After introducing video messages and sticker reply previews they may
be not a rounded rectangle but any transparent image. So instead of
painting a selected rounded rect over them we just colorize them with
an overlay color like it is done with the selected sticker images.
- Improved video messages: radial playback progress,
Picture-in-Picture support, duration countdown.
- Voice and video messages now automatically play one after another.
Fixed typo: "Build successful done!" -> "Build successfully done!"
Telegram Desktop Developer Certificate of Origin
By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
(a) The contribution was created in whole by me or is based upon
previous work that, to the best of my knowledge, is in the
public domain and I have the right to put it in the public domain.
(d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution are
public and that a record of the contribution (including all
metadata and personal information I submit with it, including my
sign-off) is maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed.
(e) I am granting this work into the public domain.
Signed-off-by: Fake Id 30 <>
(github: fakeid30)
Regression was introduced in 972b5078f6.
When we show history at a specific message or at unread messages we
need to clear and destroy old showFrom and unreadBar like it is done
in historyLoaded(), otherwise we always scroll to existing unreadBar.
Regression was introduced in 0339b1b54b.
If the passcode is enabled the main widget is created after the main
window was fully initialized, so the first main widget resize already
used the shrink algorithm while creating the third column.
No we shrink the left column only after the main widget was started.
* Added installation command for libtool and automake: #3437
* Fixed git url for FFmpeg libva.git. The project was moved to
Signed-off-by: Evgenij Protasevich <> (github: proea)
We had several reports about wrong values in registry on Windows 8.1,
like the quiet hours are enabled and all notifications are skipped,
without anything like that being enabled in Windows settings.
Media::Player::Widget displays the current voice / video message
if it is played and the current song otherwise.
It is created when a voice / video message starts and is destroyed
when all the voice / video messages in the playlist are finished.
It is better to open web version of instead of
a channel, because it shows only the round videos. You can share a link to your channel if you wish to share the full channel.
It is not bad to open web version of instead
of a specific post in a channel, because the video message is shown
in the web page preview and can be viewed without following the link.
Use AudioMsgId instead of videoPlayId.
Any audio track now can be a child loader track of some video clip.
Use Type::Voice instead of Type::Video for round video messages.
Video messages play / pause / resume the same way as voice messages.