Balaji Veeramani 7f1bacc7dc
[CI] Format Python code with Black (#21975)
See #21316 and #21311 for the motivation behind these changes.
2022-01-29 18:41:57 -08:00

419 lines
14 KiB

import logging
import numpy as np
import random
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
# Import ray before psutil will make sure we use psutil's bundled version
import ray # noqa F401
import psutil # noqa E402
from ray.rllib.execution.segment_tree import SumSegmentTree, MinSegmentTree
from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch
from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import DeveloperAPI, override
from ray.util.debug import log_once
from ray.rllib.utils.deprecation import (
from ray.rllib.utils.metrics.window_stat import WindowStat
from ray.rllib.utils.typing import SampleBatchType
# Constant that represents all policies in lockstep replay mode.
_ALL_POLICIES = "__all__"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def warn_replay_capacity(*, item: SampleBatchType, num_items: int) -> None:
"""Warn if the configured replay buffer capacity is too large."""
if log_once("replay_capacity"):
item_size = item.size_bytes()
psutil_mem = psutil.virtual_memory()
total_gb = psutil_mem.total / 1e9
mem_size = num_items * item_size / 1e9
msg = (
"Estimated max memory usage for replay buffer is {} GB "
"({} batches of size {}, {} bytes each), "
"available system memory is {} GB".format(
mem_size, num_items, item.count, item_size, total_gb
if mem_size > total_gb:
raise ValueError(msg)
elif mem_size > 0.2 * total_gb:
@Deprecated(new="warn_replay_capacity", error=False)
def warn_replay_buffer_size(*, item: SampleBatchType, num_items: int) -> None:
return warn_replay_capacity(item=item, num_items=num_items)
class ReplayBuffer:
def __init__(self, capacity: int = 10000, size: Optional[int] = DEPRECATED_VALUE):
"""Initializes a ReplayBuffer instance.
capacity: Max number of timesteps to store in the FIFO
buffer. After reaching this number, older samples will be
dropped to make space for new ones.
# Deprecated args.
"ReplayBuffer(size)", "ReplayBuffer(capacity)", error=False
capacity = size
# The actual storage (list of SampleBatches).
self._storage = []
self.capacity = capacity
# The next index to override in the buffer.
self._next_idx = 0
self._hit_count = np.zeros(self.capacity)
# Whether we have already hit our capacity (and have therefore
# started to evict older samples).
self._eviction_started = False
# Number of (single) timesteps that have been added to the buffer
# over its lifetime. Note that each added item (batch) may contain
# more than one timestep.
self._num_timesteps_added = 0
self._num_timesteps_added_wrap = 0
# Number of (single) timesteps that have been sampled from the buffer
# over its lifetime.
self._num_timesteps_sampled = 0
self._evicted_hit_stats = WindowStat("evicted_hit", 1000)
self._est_size_bytes = 0
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of items currently stored in this buffer."""
return len(self._storage)
def add(self, item: SampleBatchType, weight: float) -> None:
"""Add a batch of experiences.
item: SampleBatch to add to this buffer's storage.
weight: The weight of the added sample used in subsequent
sampling steps. Only relevant if this ReplayBuffer is
a PrioritizedReplayBuffer.
assert item.count > 0, item
warn_replay_capacity(item=item, num_items=self.capacity / item.count)
# Update our timesteps counts.
self._num_timesteps_added += item.count
self._num_timesteps_added_wrap += item.count
if self._next_idx >= len(self._storage):
self._est_size_bytes += item.size_bytes()
self._storage[self._next_idx] = item
# Wrap around storage as a circular buffer once we hit capacity.
if self._num_timesteps_added_wrap >= self.capacity:
self._eviction_started = True
self._num_timesteps_added_wrap = 0
self._next_idx = 0
self._next_idx += 1
# Eviction of older samples has already started (buffer is "full").
if self._eviction_started:
self._hit_count[self._next_idx] = 0
def sample(self, num_items: int, beta: float = 0.0) -> SampleBatchType:
"""Sample a batch of size `num_items` from this buffer.
If less than `num_items` records are in this buffer, some samples in
the results may be repeated to fulfil the batch size (`num_items`)
num_items: Number of items to sample from this buffer.
beta: The prioritized replay beta value. Only relevant if this
ReplayBuffer is a PrioritizedReplayBuffer.
Concatenated batch of items.
# If we don't have any samples yet in this buffer, return None.
if len(self) == 0:
return None
idxes = [random.randint(0, len(self) - 1) for _ in range(num_items)]
sample = self._encode_sample(idxes)
# Update our timesteps counters.
self._num_timesteps_sampled += len(sample)
return sample
def stats(self, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Returns the stats of this buffer.
debug: If True, adds sample eviction statistics to the returned
stats dict.
A dictionary of stats about this buffer.
data = {
"added_count": self._num_timesteps_added,
"added_count_wrapped": self._num_timesteps_added_wrap,
"eviction_started": self._eviction_started,
"sampled_count": self._num_timesteps_sampled,
"est_size_bytes": self._est_size_bytes,
"num_entries": len(self._storage),
if debug:
return data
def get_state(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns all local state.
The serializable local state.
state = {"_storage": self._storage, "_next_idx": self._next_idx}
return state
def set_state(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Restores all local state to the provided `state`.
state: The new state to set this buffer. Can be
obtained by calling `self.get_state()`.
# The actual storage.
self._storage = state["_storage"]
self._next_idx = state["_next_idx"]
# Stats and counts.
self._num_timesteps_added = state["added_count"]
self._num_timesteps_added_wrap = state["added_count_wrapped"]
self._eviction_started = state["eviction_started"]
self._num_timesteps_sampled = state["sampled_count"]
self._est_size_bytes = state["est_size_bytes"]
def _encode_sample(self, idxes: List[int]) -> SampleBatchType:
out = SampleBatch.concat_samples([self._storage[i] for i in idxes])
return out
class PrioritizedReplayBuffer(ReplayBuffer):
def __init__(
capacity: int = 10000,
alpha: float = 1.0,
size: Optional[int] = DEPRECATED_VALUE,
"""Initializes a PrioritizedReplayBuffer instance.
capacity: Max number of timesteps to store in the FIFO
buffer. After reaching this number, older samples will be
dropped to make space for new ones.
alpha: How much prioritization is used
(0.0=no prioritization, 1.0=full prioritization).
super(PrioritizedReplayBuffer, self).__init__(capacity, size)
assert alpha > 0
self._alpha = alpha
it_capacity = 1
while it_capacity < self.capacity:
it_capacity *= 2
self._it_sum = SumSegmentTree(it_capacity)
self._it_min = MinSegmentTree(it_capacity)
self._max_priority = 1.0
self._prio_change_stats = WindowStat("reprio", 1000)
def add(self, item: SampleBatchType, weight: float) -> None:
"""Add a batch of experiences.
item: SampleBatch to add to this buffer's storage.
weight: The weight of the added sample used in subsequent sampling
idx = self._next_idx
super(PrioritizedReplayBuffer, self).add(item, weight)
if weight is None:
weight = self._max_priority
self._it_sum[idx] = weight ** self._alpha
self._it_min[idx] = weight ** self._alpha
def _sample_proportional(self, num_items: int) -> List[int]:
res = []
for _ in range(num_items):
# TODO(szymon): should we ensure no repeats?
mass = random.random() * self._it_sum.sum(0, len(self._storage))
idx = self._it_sum.find_prefixsum_idx(mass)
return res
def sample(self, num_items: int, beta: float) -> SampleBatchType:
"""Sample `num_items` items from this buffer, including prio. weights.
If less than `num_items` records are in this buffer, some samples in
the results may be repeated to fulfil the batch size (`num_items`)
num_items: Number of items to sample from this buffer.
beta: To what degree to use importance weights
(0 - no corrections, 1 - full correction).
Concatenated batch of items including "weights" and
"batch_indexes" fields denoting IS of each sampled
transition and original idxes in buffer of sampled experiences.
# If we don't have any samples yet in this buffer, return None.
if len(self) == 0:
return None
assert beta >= 0.0
idxes = self._sample_proportional(num_items)
weights = []
batch_indexes = []
p_min = self._it_min.min() / self._it_sum.sum()
max_weight = (p_min * len(self)) ** (-beta)
for idx in idxes:
p_sample = self._it_sum[idx] / self._it_sum.sum()
weight = (p_sample * len(self)) ** (-beta)
count = self._storage[idx].count
# If zero-padded, count will not be the actual batch size of the
# data.
if (
isinstance(self._storage[idx], SampleBatch)
and self._storage[idx].zero_padded
actual_size = self._storage[idx].max_seq_len
actual_size = count
weights.extend([weight / max_weight] * actual_size)
batch_indexes.extend([idx] * actual_size)
self._num_timesteps_sampled += count
batch = self._encode_sample(idxes)
# Note: prioritization is not supported in lockstep replay mode.
if isinstance(batch, SampleBatch):
batch["weights"] = np.array(weights)
batch["batch_indexes"] = np.array(batch_indexes)
return batch
def update_priorities(self, idxes: List[int], priorities: List[float]) -> None:
"""Update priorities of sampled transitions.
Sets priority of transition at index idxes[i] in buffer
to priorities[i].
idxes: List of indices of sampled transitions
priorities: List of updated priorities corresponding to
transitions at the sampled idxes denoted by
variable `idxes`.
# Making sure we don't pass in e.g. a torch tensor.
assert isinstance(
idxes, (list, np.ndarray)
), "ERROR: `idxes` is not a list or np.ndarray, but " "{}!".format(
assert len(idxes) == len(priorities)
for idx, priority in zip(idxes, priorities):
assert priority > 0
assert 0 <= idx < len(self._storage)
delta = priority ** self._alpha - self._it_sum[idx]
self._it_sum[idx] = priority ** self._alpha
self._it_min[idx] = priority ** self._alpha
self._max_priority = max(self._max_priority, priority)
def stats(self, debug: bool = False) -> Dict:
"""Returns the stats of this buffer.
debug: If true, adds sample eviction statistics to the
returned stats dict.
A dictionary of stats about this buffer.
parent = ReplayBuffer.stats(self, debug)
if debug:
return parent
def get_state(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns all local state.
The serializable local state.
# Get parent state.
state = super().get_state()
# Add prio weights.
"sum_segment_tree": self._it_sum.get_state(),
"min_segment_tree": self._it_min.get_state(),
"max_priority": self._max_priority,
return state
def set_state(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Restores all local state to the provided `state`.
state: The new state to set this buffer. Can be obtained by
calling `self.get_state()`.
self._max_priority = state["max_priority"]
# Visible for testing.
_local_replay_buffer = None