (ein:$node-class node)))
(defun ein:node-filter (ewoc-node-list &rest args)
(loop for (key . class) in (ein:plist-iter args)
(cl-loop for (key . class) in (ein:plist-iter args)
do (setq ewoc-node-list
(loop for ewoc-node in ewoc-node-list
(cl-loop for ewoc-node in ewoc-node-list
for node = (ewoc-data ewoc-node)
when (case key
(:is (ein:node-has-class node class))
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ Current buffer for these functions is set to the notebook buffer.")
(let ((kernelspec
(cond ((ein:$kernelspec-p pre-kernelspec) pre-kernelspec)
((consp pre-kernelspec)
(loop for (name ks) on (ein:need-kernelspecs url-or-port) by 'cddr
(cl-loop for (name ks) on (ein:need-kernelspecs url-or-port) by 'cddr
when (and (ein:$kernelspec-p ks)
(string= (cdr pre-kernelspec)
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ combo must match exactly these url/port you used format
(defun ein:notebook-buffer (notebook)
"Return first buffer in NOTEBOOK's worksheets."
(loop for ws in (append (ein:$notebook-worksheets notebook)
(cl-loop for ws in (append (ein:$notebook-worksheets notebook)
(ein:$notebook-scratchsheets notebook))
if (ein:worksheet-buffer ws)
return it))
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ of minor mode."
(defun ein:list-available-kernels (url-or-port)
(when-let ((kernelspecs (ein:need-kernelspecs url-or-port)))
(sort (loop for (key spec) on (ein:plist-exclude kernelspecs '(:default)) by 'cddr
(sort (cl-loop for (key spec) on (ein:plist-exclude kernelspecs '(:default)) by 'cddr
collecting (cons (ein:$kernelspec-name spec)
(ein:$kernelspec-display-name spec)))
(lambda (c1 c2) (string< (cdr c1) (cdr c2))))))
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ notebook buffer then the user will be prompted to select an opened notebook."
(ein:$kernelspec-name kernelspec) (ein:$kernelspec-spec kernelspec))))
(ein:notebook-save-notebook notebook #'ein:notebook-kill-kernel-then-close-command
(list notebook))
(loop repeat 10
(cl-loop repeat 10
until (null (ein:$kernel-websocket (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook)))
do (sleep-for 0 500)
finally return (ein:notebook-open (ein:$notebook-url-or-port notebook)
@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ This is equivalent to do ``C-c`` in the console program."
(plist-put spec :name name)))
(defun ein:write-nbformat4-worksheets (notebook)
(let ((all-cells (loop for ws in (ein:$notebook-worksheets notebook)
(let ((all-cells (cl-loop for ws in (ein:$notebook-worksheets notebook)
for i from 0
append (ein:worksheet-to-nb4-json ws i))))
;; should be in notebook constructor, not here
@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ NAME is any non-empty string that does not contain '/' or '\\'.
(add-function :before callback0 (lambda () (setq success-positive 1)))
(ein:notebook-save-notebook notebook callback0 nil
(lambda () (setq success-positive -1)))
(loop repeat 10
(cl-loop repeat 10
until (not (zerop success-positive))
do (sleep-for 0 200)
finally return (> success-positive 0)))
@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ given."
(let ((next (if (ein:scratchsheet-p ws)
(car (ein:$notebook-worksheets notebook))
(loop with worksheets = (ein:$notebook-worksheets notebook)
(cl-loop with worksheets = (ein:$notebook-worksheets notebook)
for current in worksheets
for next in (cdr worksheets)
when (eq current ws) return next))))
@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ See also `ein:notebook-worksheet-open-next'."
(let ((prev (if (ein:scratchsheet-p ws)
(car (last (ein:$notebook-worksheets notebook)))
(loop for (prev current) on (ein:$notebook-worksheets notebook)
(cl-loop for (prev current) on (ein:$notebook-worksheets notebook)
when (eq current ws) return prev))))
(ein:notebook-worksheet--open-new notebook prev "previous" show)
@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ See also `ein:notebook-worksheet-open-next'."
(defmacro ein:notebook-worksheet--defun-all-open-nth (min max)
,@(loop for n from min to max
,@(cl-loop for n from min to max
collect `(ein:notebook-worksheet--defun-open-nth ,n))))
(ein:notebook-worksheet--defun-all-open-nth 1 8)
@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ When used as a lisp function, delete worksheet WS from NOTEBOOk."
(cl-defun ein:notebook-worksheet-index
(&optional (notebook ein:%notebook%) (ws ein:%worksheet%))
"Return an index of the worksheet WS in NOTEBOOK."
(loop for i from 0
(cl-loop for i from 0
for ith-ws in (ein:$notebook-worksheets notebook)
when (eq ith-ws ws)
return i))
@ -1246,7 +1246,7 @@ associated with current buffer (if any)."
(and (ein:$notebook-p notebook)
(ein:notebook-live-p notebook)
(or (ein:$notebook-dirty notebook)
(loop for ws in (ein:$notebook-worksheets notebook)
(cl-loop for ws in (ein:$notebook-worksheets notebook)
when (ein:worksheet-modified-p ws)
return t))))
@ -1265,7 +1265,7 @@ associated with current buffer (if any)."
(defun ein:notebook-choose-mode ()
"Return usable (defined) notebook mode."
(autoload 'ein:notebook-multilang-mode "ein-multilang")
(loop for mode in ein:notebook-modes
(cl-loop for mode in ein:notebook-modes
if (functionp mode)
return mode))
@ -1452,7 +1452,7 @@ Tried add-function: the &rest from :around is an emacs-25 compilation issue."
(loop for n from 1 to 8
(cl-loop for n from 1 to 8
(format "Open %d-th worksheet" n)
@ -170,37 +170,47 @@ This function adds NBLIST to `ein:notebooklist-map'."
(defun ein:crib-token (url-or-port)
"Shell out to jupyter for its credentials knowledge. Return list of (PASSWORD TOKEN)."
(aif (loop for line in (ein:process-lines
(append (aif ein:jupyter-server-use-subcommand (list it))
'("list" "--json")))
with token0
with password0
when (destructuring-bind
(&key password url token &allow-other-keys)
(ein:json-read-from-string line)
(prog1 (equal (ein:url url) url-or-port)
(setq password0 password) ;; t or :json-false
(setq token0 token)))
return (list password0 token0))
(aif (cl-loop for line in
(apply #'ein:jupyter-process-lines url-or-port
(format "%s%s %s"
(aif ein:jupyter-server-use-subcommand
(concat it " ") "")
"list" "--json")))
with token0
with password0
when (destructuring-bind
(&key password url token &allow-other-keys)
(ein:json-read-from-string line)
(prog1 (equal (ein:url url) url-or-port)
(setq password0 password) ;; t or :json-false
(setq token0 token)))
return (list password0 token0))
it (list nil nil)))
(defun ein:crib-running-servers ()
"Shell out to jupyter for running servers."
(loop for line in (condition-case err
(apply #'process-lines
(append (aif ein:jupyter-server-use-subcommand
(list it))
'("list" "--json")))
(error (ein:log 'info "ein:crib-running-servers: %s" err)
collecting (destructuring-bind
(&key url &allow-other-keys)
(ein:json-read-from-string line) (ein:url url))))
(cl-loop for line in
(apply #'ein:jupyter-process-lines nil
(format "%s%s %s"
(aif ein:jupyter-server-use-subcommand
(concat it " ") "")
"list" "--json")))
(aif (ein:k8s-service-url-or-port) (list it)))
collecting (destructuring-bind
(&key url &allow-other-keys)
(ein:json-read-from-string line) (ein:url url))))
(defun ein:notebooklist-token-or-password (url-or-port)
"Return token or password (jupyter requires one or the other but not both) for URL-OR-PORT. Empty string token means all authentication disabled. Nil means don't know."
"Return token or password for URL-OR-PORT.
Jupyter requires one or the other but not both.
Return empty string token if all authentication disabled.
Return nil if unclear what, if any, authentication applies."
(multiple-value-bind (password-p token) (ein:crib-token url-or-port)
(autoload 'ein:jupyter-server-conn-info "ein-jupyter")
(multiple-value-bind (my-url-or-port my-token) (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info)
@ -630,7 +640,7 @@ This function is called via `ein:notebook-after-rename-hook'."
(ein:make-sorting-widget "Sort by" ein:notebooklist-sort-field)
(ein:make-sorting-widget "In Order" ein:notebooklist-sort-order)
(widget-insert "\n")
(loop for note in (ein:notebooklist--order-data (ein:$notebooklist-data ein:%notebooklist%)
(cl-loop for note in (ein:notebooklist--order-data (ein:$notebooklist-data ein:%notebooklist%)
for name = (plist-get note :name)
@ -732,10 +742,10 @@ Notebook list data is passed via the buffer local variable
(defun ein:notebooklist-list-paths (&optional content-type)
"Return all files of CONTENT-TYPE for all sessions"
(apply #'append
(loop for nblist in (ein:notebooklist-list)
(cl-loop for nblist in (ein:notebooklist-list)
for url-or-port = (ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port nblist)
(loop for content in (ein:content-need-hierarchy url-or-port)
(cl-loop for content in (ein:content-need-hierarchy url-or-port)
when (or (null content-type)
(string= (ein:$content-type content) content-type))
collect (ein:url url-or-port (ein:$content-path content))))))
@ -743,7 +753,7 @@ Notebook list data is passed via the buffer local variable
(defun ein:notebooklist-parse-nbpath (nbpath)
"Return `(,url-or-port ,path) from URL-OR-PORT/PATH"
(loop for url-or-port in (ein:notebooklist-keys)
(cl-loop for url-or-port in (ein:notebooklist-keys)
if (cl-search url-or-port nbpath :end2 (length url-or-port))
return (list (substring nbpath 0 (length url-or-port))
(substring nbpath (1+ (length url-or-port))))
@ -833,7 +843,7 @@ and the url-or-port argument of ein:notebooklist-open*."
(let* ((parsed-url (url-generic-parse-url (file-name-as-directory url-or-port)))
(domain (url-host parsed-url))
(securep (string-match "^wss://" url-or-port)))
(loop for (name content) on cookie-plist by (function cddr)
(cl-loop for (name content) on cookie-plist by (function cddr)
for line = (mapconcat #'identity (list domain "FALSE" (car (url-path-and-query parsed-url)) (if securep "TRUE" "FALSE") "0" (symbol-name name) (concat content "\n")) "\t")
do (write-region line nil (request--curl-cookie-jar) 'append))))
@ -854,15 +864,8 @@ and the url-or-port argument of ein:notebooklist-open*."
(interactive `(,(lambda (buffer url-or-port) (pop-to-buffer buffer))))
(unless callback (setq callback #'ignore))
(call-interactively #'ein:k8s-select-context)
(-if-let* ((url-or-port (ein:k8s-service-url-or-port))
(node (ein:k8s-get-node))
((&alist 'status (&alist 'addresses)) node)
(seq-some (lambda (address)
(when (string= (alist-get 'type address) "InternalIP")
(alist-get 'address address)))
(concat address ":" (number-to-string url-or-port))
(if-let ((url-or-port (ein:k8s-service-url-or-port)))
(error "ein:cluster-login: No jupyter node found for %s"
(alist-get 'name (kubernetes-state-current-context (kubernetes-state))))))
@ -899,7 +902,7 @@ and the url-or-port argument of ein:notebooklist-open*."
((request-response-header response "x-jupyterhub-version")
(let ((pam-plist (ein:notebooklist-ask-user-pw-pair "User" "Password")))
(destructuring-bind (user pw)
(loop for (user pw) on pam-plist by (function cddr)
(cl-loop for (user pw) on pam-plist by (function cddr)
return (list (symbol-name user) pw))
(ein:jupyterhub-connect url-or-port user pw callback))))
(t (ein:notebooklist-login--success-1 url-or-port callback errback))))
@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ S-mouse-1/3 (Shift + left/right click): move this tab to left/right"
just set the status (= event-type):
(ein:notification-status-set NS EVENT-TYPE)
where NS is `:kernel' or `:notebook' slot of NOTIFICATION."
(loop for ns in (list (slot-value notification 'kernel)
(cl-loop for ns in (list (slot-value notification 'kernel)
(slot-value notification 'notebook))
for statuses = (mapcar #'car (slot-value ns 's2m))
do (loop for st in statuses
do (cl-loop for st in statuses
do (ein:events-on events
st ; = event-type
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ insert-prev insert-next move-prev move-next)"
" "
(loop for i from 1
(cl-loop for i from 1
for elem in list
if (eq elem current)
collect (propertize
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ insert-prev insert-next move-prev move-next)"
(defmacro ein:header-line-define-mouse-commands (&rest name-slot-list)
,@(loop for (name slot) on name-slot-list by 'cddr
,@(cl-loop for (name slot) on name-slot-list by 'cddr
`(defun ,name (key-event)
,(format "Run slot %s
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ can be handled by the xml module."
(defun ein:xml-tree-apply (dom operation)
"Apply OPERATION on nodes in DOM. Apply the same OPERATION on
the next level children when it returns `nil'."
(loop for child in (xml-node-children dom)
(cl-loop for child in (xml-node-children dom)
if (and (not (funcall operation child))
(ein:xml-node-p child))
do (ein:xml-tree-apply child operation)))
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
(defun ein:process-suitable-notebook-dir (filename)
"Return the uppermost parent dir of DIR that contains ipynb files."
(let ((fn (expand-file-name filename)))
(loop with directory = (directory-file-name
(cl-loop with directory = (directory-file-name
(if (file-regular-p fn)
(file-name-directory (directory-file-name fn))
@ -119,15 +119,10 @@
(setq directory (directory-file-name (file-name-directory directory)))
finally return suitable)))
(defun ein:process-lines (command &rest args)
"Shell out COMMAND ARGS... via kubectl if necessary."
;; ein:cluster-login
(defun ein:process-refresh-processes ()
"Use `jupyter notebook list --json` to populate ein:%processes%"
(clrhash ein:%processes%)
(loop for line in (condition-case err
(cl-loop for line in (condition-case err
(apply #'process-lines
(append (aif ein:jupyter-server-use-subcommand
@ -146,13 +141,13 @@
(defun ein:process-dir-match (filename)
"Return ein:process whose directory is prefix of FILENAME."
(loop for dir in (hash-table-keys ein:%processes%)
(cl-loop for dir in (hash-table-keys ein:%processes%)
when (cl-search dir filename)
return (gethash dir ein:%processes%)))
(defun ein:process-url-match (url-or-port)
"Return ein:process whose url matches URL-OR-PORT."
(loop with parsed-url-or-port = (url-generic-parse-url url-or-port)
(cl-loop with parsed-url-or-port = (url-generic-parse-url url-or-port)
for proc in (ein:process-processes)
for parsed-url-proc = (url-generic-parse-url (ein:process-url-or-port proc))
when (and (string= (url-host parsed-url-or-port) (url-host parsed-url-proc))
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ KEY, then call `request' with URL and SETTINGS. KEY is compared by
(when timeout
(setq settings (plist-put settings :timeout (/ timeout 1000.0))))
(loop do (ein:query-running-process-table)
(cl-loop do (ein:query-running-process-table)
for running = (hash-table-count ein:query-running-process-table)
until (< running ein:max-simultaneous-queries)
do (ein:log 'warn "ein:query-singleton-ajax: %d running processes"
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ at point, i.e. any word before then \"(\", if it is present."
(defvar ein:url-localhost "")
(defsubst ein:glom-paths (&rest paths)
(loop with result = ""
(cl-loop with result = ""
for p in paths
if (not (zerop (length p)))
do (setq result (concat result (ein:trim-left (directory-file-name p) "/") "/"))
@ -348,13 +348,13 @@ number of lines is less than `nlines' then just return the string."
(let* ((lines (split-string string "\n"))
(let ((lens
(loop for line in lines
(cl-loop for line in lines
for stripped = (ein:trim-left line)
unless (equal stripped "")
collect (- (length line) (length stripped)))))
(if lens (apply #'min lens) 0)))
(loop for line in lines
(cl-loop for line in lines
if (> (length line) indent)
collect (ein:trim-right (substring line indent))
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ Adapted from twittering-mode.el's `case-string'."
(defun ein:plist-iter (plist)
"Return list of (key . value) in PLIST."
;; FIXME: this is not needed. See: `ein:plist-exclude'.
(loop for p in plist
(cl-loop for p in plist
for i from 0
for key-p = (= (% i 2) 0)
with key = nil
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ Adapted from twittering-mode.el's `case-string'."
(ein:plist-exclude '(:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4) '(:b :c))"
(loop for (k v) on plist by 'cddr
(cl-loop for (k v) on plist by 'cddr
unless (memq k keys)
nconc (list k v)))
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ Example::
(ein:clip-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6) 2 4) ;=> (2 3 4)"
(loop for elem in list
(cl-loop for elem in list
with clipped
with in-region-p = nil
when (eq elem first)
@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ Example::
"Insert NEW after PIVOT in LIST destructively.
Note: do not rely on that `ein:list-insert-after' change LIST in place.
Elements are compared using the function TEST (default: `eq')."
(loop for rest on list
(cl-loop for rest on list
when (funcall test (car rest) pivot)
return (progn (push new (cdr rest)) list)
finally do (error "PIVOT %S is not in LIST %S" pivot list)))
@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ Note: do not rely on that `ein:list-insert-before' change LIST in place.
Elements are compared using the function TEST (default: `eq')."
(if (and list (funcall test (car list) pivot))
(cons new list)
(loop for rest on list
(cl-loop for rest on list
when (funcall test (cadr rest) pivot)
return (progn (push new (cdr rest)) list)
finally do (error "PIVOT %S is not in LIST %S" pivot list))))
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ Elements are compared using the function TEST (default: `eq')."
((== (car list) elem)
(append (cdr list) (list (car list))))
(loop for rest on list
(cl-loop for rest on list
when (== (cadr rest) elem)
return (let ((prev (car rest)))
(setf (car rest) elem)
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ Elements are compared using the function TEST (default: `eq')."
(cl-defun ein:list-move-right (list elem &key (test #'eq))
"Move ELEM in LIST right. TEST is used to compare elements"
(loop with first = t
(cl-loop with first = t
for rest on list
when (funcall test (car rest) elem)
return (if (cdr rest)
@ -545,14 +545,14 @@ FUNC is called as (apply FUNC ARG ARGS)."
(defun ein:remove-by-index (list indices)
"Remove elements from LIST if its index is in INDICES.
NOTE: This function creates new list."
(loop for l in list
(cl-loop for l in list
for i from 0
when (not (memq i indices))
collect l))
(defun ein:ask-choice-char (prompt choices)
"Show PROMPT and read one of acceptable key specified as CHOICES."
(let ((char-list (loop for i from 0 below (length choices)
(let ((char-list (cl-loop for i from 0 below (length choices)
collect (elt choices i)))
(answer 'recenter))
@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ PREDARGS is argument list for the PREDICATE function.
Make TIMEOUT-SECONDS larger \(default 5) to wait longer before timeout."
(ein:log 'debug "WAIT-UNTIL start")
(unless timeout-seconds (setq timeout-seconds 5))
(unless (loop repeat (/ timeout-seconds 0.05)
(unless (cl-loop repeat (/ timeout-seconds 0.05)
when (apply predicate predargs)
return t
;; borrowed from `deferred:sync!':
@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ DONEBACK returns t or 'error when calling process is done, and nil if not done."
;; "complicated timings of macro expansion lexical-let, deferred:lambda"
;; using deferred:loop instead
(deferred:loop (loop for i from 1 below 30 by 1 collect i)
(deferred:loop (cl-loop for i from 1 below 30 by 1 collect i)
(lambda ()
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
(read-cookies-func (lambda (path)
(url-host parsed-url) path securep)))
(cookies (loop repeat 4
(cookies (cl-loop repeat 4
for cand = (cl-mapcan read-cookies-func
`("/" "/hub/"
,(ein:maybe-get-jhconn-user url)))
@ -668,14 +668,14 @@ Prefixes are act same as the normal `yank' command."
(t (1- arg))))))
(let* ((cell (ein:worksheet-get-current-cell :noerror t)) ; can be nil
(killed (ein:current-kill n)))
(loop for c in killed
(cl-loop for c in killed
with last = cell
do (setq last (ein:worksheet-insert-clone ws c last "below"))
finally (ein:cell-goto last))))
(defun ein:worksheet--node-positions (cell)
(let ((result))
(loop for k in (slot-value cell 'element-names)
(cl-loop for k in (slot-value cell 'element-names)
do (setq result
(plist-put result k
(let* ((en-or-list (ein:cell-element-get cell k))
@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ When NTH is specified, return NTH cell. Note that this function is
(setq nth (* nth -1))
(setq up (not up)))
(let ((cell (ein:worksheet-next-input-cell-1 ewoc-node up)))
(loop repeat (1- nth)
(cl-loop repeat (1- nth)
with next = (if up #'ein:cell-prev #'ein:cell-next)
if (funcall next cell)
do (setq cell it)
@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ in the history."
(defun ein:worksheet--cells-before-cell (ws cell)
(let ((cells (ein:worksheet-get-cells ws)))
(loop for c in cells
(cl-loop for c in cells
collecting c
until (eql (ein:cell-id c) (ein:cell-id cell)))))
@ -1194,7 +1194,7 @@ in the history."
(seq-drop cells prior-cells)))
(defun ein:worksheet-first-executing-cell (cells)
(loop for c in cells
(cl-loop for c in cells
when (and (ein:codecell-p c)
(slot-value c 'running))
return c))
@ -1264,10 +1264,10 @@ function."
"`imenu-create-index-function' for notebook buffer."
;; As Imenu does not provide the way to represent level *and*
;; position, use #'s to do that.
(loop for cell in (when (ein:worksheet-p ein:%worksheet%)
(cl-loop for cell in (when (ein:worksheet-p ein:%worksheet%)
(seq-filter #'ein:headingcell-p
(ein:worksheet-get-cells ein:%worksheet%)))
for sharps = (loop repeat (slot-value cell 'level) collect "#")
for sharps = (cl-loop repeat (slot-value cell 'level) collect "#")
for text = (ein:cell-get-text cell)
for name = (ein:join-str "" (append sharps (list " " text)))
collect (cons name (ein:cell-input-pos-min cell))))
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
(base64-decode-region (point-min) (point-max)))))
(defun ob-ein--return-mime-type (json file)
for key in ein:output-types-text-preferred
for type = (intern (format ":%s" key)) ; something like `:text'
for value = (plist-get json type) ; FIXME: optimize
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
(defun ob-ein--process-outputs (outputs params)
(let ((file (cdr (assoc :image params))))
(ein:join-str "\n"
(loop for o in outputs
(cl-loop for o in outputs
collecting (ob-ein--return-mime-type o file)))))
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ Based on ob-ipython--configure-kernel."
(ob-ein--initiate-session session kernelspec callback)
(if (ein:eval-if-bound 'org-current-export-file)
(loop with interval = 2000
(cl-loop with interval = 2000
with pending = t
repeat (/ (* ob-ein-timeout-seconds 1000) interval)
do (progn
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ if necessary. Install CALLBACK (i.e., cell execution) upon notebook retrieval."
(substring nbpath 0 (- (length slash-path)))))
(notebook (ein:notebook-get-opened-notebook url-or-port path))
(callback-nbopen (lambda (nb _created)
(loop repeat 50
(cl-loop repeat 50
for live-p = (ein:kernel-live-p (ein:$notebook-kernel nb))
until live-p
do (sleep-for 0 300)
@ -338,18 +338,20 @@ if necessary. Install CALLBACK (i.e., cell execution) upon notebook retrieval."
path (ein:$kernelspec-name (ein:$notebook-kernelspec notebook))
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'y-or-n-p) #'ignore))
(ein:notebook-close notebook)
(list 'ob-ein--initiate-session (ein:url url-or-port path))
(ein:notebook-url notebook)
:type "DELETE"))
(loop repeat 8
for extant = (file-exists-p path)
until (not extant)
do (sleep-for 0 500)
finally do (if extant
(ein:display-warning (format "cannot del %s" path))
(ob-ein--initiate-session session kernelspec callback))))
(ein:notebook-close notebook))
(list 'ob-ein--initiate-session (ein:url url-or-port path))
(ein:notebook-url notebook)
:type "DELETE")
(cl-loop repeat 8
with fullpath = (concat (file-name-as-directory nbpath) path)
for extant = (file-exists-p fullpath)
until (not extant)
do (sleep-for 0 500)
finally do (if extant
(format "cannot del path=%s nbpath=%s" fullpath nbpath))
(ob-ein--initiate-session session kernelspec callback))))
(notebook (funcall callback notebook))
((string= (url-host parsed-url) ein:url-localhost)
@ -367,7 +369,7 @@ if necessary. Install CALLBACK (i.e., cell execution) upon notebook retrieval."
(t (url-port parsed-url)))))))
(t (ein:notebooklist-login url-or-port callback-login)))))
(loop for (lang . mode) in ob-ein-languages
(cl-loop for (lang . mode) in ob-ein-languages
do (ob-ein--babelize-lang lang mode))
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ TYPE can be 'body, nil."
(format "pm:get-span: no major mode for kernelspec language '%s'" what)))
(setq result-cm
(loop for ocm in (eieio-oref pm/polymode '-auto-innermodes)
(cl-loop for ocm in (eieio-oref pm/polymode '-auto-innermodes)
when (equal mode (ein:oref-safe ocm 'mode))
return ocm
finally return (let ((new-mode (clone cm :mode mode)))
@ -67,18 +67,18 @@ construct CONTENT and RESULT."
(unless pdocstring-list
(setq pdocstring-list
(loop with callsig = "function(a=1, b=2, c=d)"
with docstring = "This function does what."
for pcallsig in pcallsig-list
do (loop for pdoc in pdocstring-list
for content = (append
(when pcallsig (list pcallsig callsig))
(when pdoc (list pdoc docstring)))
for result = (aif (append
(when pcallsig (list callsig))
(when pdoc (list docstring)))
(ein:join-str "\n" it))
do (funcall test content result))))
(cl-loop with callsig = "function(a=1, b=2, c=d)"
with docstring = "This function does what."
for pcallsig in pcallsig-list
do (cl-loop for pdoc in pdocstring-list
for content = (append
(when pcallsig (list pcallsig callsig))
(when pdoc (list pdoc docstring)))
for result = (aif (append
(when pcallsig (list callsig))
(when pdoc (list docstring)))
(ein:join-str "\n" it))
do (funcall test content result))))
(provide 'ein-testing-kernel)
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
;;; Code:
(require 'ein-log)
(require 'ein-jupyter)
(require 'request)
(require 'anaphora)
@ -54,7 +55,7 @@
(defun ein:testing-dump-logs ()
(ein:testing-save-buffer "*Messages*" ein:testing-dump-file-messages)
(ein:testing-save-buffer "*ein:jupyter-server*" ein:testing-dump-file-server)
(ein:testing-save-buffer *ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name* ein:testing-dump-file-server)
(mapc (lambda (b)
(ein:and-let* ((bname (buffer-name b))
(prefix "kernels/")
@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ if I call this between links in a deferred chain. Adding a flush-queue."
" 'utf-8 (concat (file-name-as-directory parent) "bar.ipynb")))
(if (< current-depth depth)
(loop for w from 1 to width
(cl-loop for w from 1 to width
for dir = (concat (file-name-as-directory parent) (number-to-string w))
do (f-mkdir dir)
(ein:testing-make-directory-level dir (1+ current-depth) width depth))))
@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ if I call this between links in a deferred chain. Adding a flush-queue."
MS is milliseconds to wait. INTERVAL is polling interval in milliseconds."
(let* ((int (aif interval it (aif ms (max 300 (/ ms 10)) 300)))
(count (max 1 (if ms (truncate (/ ms int)) 25))))
(unless (or (loop repeat count
(unless (or (cl-loop repeat count
when (apply predicate predargs)
return t
do (sleep-for 0 int))
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ some input
(intern (format "ein:cell-insert-output-display-data-%s" name)))
(loop for i from 1
(cl-loop for i from 1
for x in outputs
;; ein:cell--handle-output doesn't get called
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ some input
(loop for i from 1
(cl-loop for i from 1
for x in regexps
collect (format "Out \\[%s\\]:\n%s\n" i x))))
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
(should (equal (oref new :input) input))))
(ert-deftest ein:cell-copy-text-types ()
(loop for cell-type in '("text" "html" "markdown" "raw" "heading")
(cl-loop for cell-type in '("text" "html" "markdown" "raw" "heading")
for cell-p = (intern (format "ein:%scell-p" cell-type))
(let* ((input (ein:join-str "\n" '("first input" "second input")))
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
;;; File name translation
(ert-deftest ein:filename-translations-from-to-tramp ()
;; I really don't understand this https://github.com/magit/with-editor/issues/29
(loop with ein:filename-translations =
(cl-loop with ein:filename-translations =
`((8888 . ,(ein:tramp-create-filename-translator "HOST" "USER")))
with filename = "/file/name"
for port in '(7777 8888) ; check for the one w/o translation
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
(ert-deftest ein:filename-translations-to-from-tramp ()
(loop with ein:filename-translations =
(cl-loop with ein:filename-translations =
`((8888 . ,(ein:tramp-create-filename-translator "HOST" "USER")))
with filename = "/ssh:USER@HOST:/filename"
for port in '(8888)
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
(let* ((port 8888)
`((,port . ,(ein:tramp-create-filename-translator "DUMMY")))))
(loop with python-filename = "/file/name"
(cl-loop with python-filename = "/file/name"
for emacs-filename in '("/scpc:HOST:/file/name"
do (should
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
(should-error (ein:filename-to-python port "/file/name"))))
(ert-deftest ein:filename-from-python-tramp ()
(loop with ein:filename-translations =
(cl-loop with ein:filename-translations =
`((8888 . ,(ein:tramp-create-filename-translator "HOST" "USER")))
with python-filename = "/file/name"
for emacs-filename in '("/ssh:USER@HOST:/file/name" "/file/name")
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
(should (equal (ein:current-kill 0) 1))))
(defun eintest:kill-ring-simple-repeat-setup ()
(loop for i from 0 below 5
do (ein:kill-new i)
do (should (equal (ein:current-kill 0) i))))
(cl-loop for i from 0 below 5
do (ein:kill-new i)
do (should (equal (ein:current-kill 0) i))))
(ert-deftest ein:kill-ring-simple-repeat ()
(let (ein:kill-ring
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
(let (ein:kill-ring
(loop for i in '(3 2 1 0 4 3 2)
do (should (equal (ein:current-kill 1) i)))
(cl-loop for i in '(3 2 1 0 4 3 2)
do (should (equal (ein:current-kill 1) i)))
(should-not (equal ein:kill-ring ein:kill-ring-yank-pointer))
(should (equal ein:kill-ring '(4 3 2 1 0)))
(should (equal ein:kill-ring-yank-pointer '(2 1 0)))))
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
\"nbformat\": 3,
\"nbformat_minor\": 0,
\"worksheets\": [
\"cells\": [
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ is not found."
(ert-deftest ein:notebook-from-json-all-cell-types ()
(list (ein:testing-codecell-data "import numpy")
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ is not found."
(should (equal (ein:cell-get-text (nth 1 cells)) "*markdown* text"))
(should (equal (ein:cell-get-text (nth 2 cells)) "`raw` cell text"))
(should (equal (ein:cell-get-text (nth 3 cells)) "<b>HTML</b> text"))
(loop for i from 4 to 9
(cl-loop for i from 4 to 9
for level from 1
for cell = (nth i cells)
do (should (ein:headingcell-p cell))
@ -250,10 +250,10 @@ When NUM-OPEN = NUM-CLOSE, notebook should be closed."
(ert-deftest ein:notebook-delete-cell-command-simple ()
(with-current-buffer (ein:testing-notebook-make-empty)
(loop repeat 3
(cl-loop repeat 3
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-insert-cell-above))
(should (equal (ein:worksheet-ncells ein:%worksheet%) 3))
(loop repeat 3
(cl-loop repeat 3
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-delete-cell))
(should (equal (ein:worksheet-ncells ein:%worksheet%) 0))))
@ -274,10 +274,10 @@ some text
(ert-deftest ein:notebook-kill-cell-command-simple ()
(with-current-buffer (ein:testing-notebook-make-empty)
(let (ein:kill-ring ein:kill-ring-yank-pointer)
(loop repeat 3
(cl-loop repeat 3
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-insert-cell-above))
(should (equal (ein:worksheet-ncells ein:%worksheet%) 3))
(loop for i from 1 to 3
(cl-loop for i from 1 to 3
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-kill-cell)
do (should (equal (length ein:kill-ring) i))
do (should (equal (ein:worksheet-ncells ein:%worksheet%) (- 3 i)))))))
@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ some text
(ert-deftest ein:notebook-copy-cell-command-simple ()
(with-current-buffer (ein:testing-notebook-make-empty)
(let (ein:kill-ring ein:kill-ring-yank-pointer)
(loop repeat 3
(cl-loop repeat 3
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-insert-cell-above))
(should (equal (ein:worksheet-ncells ein:%worksheet%) 3))
(loop repeat 3
(cl-loop repeat 3
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-copy-cell))
(should (equal (ein:worksheet-ncells ein:%worksheet%) 3))
(should (equal (length ein:kill-ring) 3)))))
@ -296,17 +296,17 @@ some text
(ert-deftest ein:notebook-yank-cell-command-simple ()
(with-current-buffer (ein:testing-notebook-make-empty)
(let (ein:kill-ring ein:kill-ring-yank-pointer)
(loop repeat 3
(cl-loop repeat 3
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-insert-cell-above))
(should (equal (ein:worksheet-ncells ein:%worksheet%) 3))
(loop repeat 3
(cl-loop repeat 3
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-kill-cell))
(should (equal (ein:worksheet-ncells ein:%worksheet%) 0))
(should (equal (length ein:kill-ring) 3))
(loop repeat 3
(cl-loop repeat 3
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-yank-cell))
(should (equal (ein:worksheet-ncells ein:%worksheet%) 3))
(loop for cell in (ein:worksheet-get-cells ein:%worksheet%)
(cl-loop for cell in (ein:worksheet-get-cells ein:%worksheet%)
do (should (ein:codecell-p cell))
do (should (slot-boundp cell :kernel))
do (should (slot-boundp cell :events))))))
@ -366,10 +366,10 @@ some text
(should (funcall cell-p new)))
(should (looking-back "some text"))))))
;; change type: code (no change) -> markdown -> raw
(loop for type in '("code" "markdown" "raw")
(cl-loop for type in '("code" "markdown" "raw")
do (funcall check type))
;; change level: 1 to 6
(loop for level from 1 to 6
(cl-loop for level from 1 to 6
do (funcall check "heading" level))
;; back to code
(funcall check "code")
@ -457,12 +457,12 @@ NO-TRIM is passed to `ein:notebook-split-cell-at-point'."
(ert-deftest ein:notebook-goto-next-input-command-simple ()
(with-current-buffer (ein:testing-notebook-make-empty)
(loop for i downfrom 2 to 0
(cl-loop for i downfrom 2 to 0
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-insert-cell-above)
do (insert (format "Cell %s" i)))
(should (equal (ein:worksheet-ncells ein:%worksheet%) 3))
;; (message "%s" (buffer-string))
(loop for i from 0 below 2
(cl-loop for i from 0 below 2
do (beginning-of-line) ; This is required, I need to check why
do (should (looking-at (format "Cell %s" i)))
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-goto-next-input)
@ -470,12 +470,12 @@ NO-TRIM is passed to `ein:notebook-split-cell-at-point'."
(ert-deftest ein:notebook-goto-prev-input-command-simple ()
(with-current-buffer (ein:testing-notebook-make-empty)
(loop for i from 0 below 3
(cl-loop for i from 0 below 3
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-insert-cell-below)
do (insert (format "Cell %s" i)))
(should (equal (ein:worksheet-ncells ein:%worksheet%) 3))
;; (message "%s" (buffer-string))
(loop for i downfrom 2 to 1
(cl-loop for i downfrom 2 to 1
do (beginning-of-line) ; This is required, I need to check why
do (should (looking-at (format "Cell %s" i)))
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-goto-prev-input)
@ -614,12 +614,12 @@ NO-TRIM is passed to `ein:notebook-split-cell-at-point'."
(ert-deftest ein:notebook-move-cell-up-command-simple ()
(with-current-buffer (ein:testing-notebook-make-empty)
(loop for i from 0 below 3
(cl-loop for i from 0 below 3
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-insert-cell-below)
do (insert (format "Cell %s" i)))
(should (looking-at "Cell 2"))
(loop repeat 2
(cl-loop repeat 2
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-move-cell-up))
;; (message "%s" (buffer-string))
@ -630,10 +630,10 @@ NO-TRIM is passed to `ein:notebook-split-cell-at-point'."
(ert-deftest ein:notebook-move-cell-down-command-simple ()
(with-current-buffer (ein:testing-notebook-make-empty)
(loop for i from 0 below 3
(cl-loop for i from 0 below 3
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-insert-cell-above)
do (insert (format "Cell %s" i)))
(loop repeat 2
(cl-loop repeat 2
do (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-move-cell-down))
(should (looking-at "Cell 2"))
@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ NO-TRIM is passed to `ein:notebook-split-cell-at-point'."
(should-not (oref cell :collapsed)))))
(defun ein:testing-insert-cells (list-type-or-cell &optional pivot callback)
(loop with ws = ein:%worksheet%
(cl-loop with ws = ein:%worksheet%
with cell = pivot
for type in list-type-or-cell
for i from 0
@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ NO-TRIM is passed to `ein:notebook-split-cell-at-point'."
(defun* ein:testing-insert-cells-with-format (num &optional
(format "Cell %s")
(type 'code))
(ein:testing-insert-cells (loop repeat num collect type)
(ein:testing-insert-cells (cl-loop repeat num collect type)
(lambda (i &rest _) (insert (format format i))))
(should (equal (ein:worksheet-ncells ein:%worksheet%) num)))
@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@ In [ ]:
(let* ((text "print 'Hello World\\n' * 10")
(next-text "something")
(apply #'concat (loop repeat 10 collect "Hello World\n")))
(apply #'concat (cl-loop repeat 10 collect "Hello World\n")))
(cell (ein:worksheet-get-current-cell))
(next-cell (ein:cell-next cell))
(kernel (ein:$notebook-kernel ein:%notebook%))
@ -72,11 +72,11 @@
(mapc (lambda (s) (should (gethash s callbacks))) event-symbols)
(should (= (hash-table-count callbacks) (length event-symbols)))
(should (equal (oref kernel :status) nil))
(loop for et in (mapcar #'car (oref kernel :s2m))
(cl-loop for et in (mapcar #'car (oref kernel :s2m))
do (ein:events-trigger events et)
do (should (equal (oref kernel :status) et))
do (should (equal (oref notebook :status) nil)))
(loop for et in (mapcar #'car (oref notebook :s2m))
(cl-loop for et in (mapcar #'car (oref notebook :s2m))
do (ein:events-trigger events et)
do (should (equal (oref kernel :status) 'status_disconnected.Kernel))
do (should (equal (oref notebook :status) et)))))
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
(defmacro ein:testing-insert-html--fix-urls-deftests (args-list)
,@(loop for i from 0
,@(cl-loop for i from 0
for args in args-list
for test = (intern (format "ein:insert-html--fix-urls/%s" i))
@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
(should (equal (ein:url "datasci-1" "foo" "bar") "https://datasci-1/foo/bar"))
(should (equal (ein:glom-paths "" nil "Untitled1.ipynb") "Untitled1.ipynb"))
(should (equal (ein:glom-paths) ""))
(loop for url in '("" "http://localhost:8888" "" "http://localhost:8888/" "8888" 8888)
(cl-loop for url in '("" "http://localhost:8888" "" "http://localhost:8888/" "8888" 8888)
do (should (equal (ein:url "http://localhost:8888") (ein:url url)))))
(ert-deftest ein-url-slashes ()
(loop for a in '("a" "a/" "/a")
do (loop for b in '("b" "/b")
(cl-loop for a in '("a" "a/" "/a")
do (cl-loop for b in '("b" "/b")
do (should (equal (ein:url 8888 a b)
do (should (equal (ein:url 8888 a "b/")
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ def func():
;;; Text manipulation on buffer
(ert-deftest ein:find-leftmot-column-simple-cases ()
(loop for (indent text) in
(cl-loop for (indent text) in
'(;; No indent
(0 "\
def f():
Add table
Reference in a new issue