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2019-02-22 10:46:16 +01:00
"""Interface with Sphinx."""
import datetime
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import sys
from shutil import copyfile, rmtree
2019-02-22 10:46:16 +01:00
from sphinx import application, locale
2019-07-01 09:20:32 +02:00
from sphinx.cmd.build import build_main, make_main
2019-02-22 10:46:16 +01:00
from sphinx.builders.html import StandaloneHTMLBuilder
from sphinx.config import Config as SphinxConfig
from sphinx.errors import SphinxError
from sphinx.jinja2glue import SphinxFileSystemLoader
from sphinx.util.i18n import format_date
from sphinxcontrib.versioning import __version__
from sphinxcontrib.versioning.lib import Config, HandledError, TempDir
from sphinxcontrib.versioning.versions import Versions
SC_VERSIONING_VERSIONS = list() # Updated after forking.
STATIC_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '_static')
class EventHandlers(object):
"""Hold Sphinx event handlers as static or class methods.
:ivar multiprocessing.queues.Queue ABORT_AFTER_READ: Communication channel to parent process.
:ivar bool BANNER_GREATEST_TAG: Banner URLs point to greatest/highest (semver) tag.
:ivar str BANNER_MAIN_VERSION: Banner URLs point to this remote name (from Versions.__getitem__()).
:ivar bool BANNER_RECENT_TAG: Banner URLs point to most recently committed tag.
:ivar str CURRENT_VERSION: Current version being built.
:ivar bool IS_ROOT: Value for context['scv_is_root'].
:ivar bool SHOW_BANNER: Display the banner.
:ivar sphinxcontrib.versioning.versions.Versions VERSIONS: Versions class instance.
IS_ROOT = False
def builder_inited(app):
"""Update the Sphinx builder.
:param sphinx.application.Sphinx app: Sphinx application object.
# Add this extension's _templates directory to Sphinx.
templates_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '_templates')
2019-06-28 17:16:49 +02:00
if app.builder.name != "latex":
app.builder.templates.pathchain.insert(0, templates_dir)
app.builder.templates.loaders.insert(0, SphinxFileSystemLoader(templates_dir))
app.builder.templates.templatepathlen += 1
2019-02-22 10:46:16 +01:00
# Add versions.html to sidebar.
if '**' not in app.config.html_sidebars:
# default_sidebars was deprecated in Sphinx 1.6+, so only use it if possible (to maintain
# backwards compatibility), else don't use it.
app.config.html_sidebars['**'] = StandaloneHTMLBuilder.default_sidebars + ['versions.html']
except AttributeError:
app.config.html_sidebars['**'] = ['versions.html']
elif 'versions.html' not in app.config.html_sidebars['**']:
def env_updated(cls, app, env):
"""Abort Sphinx after initializing config and discovering all pages to build.
:param sphinx.application.Sphinx app: Sphinx application object.
:param sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment env: Sphinx build environment.
config = {n: getattr(app.config, n) for n in (a for a in dir(app.config) if a.startswith('scv_'))}
config['found_docs'] = tuple(str(d) for d in env.found_docs)
config['master_doc'] = str(app.config.master_doc)
def html_page_context(cls, app, pagename, templatename, context, doctree):
"""Update the Jinja2 HTML context, exposes the Versions class instance to it.
:param sphinx.application.Sphinx app: Sphinx application object.
:param str pagename: Name of the page being rendered (without .html or any file extension).
:param str templatename: Page name with .html.
:param dict context: Jinja2 HTML context.
:param docutils.nodes.document doctree: Tree of docutils nodes.
assert templatename or doctree # Unused, for linting.
cls.VERSIONS.context = context
versions = cls.VERSIONS
this_remote = versions[cls.CURRENT_VERSION]
banner_main_remote = versions[cls.BANNER_MAIN_VERSION] if cls.SHOW_BANNER else None
# Update Jinja2 context.
context['bitbucket_version'] = cls.CURRENT_VERSION
context['current_version'] = cls.CURRENT_VERSION
context['github_version'] = cls.CURRENT_VERSION
context['html_theme'] = app.config.html_theme
context['scv_banner_greatest_tag'] = cls.BANNER_GREATEST_TAG
context['scv_banner_main_ref_is_branch'] = banner_main_remote['kind'] == 'heads' if cls.SHOW_BANNER else None
context['scv_banner_main_ref_is_tag'] = banner_main_remote['kind'] == 'tags' if cls.SHOW_BANNER else None
context['scv_banner_main_version'] = banner_main_remote['name'] if cls.SHOW_BANNER else None
context['scv_banner_recent_tag'] = cls.BANNER_RECENT_TAG
context['scv_is_branch'] = this_remote['kind'] == 'heads'
context['scv_is_greatest_tag'] = this_remote == versions.greatest_tag_remote
context['scv_is_recent_branch'] = this_remote == versions.recent_branch_remote
context['scv_is_recent_ref'] = this_remote == versions.recent_remote
context['scv_is_recent_tag'] = this_remote == versions.recent_tag_remote
context['scv_is_root'] = cls.IS_ROOT
context['scv_is_tag'] = this_remote['kind'] == 'tags'
context['scv_show_banner'] = cls.SHOW_BANNER
context['versions'] = versions
context['vhasdoc'] = versions.vhasdoc
context['vpathto'] = versions.vpathto
# Insert banner into body.
if cls.SHOW_BANNER and 'body' in context:
parsed = app.builder.templates.render('banner.html', context)
context['body'] = parsed + context['body']
# Handle overridden css_files.
css_files = context.setdefault('css_files', list())
if '_static/banner.css' not in css_files:
# Handle overridden html_static_path.
if STATIC_DIR not in app.config.html_static_path:
# Reset last_updated with file's mtime (will be last git commit authored date).
if app.config.html_last_updated_fmt is not None:
file_path = app.env.doc2path(pagename)
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
lufmt = app.config.html_last_updated_fmt or getattr(locale, '_')('%b %d, %Y')
mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(file_path))
context['last_updated'] = format_date(lufmt, mtime, language=app.config.language)
def setup(app):
"""Called by Sphinx during phase 0 (initialization).
:param sphinx.application.Sphinx app: Sphinx application object.
:returns: Extension version.
:rtype: dict
# Used internally. For rebuilding all pages when one or versions fail.
app.add_config_value('sphinxcontrib_versioning_versions', SC_VERSIONING_VERSIONS, 'html')
# Needed for banner.
# Tell Sphinx which config values can be set by the user.
for name, default in Config():
app.add_config_value('scv_{}'.format(name), default, 'html')
# Event handlers.
app.connect('builder-inited', EventHandlers.builder_inited)
app.connect('env-updated', EventHandlers.env_updated)
app.connect('html-page-context', EventHandlers.html_page_context)
return dict(version=__version__)
def _build(argv, config, versions, current_name, is_root):
"""Build Sphinx docs via multiprocessing for isolation.
:param tuple argv: Arguments to pass to Sphinx.
:param sphinxcontrib.versioning.lib.Config config: Runtime configuration.
:param sphinxcontrib.versioning.versions.Versions versions: Versions class instance.
:param str current_name: The ref name of the current version being built.
:param bool is_root: Is this build in the web root?
# Patch.
old_init = application.Config.__init__
def init_override(self, *args):
old_init(self, *args)
application.Config.__init__ = init_override
2019-02-22 10:46:16 +01:00
if config.show_banner:
EventHandlers.BANNER_GREATEST_TAG = config.banner_greatest_tag
EventHandlers.BANNER_MAIN_VERSION = config.banner_main_ref
EventHandlers.BANNER_RECENT_TAG = config.banner_recent_tag
EventHandlers.SHOW_BANNER = True
EventHandlers.CURRENT_VERSION = current_name
EventHandlers.IS_ROOT = is_root
EventHandlers.VERSIONS = versions
SC_VERSIONING_VERSIONS[:] = [p for r in versions.remotes for p in sorted(r.items()) if p[0] not in ('sha', 'date')]
# Update argv.
if config.verbose > 1:
argv += ('-v',) * (config.verbose - 1)
if config.no_colors:
argv += ('-N',)
if config.overflow:
argv += config.overflow
2019-07-05 14:10:42 +02:00
# Build.
result = build_main(argv)
if result != 0:
raise SphinxError
2019-07-01 09:20:32 +02:00
# Build pdf if required
if config.pdf_file:
args = list(argv)
args.insert(0,"latexpdf") # Builder type
args.insert(0,"ignore") # Will be ignored
result = make_main(args)
# Copy to _static dir of src
latexDir = argv[1] + "/latex/";
2019-07-18 16:11:00 +02:00
copyfile( latexDir + config.pdf_file, argv[1] + "/_static/" + config.pdf_file)
2019-07-01 09:20:32 +02:00
2019-02-22 10:46:16 +01:00
if result != 0:
raise SphinxError
def _read_config(argv, config, current_name, queue):
"""Read the Sphinx config via multiprocessing for isolation.
:param tuple argv: Arguments to pass to Sphinx.
:param sphinxcontrib.versioning.lib.Config config: Runtime configuration.
:param str current_name: The ref name of the current version being built.
:param multiprocessing.queues.Queue queue: Communication channel to parent process.
# Patch.
EventHandlers.ABORT_AFTER_READ = queue
# Run.
_build(argv, config, Versions(list()), current_name, False)
def build(source, target, versions, current_name, is_root):
"""Build Sphinx docs for one version. Includes Versions class instance with names/urls in the HTML context.
:raise HandledError: If sphinx-build fails. Will be logged before raising.
:param str source: Source directory to pass to sphinx-build.
:param str target: Destination directory to write documentation to (passed to sphinx-build).
:param sphinxcontrib.versioning.versions.Versions versions: Versions class instance.
:param str current_name: The ref name of the current version being built.
:param bool is_root: Is this build in the web root?
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
argv = (source, target)
config = Config.from_context()
log.debug('Running sphinx-build for %s with args: %s', current_name, str(argv))
child = multiprocessing.Process(target=_build, args=(argv, config, versions, current_name, is_root))
child.join() # Block.
if child.exitcode != 0:
log.error('sphinx-build failed for branch/tag: %s', current_name)
raise HandledError
def read_config(source, current_name):
"""Read the Sphinx config for one version.
:raise HandledError: If sphinx-build fails. Will be logged before raising.
:param str source: Source directory to pass to sphinx-build.
:param str current_name: The ref name of the current version being built.
:return: Specific Sphinx config values.
:rtype: dict
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
config = Config.from_context()
with TempDir() as temp_dir:
argv = (source, temp_dir)
log.debug('Running sphinx-build for config values with args: %s', str(argv))
child = multiprocessing.Process(target=_read_config, args=(argv, config, current_name, queue))
child.join() # Block.
if child.exitcode != 0:
log.error('sphinx-build failed for branch/tag while reading config: %s', current_name)
raise HandledError
config = queue.get()
return config