The `run_exstr` command is a legacy from when hinting involved a strange
dance through the background script. It is no longer required, so we can
call the `yank` function directly and preserve the newlines.
The Firefox Security team believe fixamo violates the AMO policy as it reduces
the security of Firefox.
I respectfully disagree, but I don't think it is a hill worth dying on.
This allows us to write the rc to OS. The only way to overwrite your current
rc file is to use mkt!, mktridactylrc! or mktridactylrc -f. mkt* commands
issued without the force/exclamation mark will not overwrite existing files.
Native messenger was updated to 0.1.11 and the mktridactylrc command is
unavailable in prior versions.
Fixed some random indentation errors that occurred in earlier commit.
This commit turns hint mode into a real mode. This required several
- In `src/content/hinting.ts`: create a function named getHintCommands
which returns an object containing functions that can be used as ex
- In `src/content/hinting.ts`: rewriting the `parser` function to have
it check the `hintmaps` object in the config and trigger these if
they're bound to anything. We can't use a generic parser because
vimperator hints need to catch every single keypress, even the ones
that aren't bound to anything and act on them.
- Creating `src/background/hinting.ts`, which just wraps ex commands
from src/content/hintings.ts in a proxy which will forward calls to the
content script.
Also document noiframeon, which I discovered was undocumented
because of the type checking.
It makes splatted config.gets rather uglier with `...args` ->
`args[0] as keyof config.default_config, args.slice(1)...`.
It has apparently also broken config completions.
This commit fixes a bug reported by cmcaine. The issue was that when you
have multiple windows on multiple workspaces, taball wouldn't switch
focus to the right tab. This happened because taball relied on, {focused: true}) having switched to the right
window before calling idFromIndex. This didn't always work because
sometimes window managers will keep the current window focused.