
4.4 KiB

Ray Serve API

Core APIs

.. autofunction:: ray.serve.start
.. autofunction:: ray.serve.deployment
.. autofunction:: ray.serve.list_deployments
.. autofunction:: ray.serve.get_deployment
.. autofunction:: ray.serve.shutdown


Deployment API

.. autoclass:: ray.serve.deployment.Deployment
    :members: deploy, delete, options, get_handle


ServeHandle API

.. autoclass:: ray.serve.handle.RayServeHandle
    :members: remote, options

Batching Requests

.. autofunction:: ray.serve.batch(max_batch_size=10, batch_wait_timeout_s=0.0)



GET "/api/serve/deployments/"

Gets latest config that Serve has received. This config represents the current goal state for the Serve application. Starts a Serve application on the Ray cluster if it's not already running. See the config schema for the response's JSON schema.

Example Request:

GET /api/serve/deployments/ HTTP 1.1
Host: http://localhost:8265/
Accept: application/json

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "import_path": "fruit.deployment_graph",
    "runtime_env": {
        "working_dir": "https://github.com/ray-project/serve_config_examples/archive/HEAD.zip"
    "deployments": [
        {"name": "MangoStand", "user_config": {"price": 1}},
        {"name": "OrangeStand", "user_config": {"price": 2}},
        {"name": "PearStand", "user_config": {"price": 3}}

PUT "/api/serve/deployments/"

Declaratively deploys the Serve application. Starts Serve on the Ray cluster if it's not already running. See the config schema for the request's JSON schema.

Example Request:

PUT /api/serve/deployments/ HTTP 1.1
Host: http://localhost:8265/
Accept: application/json

    "import_path": "fruit.deployment_graph",
    "runtime_env": {
        "working_dir": "https://github.com/ray-project/serve_config_examples/archive/HEAD.zip"
    "deployments": [
        {"name": "MangoStand", "user_config": {"price": 1}},
        {"name": "OrangeStand", "user_config": {"price": 2}},
        {"name": "PearStand", "user_config": {"price": 3}}

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

GET "/api/serve/deployments/status"

Gets the Serve application's current status, including all the deployment statuses. This config represents the current goal state for the Serve application. Starts a Serve application on the Ray cluster if it's not already running. See the status schema for the response's JSON schema.

Example Request:

GET /api/serve/deployments/ HTTP 1.1
Host: http://localhost:8265/
Accept: application/json

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "app_status": {
        "status": "RUNNING",
        "message": "",
        "deployment_timestamp": 1855994527.146304
    "deployment_statuses": [
            "name": "MangoStand",
            "status": "HEALTHY",
            "message": ""
            "name": "OrangeStand",
            "status": "HEALTHY",
            "message": ""
            "name": "PearStand",
            "status": "HEALTHY",
            "message": ""
            "name": "FruitMarket",
            "status": "HEALTHY",
            "message": ""
            "name": "DAGDriver",
            "status": "HEALTHY",
            "message": ""

DELETE "/api/serve/deployments/"

Shuts down the Serve application running on the Ray cluster. Has no effect if Serve is not running on the Ray cluster.

Example Request:

DELETE /api/serve/deployments/ HTTP 1.1
Host: http://localhost:8265/
Accept: application/json

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Config Schema

.. autopydantic_model:: ray.serve.schema.ServeApplicationSchema


Status Schema

.. autopydantic_model:: ray.serve.schema.ServeStatusSchema

Serve CLI

.. click:: ray.serve.scripts:cli
   :prog: serve