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# Batch L-BFGS
This document provides a walkthrough of the L-BFGS example. To run the
application, first install these dependencies.
- SciPy
- [TensorFlow](https://www.tensorflow.org/)
Then from the directory `ray/examples/lbfgs/` run the following.
source ../../setup-env.sh
python driver.py
Optimization is at the heart of many machine learning algorithms. Much of
machine learning involves specifying a loss function and finding the parameters
that minimize the loss. If we can compute the gradient of the loss function,
then we can apply a variety of gradient-based optimization algorithms. L-BFGS is
one such algorithm. It is a quasi-Newton method that uses gradient information
to approximate the inverse Hessian of the loss function in a computationally
efficient manner.
## The serial version
First we load the data in batches. Here, each element in `batches` is a tuple
whose first component is a batch of `100` images and whose second component is a
batch of the `100` corresponding labels. For simplicity, we use TensorFlow's
built in methods for loading the data.
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/", one_hot=True)
batch_size = 100
num_batches = mnist.train.num_examples / batch_size
batches = [mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size) for _ in range(num_batches)]
Now, suppose we have defined a function which takes a set of model parameters
`theta` and a batch of data (both images and labels) and computes the loss for
that choice of model parameters on that batch of data. Similarly, suppose we've
also defined a function that takes the same arguments and computes the gradient
of the loss for that choice of model parameters.
def loss(theta, xs, ys):
# compute the loss on a batch of data
return loss
def grad(theta, xs, ys):
# compute the gradient on a batch of data
return grad
def full_loss(theta):
# compute the loss on the full data set
return sum([loss(theta, xs, ys) for (xs, ys) in batches])
def full_grad(theta):
# compute the gradient on the full data set
return sum([grad(theta, xs, ys) for (xs, ys) in batches])
Since we are working with a small dataset, we don't actually need to separate
these methods into the part that operates on a batch and the part that operates
on the full dataset, but doing so will make the distributed version clearer.
Now, if we wish to optimize the loss function using L-BFGS, we simply plug these
functions, along with an initial choice of model parameters, into
theta_init = 1e-2 * np.random.normal(size=dim)
result = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(full_loss, theta_init, fprime=full_grad)
## The distributed version
In this example, the computation of the gradient itself can be done in parallel
on a number of workers or machines.
First, let's turn the data into a collection of remote objects.
batch_ids = [(ray.put(xs), ray.put(ys)) for (xs, ys) in batches]
We can load the data on the driver and distribute it this way because MNIST
easily fits on a single machine. However, for larger data sets, we will need to
use remote functions to distribute the loading of the data.
Now, lets turn `loss` and `grad` into remote functions.
def loss(theta, xs, ys):
# compute the loss
return loss
def grad(theta, xs, ys):
# compute the gradient
return grad
The only difference is that we added the `@ray.remote` decorator.
Now, it is easy to speed up the computation of the full loss and the full
def full_loss(theta):
theta_id = ray.put(theta)
loss_ids = [loss.remote(theta_id, xs_id, ys_id) for (xs_id, ys_id) in batch_ids]
return sum(ray.get(loss_ids))
def full_grad(theta):
theta_id = ray.put(theta)
grad_ids = [grad.remote(theta_id, xs_id, ys_id) for (xs_id, ys_id) in batch_ids]
return sum(ray.get(grad_ids)).astype("float64") # This conversion is necessary for use with fmin_l_bfgs_b.
Note that we turn `theta` into a remote object with the line `theta_id =
ray.put(theta)` before passing it into the remote functions. If we had written
[loss.remote(theta, xs_id, ys_id) for (xs_id, ys_id) in batch_ids]
instead of
theta_id = ray.put(theta)
[loss.remote(theta_id, xs_id, ys_id) for (xs_id, ys_id) in batch_ids]
then each task that got sent to the scheduler (one for every element of
`batch_ids`) would have had a copy of `theta` serialized inside of it. Since
`theta` here consists of the parameters of a potentially large model, this is
inefficient. *Large objects should be passed by object ID to remote functions
and not by value*.
We use remote functions and remote objects internally in the implementation of
`full_loss` and `full_grad`, but the user-facing behavior of these methods is
identical to the behavior in the serial version.
We can now optimize the objective with the same function call as before.
theta_init = 1e-2 * np.random.normal(size=dim)
result = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(full_loss, theta_init, fprime=full_grad)