2022-08-12 17:09:40 -07:00

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Managing Java Deployments

Java is a mainstream programming language for production services. Ray Serve offers a native Java API for creating, updating, and managing deployments. You can create Ray Serve deployments using Java and call them via Python, or vice versa.

This section helps you to:

  • create, query, and update Java deployments
  • configure Java deployment resources
  • manage Python deployments using the Java API

Creating a Deployment

By specifying the full name of the class as an argument to the Serve.deployment() method, as shown in the code below, you can create and deploy a deployment of the class.

:start-after: docs-create-start
:end-before: docs-create-end
:language: java

Accessing a Deployment

Once a deployment is deployed, you can fetch its instance by name.

:start-after: docs-query-start
:end-before: docs-query-end
:language: java

Updating a Deployment

You can update a deployment's code and configuration and then redeploy it. The following example updates the "counter" deployment's initial value to 2.

:start-after: docs-update-start
:end-before: docs-update-end
:language: java

Configuring a Deployment

Ray Serve lets you configure your deployments to:

The next two sections describe how to configure your deployments.

Scaling Out

By specifying the numReplicas parameter, you can change the number of deployment replicas:

:start-after: docs-scale-start
:end-before: docs-scale-end
:language: java

Resource Management (CPUs, GPUs)

Through the rayActorOptions parameter, you can reserve resources for each deployment replica, such as one GPU:

:start-after: docs-resource-start
:end-before: docs-resource-end
:language: java

Managing a Python Deployment

A Python deployment can also be managed and called by the Java API. Suppose you have a Python file counter.py in the /path/to/code/ directory:

from ray import serve

class Counter(object):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = int(value)

    def increase(self, delta):
        self.value += int(delta)
        return str(self.value)

You can deploy it through the Java API and call it through a RayServeHandle:

import io.ray.api.Ray;
import io.ray.serve.api.Serve;
import io.ray.serve.deployment.Deployment;
import io.ray.serve.generated.DeploymentLanguage;
import java.io.File;

public class ManagePythonDeployment {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

        System.getProperty("java.class.path") + File.pathSeparator + "/path/to/code/");

    Serve.start(true, false, null);

    Deployment deployment =
            .setInitArgs(new Object[] {"1"})


:::{note} Before Ray.init or Serve.start, you need to specify a directory to find the Python code. For details, please refer to Cross-Language Programming. :::

Future Roadmap

In the future, Ray Serve plans to provide more Java features, such as:

  • an improved Java API that matches the Python version
  • HTTP ingress support
  • bring-your-own Java Spring project as a deployment