2019-09-03 13:26:19 +02:00

291 lines
12 KiB

"""Interface with Sphinx."""
import datetime
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import sys
from shutil import copyfile, rmtree
from sphinx import application, locale
from sphinx.cmd.build import build_main, make_main
from sphinx.builders.html import StandaloneHTMLBuilder
from sphinx.config import Config as SphinxConfig
from sphinx.errors import SphinxError
from sphinx.jinja2glue import SphinxFileSystemLoader
from sphinx.util.i18n import format_date
from sphinxcontrib.versioning import __version__
from sphinxcontrib.versioning.lib import Config, HandledError, TempDir
from sphinxcontrib.versioning.versions import Versions
SC_VERSIONING_VERSIONS = list() # Updated after forking.
STATIC_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '_static')
class EventHandlers(object):
"""Hold Sphinx event handlers as static or class methods.
:ivar multiprocessing.queues.Queue ABORT_AFTER_READ: Communication channel to parent process.
:ivar bool BANNER_GREATEST_TAG: Banner URLs point to greatest/highest (semver) tag.
:ivar str BANNER_MAIN_VERSION: Banner URLs point to this remote name (from Versions.__getitem__()).
:ivar bool BANNER_RECENT_TAG: Banner URLs point to most recently committed tag.
:ivar str CURRENT_VERSION: Current version being built.
:ivar bool IS_ROOT: Value for context['scv_is_root'].
:ivar bool SHOW_BANNER: Display the banner.
:ivar sphinxcontrib.versioning.versions.Versions VERSIONS: Versions class instance.
IS_ROOT = False
def builder_inited(app):
"""Update the Sphinx builder.
:param sphinx.application.Sphinx app: Sphinx application object.
# Add this extension's _templates directory to Sphinx.
templates_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '_templates')
if app.builder.name != "latex":
app.builder.templates.pathchain.insert(0, templates_dir)
app.builder.templates.loaders.insert(0, SphinxFileSystemLoader(templates_dir))
app.builder.templates.templatepathlen += 1
# Add versions.html to sidebar.
if '**' not in app.config.html_sidebars:
# default_sidebars was deprecated in Sphinx 1.6+, so only use it if possible (to maintain
# backwards compatibility), else don't use it.
app.config.html_sidebars['**'] = StandaloneHTMLBuilder.default_sidebars + ['versions.html']
except AttributeError:
app.config.html_sidebars['**'] = ['versions.html']
elif 'versions.html' not in app.config.html_sidebars['**']:
def env_updated(cls, app, env):
"""Abort Sphinx after initializing config and discovering all pages to build.
:param sphinx.application.Sphinx app: Sphinx application object.
:param sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment env: Sphinx build environment.
config = {n: getattr(app.config, n) for n in (a for a in dir(app.config) if a.startswith('scv_'))}
config['found_docs'] = tuple(str(d) for d in env.found_docs)
config['master_doc'] = str(app.config.master_doc)
def html_page_context(cls, app, pagename, templatename, context, doctree):
"""Update the Jinja2 HTML context, exposes the Versions class instance to it.
:param sphinx.application.Sphinx app: Sphinx application object.
:param str pagename: Name of the page being rendered (without .html or any file extension).
:param str templatename: Page name with .html.
:param dict context: Jinja2 HTML context.
:param docutils.nodes.document doctree: Tree of docutils nodes.
assert templatename or doctree # Unused, for linting.
cls.VERSIONS.context = context
versions = cls.VERSIONS
this_remote = versions[cls.CURRENT_VERSION]
banner_main_remote = versions[cls.BANNER_MAIN_VERSION] if cls.SHOW_BANNER else None
# Update Jinja2 context.
context['bitbucket_version'] = cls.CURRENT_VERSION
context['current_version'] = cls.CURRENT_VERSION
context['github_version'] = cls.CURRENT_VERSION
context['html_theme'] = app.config.html_theme
context['scv_banner_greatest_tag'] = cls.BANNER_GREATEST_TAG
context['scv_banner_main_ref_is_branch'] = banner_main_remote['kind'] == 'heads' if cls.SHOW_BANNER else None
context['scv_banner_main_ref_is_tag'] = banner_main_remote['kind'] == 'tags' if cls.SHOW_BANNER else None
context['scv_banner_main_version'] = banner_main_remote['name'] if cls.SHOW_BANNER else None
context['scv_banner_recent_tag'] = cls.BANNER_RECENT_TAG
context['scv_is_branch'] = this_remote['kind'] == 'heads'
context['scv_is_greatest_tag'] = this_remote == versions.greatest_tag_remote
context['scv_is_recent_branch'] = this_remote == versions.recent_branch_remote
context['scv_is_recent_ref'] = this_remote == versions.recent_remote
context['scv_is_recent_tag'] = this_remote == versions.recent_tag_remote
context['scv_is_root'] = cls.IS_ROOT
context['scv_is_tag'] = this_remote['kind'] == 'tags'
context['scv_show_banner'] = cls.SHOW_BANNER
context['versions'] = versions
context['vhasdoc'] = versions.vhasdoc
context['vpathto'] = versions.vpathto
# Insert banner into body.
if cls.SHOW_BANNER and 'body' in context:
parsed = app.builder.templates.render('banner.html', context)
context['body'] = parsed + context['body']
# Handle overridden css_files.
css_files = context.setdefault('css_files', list())
if '_static/banner.css' not in css_files:
# Handle overridden html_static_path.
if STATIC_DIR not in app.config.html_static_path:
# Reset last_updated with file's mtime (will be last git commit authored date).
if app.config.html_last_updated_fmt is not None:
file_path = app.env.doc2path(pagename)
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
lufmt = app.config.html_last_updated_fmt or getattr(locale, '_')('%b %d, %Y')
mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(file_path))
context['last_updated'] = format_date(lufmt, mtime, language=app.config.language)
def setup(app):
"""Called by Sphinx during phase 0 (initialization).
:param sphinx.application.Sphinx app: Sphinx application object.
:returns: Extension version.
:rtype: dict
# Used internally. For rebuilding all pages when one or versions fail.
app.add_config_value('sphinxcontrib_versioning_versions', SC_VERSIONING_VERSIONS, 'html')
# Needed for banner.
# Tell Sphinx which config values can be set by the user.
for name, default in Config():
app.add_config_value('scv_{}'.format(name), default, 'html')
# Event handlers.
app.connect('builder-inited', EventHandlers.builder_inited)
app.connect('env-updated', EventHandlers.env_updated)
app.connect('html-page-context', EventHandlers.html_page_context)
return dict(version=__version__)
def _build(argv, config, versions, current_name, is_root):
"""Build Sphinx docs via multiprocessing for isolation.
:param tuple argv: Arguments to pass to Sphinx.
:param sphinxcontrib.versioning.lib.Config config: Runtime configuration.
:param sphinxcontrib.versioning.versions.Versions versions: Versions class instance.
:param str current_name: The ref name of the current version being built.
:param bool is_root: Is this build in the web root?
# Patch.
old_init = application.Config.__init__
def init_override(self, *args):
old_init(self, *args)
application.Config.__init__ = init_override
if config.show_banner:
EventHandlers.BANNER_GREATEST_TAG = config.banner_greatest_tag
EventHandlers.BANNER_MAIN_VERSION = config.banner_main_ref
EventHandlers.BANNER_RECENT_TAG = config.banner_recent_tag
EventHandlers.SHOW_BANNER = True
EventHandlers.CURRENT_VERSION = current_name
EventHandlers.IS_ROOT = is_root
EventHandlers.VERSIONS = versions
SC_VERSIONING_VERSIONS[:] = [p for r in versions.remotes for p in sorted(r.items()) if p[0] not in ('sha', 'date')]
# Update argv.
if config.verbose > 1:
argv += ('-v',) * (config.verbose - 1)
if config.no_colors:
argv += ('-N',)
if config.overflow:
argv += config.overflow
# Build.
result = build_main(argv)
if result != 0:
raise SphinxError
# Build pdf if required
if config.pdf_file:
args = list(argv)
args.insert(0,"latexpdf") # Builder type
args.insert(0,"ignore") # Will be ignored
result = make_main(args)
# Copy to _static dir of src
latexDir = argv[1] + "/latex/";
copyfile( latexDir + config.pdf_file, argv[1] + "/_static/" + config.pdf_file)
if result != 0:
raise SphinxError
def _read_config(argv, config, current_name, queue):
"""Read the Sphinx config via multiprocessing for isolation.
:param tuple argv: Arguments to pass to Sphinx.
:param sphinxcontrib.versioning.lib.Config config: Runtime configuration.
:param str current_name: The ref name of the current version being built.
:param multiprocessing.queues.Queue queue: Communication channel to parent process.
# Patch.
EventHandlers.ABORT_AFTER_READ = queue
# Run.
_build(argv, config, Versions(list()), current_name, False)
def build(source, target, versions, current_name, is_root):
"""Build Sphinx docs for one version. Includes Versions class instance with names/urls in the HTML context.
:raise HandledError: If sphinx-build fails. Will be logged before raising.
:param str source: Source directory to pass to sphinx-build.
:param str target: Destination directory to write documentation to (passed to sphinx-build).
:param sphinxcontrib.versioning.versions.Versions versions: Versions class instance.
:param str current_name: The ref name of the current version being built.
:param bool is_root: Is this build in the web root?
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
argv = (source, target)
config = Config.from_context()
log.debug('Running sphinx-build for %s with args: %s', current_name, str(argv))
child = multiprocessing.Process(target=_build, args=(argv, config, versions, current_name, is_root))
child.join() # Block.
if child.exitcode != 0:
log.error('sphinx-build failed for branch/tag: %s', current_name)
raise HandledError
def read_config(source, current_name):
"""Read the Sphinx config for one version.
:raise HandledError: If sphinx-build fails. Will be logged before raising.
:param str source: Source directory to pass to sphinx-build.
:param str current_name: The ref name of the current version being built.
:return: Specific Sphinx config values.
:rtype: dict
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
config = Config.from_context()
with TempDir() as temp_dir:
argv = (source, temp_dir)
log.debug('Running sphinx-build for config values with args: %s', str(argv))
child = multiprocessing.Process(target=_read_config, args=(argv, config, current_name, queue))
child.join() # Block.
if child.exitcode != 0:
log.error('sphinx-build failed for branch/tag while reading config: %s', current_name)
raise HandledError
config = queue.get()
return config