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# rMview: a fast live viewer for reMarkable
## Features
* Demo [:rocket: here][demo]
* Fast streaming of reMarkable's screen to a window in your computer
* UI for zooming, panning, rotating
* Pen tracking: a pointer follows the position of the pen when hovering on the reMarkable
* Clone a frame into separate window for reference
* Save screenshot as PNG
> :loudspeaker: **Volunteers needed**: if you have experience with producing binary bundles with pyQt, and feel like contributing to the project, drop me a line!
> :warning: **WARNING** :warning::
> rMview has only been tested with reMarkable 1.
> Support for reMarkable 2 may come once it gets wider diffusion.
> The [ssh branch][ssh-branch] should be compatible with the reMarkable 2.
## Installation
1. You will need [Python3][py3] on your computer.
> :warning: Please make sure `pip` is pointing to the Python3 version if your system has Python2 as well.
If not, use `pip3` instead of `pip` in what follows.
2. The easiest installation method is by using pip:
pip install .
which will install all required dependencies and install a new `rmview` command.
Alternatively you may want to install the dependencies ([PyQt5][pyqt5], [Paramiko][paramiko], [Twisted][twisted]) with `pip` manually.
3. On the reMarkable itself you need to install [rM-vnc-server][vnc] and its dependency [mxc_epdc_fb_damage](https://github.com/peter-sa/mxc_epdc_fb_damage).
Instructions can be found in the [wiki](https://github.com/bordaigorl/rmview/wiki/How-to-run-the-VNC-based-version).
This last step will be automated in the near future.
To run the tool after installation just run `rmview` from a console.
> :warning: **WARNING** :warning::
> If you use [Anaconda][anaconda], please install the dependencies via `conda` (and not `pip`).
Tested with Python 3.8.2, PyQt 5.14.2, MacOs 10.15.4, reMarkable firmware
## Usage and configuration
You can invoke the program with
rmview [config]
the optional `config` parameter is the filename of a json configuration file.
If the parameter is not found, the program will look for a `rmview.json` file in the current directory, or, if not found, for the path stored in the environment variable `RMVIEW_CONF`.
If none are found, or if the configuration is underspecified, the tool is going to prompt for address/password.
### Configuration files
The supported configuration settings are below.
Look in file `example.json` for an example configuration.
All the settings are optional.
| Setting key | Values | Default |
| ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| `ssh` | Connection parameters (see below) | `{}` |
| `orientation` | `"landscape"`, `"portrait"`, `"auto"` | `"landscape"` |
| `pen_size` | diameter of pointer in px | `15` |
| `pen_color` | color of pointer and trail | `"red"` |
| `pen_trail` | persistence of trail in ms | `200` |
| `background_color` | color of window | `"white"` |
| `hide_pen_on_press` | if true, the pointer is hidden while writing | `true` |
| `show_pen_on_lift` | if true, the pointer is shown when lifting the pen | `true` |
Connection parameters are provided as a dictionary with the following keys (all optional):
| Parameter | Values | Comments |
| ----------- | -------------------------------------- | ------------------------------- |
| `address` | IP of remarkable | tool prompts for it if missing |
| `username` | username for ssh access on reMarkable | default: `"root"` |
| `key` | Local path to key for ssh | not needed if password provided |
| `password` | Password provided by reMarkable | not needed if key provided |
| `timeout` | connection timeout in seconds | default: 1 |
:warning: If you get an error when connect using a key, but the key seems ok when connecting manually with ssh, you probably need to convert the key to the PEM format (or re-generate it using the `-m PEM` option of `ssh-keygen`). See [here](https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/issues/340#issuecomment-492448662) for details.
## To Do
- [ ] Settings dialog
- [ ] About dialog
- [ ] Pause stream of screen/pen
- [ ] Binary bundles for Window, Linux and MacOs (PyInstaller?)
- [ ] Add interaction for Lamy button? (1 331 1 down, 1 331 0 up)
- [ ] Remove dependency to Twisted in `vnc` branch
## Legacy reStreamer-like version
There are two versions of rMview, presenting the same interface but using different back-ends (thus requiring different setups on the reMarkable):
* The "VNC-based" version, in the [`vnc` branch][vnc-branch] (default)
* The "reStreamer-like" version, in the [`ssh` branch][ssh-branch]
In my tests, the VNC version is a clear winner.
The `ssh` branch of this repo hosts the reStreamer-like version for those who prefer it, but I am not planning to update it.
## Credits
I took inspiration from the following projects:
- [QtImageViewer](https://github.com/marcel-goldschen-ohm/PyQtImageViewer/)
- [remarkable_mouse](https://github.com/Evidlo/remarkable_mouse/)
- [reStream](https://github.com/rien/reStream)
- [rM-vnc-server](https://github.com/peter-sa/rM-vnc-server)
- [VNC client](https://github.com/sibson/vncdotool) originally written by Chris Liechti
Icons adapted from designs by Freepik, xnimrodx from www.flaticon.com
Thanks to @adem amd @ChrisPattison for their [PRs](https://github.com/bordaigorl/rmview/issues?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed).
## Disclaimer
This project is not affiliated to, nor endorsed by, [reMarkable AS](https://remarkable.com/).
**I assume no responsibility for any damage done to your device due to the use of this software.**
## Licence
[vnc]: https://github.com/peter-sa/rM-vnc-server
[demo]: https://www.reddit.com/r/RemarkableTablet/comments/gtjrqt/rmview_now_with_support_for_vnc/
[ssh-branch]: https://github.com/bordaigorl/rmview/tree/ssh
[vnc-branch]: https://github.com/bordaigorl/rmview/tree/vnc
[py3]: https://www.python.org/downloads/
[anaconda]: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda
[pyqt5]: https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/
[paramiko]: http://www.paramiko.org/
[twisted]: https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/