2018-05-24 08:10:56 -06:00

2 KiB


  • Iterable of visible links on page

  • Algorithm for choosing hint characters for each link

  • Mode for controller and excmd to refine and select hints:

    • I imagine :hint to start
    • :hint j to refine to only hints starting with j
    • :hint jk to refine to hints starting with jk
    • To make maps easier we can have :hintaddchar j and have the state of the current hintstr stored content-side.


Hinting modes should be flexible on both

  1. What is hinted (links, anchorpoints, frames, input elements, etc)
  2. What is done with the selected link (follow, yank, focus)

Vimperator hint modes:

:help hinttags

string(default: //input[not(@type='hidden' or @disabled)] | //xhtml:input[not(@type='hidden')] | //a | //xhtml:a | //area | //xhtml:area | //iframe | //xhtml:iframe | //textarea | //xhtml:textarea | //button | //xhtml:button | //select | //xhtml:select | //\*[@onclick or @onmouseover or @onmousedown or @onmouseup or @oncommand or @role='link'or @role='button' or @role='checkbox' or @role='combobox' or @role='listbox' or @role='listitem' or @role='menuitem' or @role='menuitemcheckbox' or @role='menuitemradio' or @role='option' or @role='radio' or @role='scrollbar' or @role='slider' or @role='spinbutton' or @role='tab' or @role='textbox' or @role='treeitem' or @tabindex])

XPath string of hintable elements activated by f and F

Extended hint modes:

;  Focus hint
?  Show information for hint
s  Save link
S  Save object
a  Save link with prompt
A  Save object with prompt
f  Focus frame
o  Follow hint
t  Follow hint in a new tab
b  Follow hint in a background tab
w  Follow hint in a new window
F  Open multiple hints in tabs
O  Generate an ':open URL' using hint
T  Generate a ':tabopen URL' using hint
W  Generate a ':winopen URL' using hint
v  View hint source
V  View hint source in external editor
y  Yank hint location
Y  Yank hint description
#  Yank hint anchor URL
c  Open context menu
i  Show media object
I  Show media object in a new tab
x  Show hint's title or alt text