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2016-02-17 17:22:32 +09:00
# Telescope Nova
**Nova** is a top-secret, highly unstable experimental branch of Telescope with a really cool name.
2016-04-06 09:13:11 +09:00
## Table Of Contents
- [Install](#install)
- [Resources](#resources)
- [Deployment](#deployment)
- [Settings](#settings)
- [Social Login](social-login#)
- [Packages](#packages)
- [Files](#files)
- [Customizing Components](#customizing-components)
- [Custom Fields](#custom-fields)
- [Publishing Data](#publishing-data)
- [Loading Data](#loading-data)
- [Callbacks](#callbacks)
- [Posts Parameters](#posts-parameters)
- [Forms](#forms)
- [Methods](#methods)
- [Cheatsheet](#cheatsheet)
2016-03-30 10:55:11 +09:00
## Install
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1. Clone this branch to your local machine
2. Run `npm install`
3. Run `meteor`
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Note: the `nova:*` packages are *not* currently published to Atmosphere.
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## Resources
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The best way to get support is the #nova channel in the [Telescope Slack Chatroom](
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You can also check out the [Nova roadmap on Trello]( to see what needs to be done.
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2016-04-06 09:13:11 +09:00
## Deployment
The recommended way to deploy Nova is by using [MupX](
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## Settings
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Settings can be configured in your `settings.json` file (although any settings published to the `Telescope.settings.collection` collection will also be taken into account).
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Settings can be public (meaning they will be published to the client) or private (they will be kept on the server). Public settings should be set on the `public` object. You can find a full example in `sample_settings.json`.
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To use your `settings.json` file:
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- Development: `meteor --settings settings.json`
- Production: specify the path to `settings.json` in `mup.json`
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See also the `/settings` route inside your app.
2016-04-04 11:30:14 +09:00
## Social Login
To add new social login options, just add the relevant package (`accounts-twitter`, `accounts-facebook`, etc.) to your `.meteor/packages` file with (for example):
`meteor add accounts-twitter`
Note: you will need to configure the service's oAuth tokens via the log-in UI, or directly in the database.
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## Packages
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#### Core Packages
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These packages are necessary for Nova to run.
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- `lib`: utility functions used by the app; also handles all external packages.
- `events`: event tracking.
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- `i18n`: internationalization.
- `core`: import previous core packages.
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#### Optional Packages
These packages are optional, although they might depend on each other. Note that dependencies on non-core packages should be `weak` whenever possible.
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- `settings`: publish the `Settings` collection (for backwards compatibility)
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- `posts`
- `comments`
- `users`
- `search`
- `tags`
- `vote`
- `scoring`
#### Theme Packages
- `base-components`
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- `base-styles`
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## Files
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Nova tries to maintain a consistent file structure for its main packages:
- `config.js`: the package's main namespace and set basic config options.
- `collection.js`: the package's collection schema.
- `callbacks.js`: callbacks used by the package.
- `helpers.js`: collection helpers.
- `methods.js`: collectiom methods.
- `published_fields.js`: specifies which collection fields should be published in which context.
- `custom_fields.js`: sets custom fields on *other* collections.
- `routes.jsx`: routes.
- `views.js`: views used for [query constructors](
- `parameters.js`: the collection's query constructor.
- `server/publications.js`: publications.
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## Customizing Components
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Apart from a couple exceptions, almost all React components in Nova live inside the `nova:base-components` package. There are two main ways of customizing them.
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### Override
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If you only need to modify a single component, you can simply override it with a new one without having to touch the `nova:base-components` package.
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For example, if you wanted to use your own `CustomLogo` component you would do:
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class CustomLogo extends Telescope.components.Logo{
render() {
return (
<div>/* custom component code */</div>;
Telescope.components.Logo = CustomLogo;
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Nova components are resolved at render. So you just need to make the override anytime before the `<Logo/>` component is called from a parent component.
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### Clone & Modify
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For more in-depth customizations, you can also just clone the entire `nova:base-components` package and then make your modification directly there.
Of course, keeping your own new `components` package up to date with any future `nova:base-components` modifications will then be up to you.
## Custom Fields
Out of the box, Nova has three main collections: `Posts`, `Users`, and `Comments`. Each of them has a pre-set schema, but that schema can also be extended with custom fields.
For example, this is how the `nova:newsletter` package extends the `Posts` schema with a `scheduledAt` property that keeps track of when a post was sent out as part of an email newsletter:
fieldName: 'scheduledAt',
fieldSchema: {
type: Date,
optional: true
The `collection.addField()` function takes either a field object, or an array of fields. Each field has a `fieldName` property, and a `fieldSchema` property.
Each field schema supports all of the [SimpleSchema properties](, such as `type`, `optional`, etc.
A few special properties (`insertableIf`, `editableIf`, `control`, and `order`) are also supported by the [nova:forms]( package.
Note that Telescope provides a few utility function out of the box to use with `insertableIf` and `editableIf`:
- ``: returns `true` if a user is an admin.
- ``: returns `true` if a user is a member (i.e. has an account and is currently logged in) or an admin.
- ``: (editing only) returns `true` if a user is a members and owns the document being edited; or is an admin.
Additionally, the `publish` and `join` properties come from the [Smart Publications]( package. Setting `publish` to true indicates that a field should be published to the client (see also next section).
You can also remove a field by calling `collection.removeField(fieldName)`. For example:
## Publishing Data
In order to make data available to the cient, you need to **publish** it. Out of the box, Nova includes the following publications:
- `posts.list`: a list of posts
- `posts.single`: a single post (includes more data)
- `comments.list`: a list of comments
- `users.single`: a single user
- `users.current`: the current user (includes personal data)
2016-04-05 16:27:48 +09:00
While most publications look up each field's `publish` property to figure out if they should publish it or not, some (like `posts.list` and `comments.list`) only feature a smaller subset of properties for performance reasons, and thus have their own specific list of published fields.
For example, here's how the `nova:embedly` adds the `thumbnailUrl, `media`, `soureName`, and `sourceUrl` fields to the list of published fields for the `posts.list` publication (after having defined them as custom fields):
import PublicationUtils from 'meteor/utilities:smart-publications';
PublicationUtils.addToFields(Posts.publishedFields.list, ["thumbnailUrl", "media", "sourceName", "sourceUrl"]);
## Loading Data
To load data and display it as a list of documents (or a single document), Nova uses the [React List Container]( package to connect to the publications mentioned in the previous section.
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## Callbacks
Nova uses a system of hooks and callbacks for many of its operations.
For example, here's how you would add a callback to `posts.edit.sync` to give posts an `editedAt` date every time they are modified:
function setEditedAt (post, user) {
post.editedAt = new Date();
return post;
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Telescope.callbacks.add("posts.edit.sync", setEditedAt);
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If the callback function is named (i.e. declared using the `function foo () {}` syntax), you can also remove it from the callback using:
Telescope.callbacks.remove("posts.edit.sync", "setEditedAt");
Methods support four distinct types of callbacks, each with their own hook:
- `client` callbacks are only called on the client, before the actual method is called.
- `method` callbacks are called within the body of the method, and they run both on the client and server.
- `sync` callbacks are called in the mutator, and can run either on both client and server, *or* on the server only if the mutator is called directly.
- `async` callbacks are called in the mutator, and only run on the server in an async non-blocking way.
2016-04-05 12:23:14 +09:00
## Posts Parameters
In order to filter posts by category, keyword, view, etc. Nova uses a system of successive callbacks to translate filtering options into MongoDB database queries.
For example, here is how the `nova:search` package adds a callback to handle the `query` parameter:
function addSearchQueryParameter (parameters, terms) {
if(!!terms.query) {
var parameters = Telescope.utils.deepExtend(true, parameters, {
selector: {
$or: [
{title: {$regex: terms.query, $options: 'i'}},
{url: {$regex: terms.query, $options: 'i'}},
{body: {$regex: terms.query, $options: 'i'}}
return parameters;
Telescope.callbacks.add("postsParameters", addSearchQueryParameter);
The callback takes two arguments: the current MongoDB `parameters` (an object with a `selector` and `options` properties), and the `terms` extracted from the URL.
It then tests for the presence of a `query` property in the `terms`, and if it finds one it then extends the `parameter` object with a MongoDB RegEx search query.
Finally, it then returns `parameters` to pass it on to the next callback (or to the database itself if this happens to be the last callback).
The `view`, `category`, `after`, `before`, etc. URL parameters are all handled using their own similar callbacks.
## Forms
See [nova:forms]( package readme.
## Methods
You can use regular Meteor methods, or [Smart Methods](
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## Cheatsheet
You can access a dynamically generated cheatsheet of Nova's main functions at [http://localhost:3000/cheatsheet](/cheatsheet) (replace with your own development URL).