M-, Add windows to master area.<br>
M-. Remove windows from master area.<br>
M-[Return] Move current window to master area.<br>
M-j Focus next window in workspace.<br>
M-[Tab] Focus next window in workspace.<br>
M-k Focus previous window in workspace.<br>
M-S-[Tab] Focus previous window in workspace.<br>
M-m Focus on main window in workspace.<br>
M-S-j Swap with next window in workspace.<br>
M-S-k Swap with previous window in workspace.<br>
M-b Toggle status bar in all workspaces.<br>
M-S-x Destroy current window in workspace.<br>
M-[Number] Switch to workspace [Number].<br>
M-S-[Number] Move current window to workspace [Number].<br>
M-[RighArrow] Switch to next workspace with a window in it.<br>
M-[LeftArrow] Switch to previous workspace with a window in it.<br>
Color of the font in status bar in screen x.<br>
bar_font Status bar font.<br>
bar_action External script to populate additional information<br>
in the status bar such as battery life etc.<br>
bar_delay Update frequency of external script on the status<br>
spawn_term External application that gets spawned when M-S-[Re-<br>
turn] is used.<br>
dialog_ratio Some applications have dialog windows that are too<br>
small to be useful. This ratio is the screen size<br>
as to what they will be resized. E.g 0.6 is 60% of<br>
Set to 1 to enable screen-shotting capability.<br>