
This commit is contained in:
Sacha Greif 2016-04-05 12:23:14 +09:00
parent 8af78d8987
commit e995b6dc1d

View file

@ -198,6 +198,38 @@ Methods support four distinct types of callbacks, each with their own hook:
- `sync` callbacks are called in the mutator, and can run either on both client and server, *or* on the server only if the mutator is called directly.
- `async` callbacks are called in the mutator, and only run on the server in an async non-blocking way.
## Posts Parameters
In order to filter posts by category, keyword, view, etc. Nova uses a system of successive callbacks to translate filtering options into MongoDB database queries.
For example, here is how the `nova:search` package adds a callback to handle the `query` parameter:
function addSearchQueryParameter (parameters, terms) {
if(!!terms.query) {
var parameters = Telescope.utils.deepExtend(true, parameters, {
selector: {
$or: [
{title: {$regex: terms.query, $options: 'i'}},
{url: {$regex: terms.query, $options: 'i'}},
{body: {$regex: terms.query, $options: 'i'}}
return parameters;
Telescope.callbacks.add("postsParameters", addSearchQueryParameter);
The callback takes two arguments: the current MongoDB `parameters` (an object with a `selector` and `options` properties), and the `terms` extracted from the URL.
It then tests for the presence of a `query` property in the `terms`, and if it finds one it then extends the `parameter` object with a MongoDB RegEx search query.
Finally, it then returns `parameters` to pass it on to the next callback (or to the database itself if this happens to be the last callback).
The `view`, `category`, `after`, `before`, etc. URL parameters are all handled using their own similar callbacks.
## Forms
See [nova:forms]( package readme.