color_focus Border color of the currently focussed win-<br>
color_unfocus Border color of unfocussed windows.<br>
bar_enabled Enable or disable status bar.<br>
bar_border[x] Color of the status bar border in screen x.<br>
bar_color[x] Color of the status bar window in screen x.<br>
bar_font_color[x] Color of the font in status bar in screen x.<br>
bar_font Status bar font.<br>
bar_action External script that populates additional<br>
information in the status bar, such as bat-<br>
bar_delay Update frequency, in seconds, of external<br>
script that populates the status bar.<br>
clock_enabled Enable or disable displaying the clock in<br>
the status bar. Disable by setting to 0 so<br>
a custom clock could be used in the bar_ac-<br>
spawn_term External application that gets spawned when<br>
M-S-<Return> is used.<br>
dialog_ratio Some applications have dialogue windows that<br>
are too small to be useful. This ratio is<br>
the screen size to what they will be re-<br>
sized. For example, 0.6 is 60% of the phys-<br>
region Allocates a custom region, removing any au-<br>
todetected regions which occupy the same<br>
space on the screen. Defined in the format<br>
screenshot_enabled Enable or disable screenshot capability.<br>
screenshot_app Set to the script that will take screen-<br>
shots. It will be called with "full" or<br>
"window" as parameter 1 to indicate what<br>
screenshot action is expected. The script<br>
shall handle those cases accordingly.<br>
term_width Set a preferred minimum width for the termi-<br>
nal If this value is greater than 0, scrotwm<br>
will attempt to adjust the font sizes in the<br>
terminal to keep the terminal width above<br>
this number as the window is resized. Only<br>
<fontcolor="#ff40ff">xterm(1)</font> is currently supported. The<br>
<fontcolor="#ff40ff">xterm(1)</font> binary must not be setuid or set-<br>
gid, which it is by default on most systems.<br>
Users may need to set spawn term to use an<br>
alternate copy of the <fontcolor="#ff40ff">xterm(1)</font> binary with-<br>
out the setgid bit set.<br>
modkey Change mod key. Mod1 is generally the ALT<br>
key and Mod4 is the windows key on a PC.<br>
quirk[c:n] Add "quirk" for windows with class c and<br>
name n. See the QUIRKS section below.<br>
M-S-M3 Resize window while maintaining it centered<br>
The default key bindings are described below:<br>
master_add Add windows to master area<br>
master_del Remove windows from master area<br>
stack_inc Add columns/rows to stacking area<br>
stack_del Remove columns/rows from stacking area<br>
swap_main Move current window to master area<br>
focus_next Focus next window in workspace<br>
focus_prev Focus previous window in workspace<br>
focus_main Focus on main window in workspace<br>
swap_next Swap with next window in workspace<br>
swap_prev Swap with previous window in workspace<br>
bar_toggle Toggle status bar in all workspaces<br>
wind_del Delete current window in workspace<br>
wind_kill Destroy current window in workspace<br>
ws_n Switch to workspace n, where n is 1 through 10<br>
mvws_n Move current window to workspace n, where n is 1<br>
ws_next Switch to next workspace with a window in it<br>
ws_prev Switch to previous workspace with a window in it<br>
screen_next Move pointer to next region<br>
screen_prev Move pointer to previous region<br>
screenshot_all Take screenshot of entire screen (if enabled)<br>
screenshot_wind Take screenshot of selected window (if enabled)<br>
version Toggle version in status bar<br>
float_toggle Toggle focused window between tiled and floating<br>
The quirks themselves are described below:<br>
FLOAT This window should not be tiled, but allowed<br>
TRANSSZ Adjusts size on transient windows that are<br>
too small using dialog_ratio (see<br>
ANYWHERE Allow window to position itself, uncentered.<br>
XTERM_FONTADJ Adjust xterm fonts when resizing.<br>
FULLSCREEN Remove border to allow window to use full<br>