Settings can be configured in your `settings.json` file (although any settings published to the `Telescope.settings.collection` collection will also be taken into account).
Settings can be public (meaning they will be published to the client) or private (they will be kept on the server). Public settings should be set on the `public` object. You can find a full example in `sample_settings.json`.
To add new social login options, just add the relevant package (`accounts-twitter`, `accounts-facebook`, etc.) to your `.meteor/packages` file with (for example):
`meteor add accounts-twitter`
Note: you will need to configure the service's oAuth tokens via the log-in UI, or directly in the database.
Apart from a couple exceptions, almost all React components in Nova live inside the `nova:base-components` package. There are two main ways of customizing them.
Nova components are resolved at render. So you just need to make the override anytime before the `<Logo/>` component is called from a parent component.
Out of the box, Nova has three main collections: `Posts`, `Users`, and `Comments`. Each of them has a pre-set schema, but that schema can also be extended with custom fields.
For example, this is how the `nova:newsletter` package extends the `Posts` schema with a `scheduledAt` property that keeps track of when a post was sent out as part of an email newsletter:
fieldName: 'scheduledAt',
fieldSchema: {
type: Date,
optional: true
The `collection.addField()` function takes either a field object, or an array of fields. Each field has a `fieldName` property, and a `fieldSchema` property.
Each field schema supports all of the [SimpleSchema properties](, such as `type`, `optional`, etc.
A few special properties (`insertableIf`, `editableIf`, `control`, and `order`) are also supported by the [nova:forms]( package.
Note that Telescope provides a few utility function out of the box to use with `insertableIf` and `editableIf`:
-``: returns `true` if a user is an admin.
-``: returns `true` if a user is a member (i.e. has an account and is currently logged in) or an admin.
-``: (editing only) returns `true` if a user is a members and owns the document being edited; or is an admin.
Additionally, the `publish` and `join` properties come from the [Smart Publications]( package. Setting `publish` to true indicates that a field should be published to the client (see also next section).
You can also remove a field by calling `collection.removeField(fieldName)`. For example:
## Publishing Data
In order to make data available to the cient, you need to **publish** it. Out of the box, Nova includes the following publications:
-`posts.list`: a list of posts
-`posts.single`: a single post (includes more data)
-`comments.list`: a list of comments
-`users.single`: a single user
-`users.current`: the current user (includes personal data)
While most publications look up each field's `publish` property to figure out if they should publish it or not, some (like `posts.list`) only feature a smaller subset of properties for performance reasons, and thus have their own specific list of published fields.
For example, here's how the `nova:embedly` adds the `thumbnailUrl, `media`, `soureName`, and `sourceUrl` fields to the list of published fields for the `posts.list` publication (after having defined them as custom fields):
import PublicationUtils from 'meteor/utilities:smart-publications';
To load data and display it as a list of documents (or a single document), Nova uses the [React List Container]( package to connect to the publications mentioned in the previous section.
You can access a dynamically generated cheatsheet of Nova's main functions at [http://localhost:3000/cheatsheet](/cheatsheet) (replace with your own development URL).