dickmao 0490031ec8 Sane File Navigation
As emacs users we prefer and have the luxury of fuzzy file navigation
via ido and projectile.  From a notebook or notebooklist buffer, the commands

`C-c C-f` ein:file-open
`C-c C-o` ein:notebook-open

offer an ido alternative to point and click navigation.

To populate the ido lists, retrieving the content hierarchy is on by
default.  Two custom variables determine how wide and deep the content query
probes (currently at 2 levels deep and 6 directories wide).  Set both
to zero to turn off.

tkf half finished code to quickly go from local file buffers to notebook
mode via `C-c C-z` or `C-c C-o`.  This is now possible.  EIN will
start the server from a suitable parent directory of the visited file.

Enable ido completion for `notebooklist-login`.

Remove the albatross `ein-loaddefs.el` in favor of more standard
`ein-autoloads.el` that is not git tracked.

Convenience `make install` from git source (local alternative to
2018-10-26 18:40:19 -04:00

219 lines
9.5 KiB

(When "^I clear log expr \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (log-expr)
(let ((buffer (get-buffer (symbol-value (intern log-expr)))))
(when (buffer-live-p buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(When "^I switch to log expr \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (log-expr)
(switch-to-buffer (symbol-value (intern log-expr)))))
(When "^I am in notebooklist buffer$"
(lambda ()
(switch-to-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer (car (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info))))))
(When "^I wait \\([.0-9]+\\) seconds?$"
(lambda (seconds)
(sleep-for (string-to-number seconds))))
(When "^I am in log buffer$"
(lambda ()
(switch-to-buffer ein:log-all-buffer-name)))
(When "^new \\(.+\\) notebook$"
(lambda (kernel)
(multiple-value-bind (url-or-port token) (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info)
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer url-or-port)
(lexical-let ((ks (ein:get-kernelspec url-or-port kernel)) notebook)
(loop repeat 2
until notebook
do (setq notebook (ein:testing-new-notebook url-or-port ks)))
(let ((buf-name (format ein:notebook-buffer-name-template
(ein:$notebook-url-or-port notebook)
(ein:$notebook-notebook-name notebook))))
(switch-to-buffer buf-name)
(Then "I should be in buffer \"%s\"" buf-name)))))))
(When "^I stop the server$"
(lambda ()
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'y-or-n-p) #'ignore))
(ein:jupyter-server-stop t))
(loop repeat 10
with buffer = (get-buffer ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name)
until (null (get-buffer-process buffer))
do (sleep-for 1)
finally do (ein:aif (get-buffer-process buffer) (delete-process it)))
(When "I clear log expr \"ein:log-all-buffer-name\"")
(When "I clear log expr \"ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name\"")))
(When "^I start \\(and login to \\)?the server configured \"\\(.*\\)\"$"
(lambda (login config)
(When "I stop the server")
(with-temp-file ".ecukes-temp-config.py" (insert (s-replace "\\n" "\n" config)))
(let ((ein:jupyter-server-args '("--no-browser" "--debug" "--config=.ecukes-temp-config.py")))
(ein:jupyter-server-start (executable-find ein:jupyter-default-server-command)
ein:testing-jupyter-server-root (not login)))
(if login
(ein:testing-wait-until (lambda () (ein:notebooklist-list)) nil 20000 1000))))
(When "^I login erroneously to \\(.*\\)$"
(lambda (port)
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'ein:notebooklist-ask-url-or-port)
(lambda (&rest args) (ein:url port)))
((symbol-function 'read-passwd)
(lambda (&rest args) "foo")))
(with-demoted-errors "demoted: %s"
(When "I call \"ein:notebooklist-login\"")
(And "I wait for the smoke to clear")))))
(When "^I login if necessary$"
(lambda ()
(multiple-value-bind (url-or-port token) (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info)
(when token
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'ein:notebooklist-ask-url-or-port)
(lambda (&rest args) url-or-port))
((symbol-function 'read-passwd)
(lambda (&rest args) token)))
(When "I call \"ein:notebooklist-login\"")
(And "I wait for the smoke to clear"))))))
(When "^I login disabling crib token$"
(lambda ()
(multiple-value-bind (url-or-port token) (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info)
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'ein:notebooklist-ask-url-or-port)
(lambda (&rest args) url-or-port))
((symbol-function 'ein:crib-token)
(lambda (&rest args) (list nil nil))))
(When "I call \"ein:notebooklist-login\"")
(And "I wait for the smoke to clear")))))
(When "^I login \\(forcing ping \\)?with password \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (no-crib password)
(multiple-value-bind (url-or-port token) (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info)
(let ((bindings '(((symbol-function 'ein:notebooklist-ask-url-or-port)
(lambda (&rest args) url-or-port))
((symbol-function 'read-passwd)
(lambda (&rest args) password)))))
(if no-crib
(setq bindings (append bindings
(list '((symbol-function 'ein:notebooklist-token-or-password) (lambda (&rest args) nil))))))
(eval `(cl-letf ,bindings
(When "I call \"ein:notebooklist-login\"")
(And "I wait for the smoke to clear")))))))
(When "^I wait for the smoke to clear"
(lambda ()
(When "^I click on \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (word)
;; from espuds "go to word" without the '\\b's
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((search (re-search-forward (format "\\[%s\\]" word) nil t))
(message "Cannot go to link '%s' in buffer: %s"))
(cl-assert search nil message word (buffer-string))
(When "I press \"RET\"")
(sit-for 0.8)
(When "I wait for the smoke to clear"))))
(When "^I click on dir \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (dir)
(When (format "I go to word \"%s\"" dir))
(re-search-backward "Dir" nil t)
(When "I press \"RET\"")
(sit-for 0.8)
(When "I wait for the smoke to clear")))
(When "^old notebook \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (path)
(let ((url-or-port (car (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info))))
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer url-or-port)
(lexical-let (notebook)
(ein:notebook-open url-or-port path nil
(lambda (nb created) (setq notebook nb)))
(ein:testing-wait-until (lambda () (and (not (null notebook))
(ein:aand (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook)
(ein:kernel-live-p it)))))
(let ((buf-name (format ein:notebook-buffer-name-template
(ein:$notebook-url-or-port notebook)
(ein:$notebook-notebook-name notebook))))
(switch-to-buffer buf-name)
(Then "I should be in buffer \"%s\"" buf-name)))))))
(When "^I dump buffer"
(lambda () (message "%s" (buffer-string))))
(When "^I wait for cell to execute$"
(lambda ()
(let ((cell (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-execute-cell)))
(ein:testing-wait-until (lambda () (not (slot-value cell 'running)))))))
(When "^I undo again$"
(lambda ()
(undo-more 1)))
(When "^I enable \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (flag-name)
(set (intern flag-name) t)))
(When "^I undo demoting errors$"
(lambda ()
(with-demoted-errors "demoted: %s"
(When "^I create a directory \"\\(.+\\)\" with depth \\([0-9]+\\) and width \\([0-9]+\\)$"
(lambda (dir depth width)
(when (f-exists? dir)
(f-delete dir t))
(f-mkdir dir)
(ein:testing-make-directory-level dir 1 (string-to-number width) (string-to-number depth))))
(When "^I set \"\\(.+\\)\" to \\(.+\\)$"
(lambda (variable value)
(set (intern variable) value)))
(When "^I custom set \"\\(.+\\)\" to \\(.+\\)$"
(lambda (custom-variable value)
(customize-set-value (intern custom-variable) value)))
(When "^I get into notebook mode \"\\(.+\\)\" \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (notebook-dir file-path)
(When "I stop the server")
(When (format "I find file \"%s\"" (concat (file-name-as-directory notebook-dir) file-path)))
(When "I press \"C-c C-z\"")
(ein:testing-wait-until (lambda () (ein:notebooklist-list)) nil 20000 1000)
(When "^I find file \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (file-name)
(find-file file-name)
(when (string= (file-name-extension file-name) "ipynb")
(When "notebooklist-list-paths does not contain \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (file-name)
(Given "I am in notebooklist buffer")
(let ((nbpath (ein:url (car (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info)) file-name)))
(assert (not (member nbpath (ein:notebooklist-list-paths)))))))
(When "notebooklist-list-paths contains \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (file-name)
(Given "I am in notebooklist buffer")
(let ((nbpath (ein:url (car (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info)) file-name)))
(assert (member nbpath (ein:notebooklist-list-paths))))))
(When "I open \\(notebook\\|file\\) \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (content-type file-name)
(Given "I am in notebooklist buffer")
(And "I clear log expr \"ein:log-all-buffer-name\"")
(let ((nbpath (ein:url (car (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info)) file-name)))
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'ein:notebooklist-ask-path)
(lambda (&rest args) nbpath)))
(When (format "I press \"C-c C-%s\"" (if (string= content-type "file") "f" "o")))
(Given "I switch to log expr \"ein:log-all-buffer-name\"")
(Then (format "I should see \"Opened %s %s\"" content-type file-name))))))