2020-01-16 11:27:05 +00:00

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# Tridactyl news - Winter 2020
Welcome to the second quarterly Tridactyl newsletter.
Since the last newsletter, we resolved our dispute with the Mozilla add-on reviewers and have been relisted on the AMO. If you like graphs, you can clearly see our time in the wilderness where the AMO did not collect statistics for us here:
We've recently added quite a few long-demanded features to the Tridactyl beta, which we'll enumerate in the following paragraphs. The features will be included in Tridactyl stable 1.18.0 which will be released "soon".
There is now a basic "visual" mode which is by default entered whenever non-text-area text is selected and left whenever it is deselected (":set visual{enter,exit}auto {true,false}" to modify this behaviour). Basic movement keys are supported in addition to "s" to search for the highlighted string and "y" to yank it to the clipboard. See ":help vmaps" to see all the binds. To make it easier to enter this mode, "v" and ";h" enter a "highlight element" hint mode.
We have also added an ":apropos" command which searches through all help pages and finds relevant commands and settings. We've already found commands and settings that we had forgotten about. Unfortunately, this doesn't work on all machines for reasons which are unclear.
Another long-awaited feature is that our RC files can now contain escaped newlines with backslashes thanks to saulrh. This makes writing long :js snippets much more palatable. We can't wait to see what you all do with it.
Our final note on changes to Tridactyl is that our smooth scrolling is now actually quite good thanks to Spindlyskit (a first-time contributor). If you had avoided using it before because you didn't like our implementation, you might want to try it out again with ":set smoothscroll true".
On a personal note, bovine3dom completed his PhD in late December and from now until he gets a job has more time to spend on Tridactyl. If there is any issue or feature you desperately want, now is the time to ask. Just bump or create an issue on GitHub and he'll look at it.
In a similar vein, Tridactyl is considering applying to be a host organisation for "Google Summer of Code". If successful and we managed to attract a student, in Summer 2020 Google would pay a student to work on Tridactyl. The deadline for us to apply to this is February 5th. If you have any ideas for projects - please let us know on the issue we just opened:
Finally, if you're sponsoring us on Patreon or via PayPal, you might want to consider switching to GitHub sponsors as they will double any donations received until roughly November 2020: (NB: donations to this page are donations to Tridactyl, not just bovine3dom). With a bit of luck, we'll get our first payout from GitHub Sponsors within the next week.
Thanks as ever for your support,
(Dr!) bovine3dom and the rest of the Tridactyl developers