2016-07-31 19:58:03 -07:00

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An important feature of Ray is that a remote call sent to the scheduler immediately returns object ids for the outputs of the task, and the actual outputs of the task are only associated with the relevant object ids after the task has been executed and the outputs have been computed. This allows the worker to continue without blocking.

However, to provide a more flexible API, we allow tasks to not only return values, but to also return object ids to values. As an examples, consider the following code.

@ray.remote([], [np.ndarray])
def f()
  return np.zeros(5)

@ray.remote([], [np.ndarray])
def g()
  return f()

@ray.remote([], [np.ndarray])
def h()
  return g()

A call to h will immediate return an object id ref_h for the return value of h. The task of executing h (call it task_h) will then be scheduled for execution. When task_h is executed, it will call g, which will immediately return an object id ref_g for the output of g. Then two things will happen and can happen in any order: AliasObjectIDs(ref_h, ref_g) will be called and task_g will be scheduled and executed. When task_g is executed, it will call f, and immediately obtain an object id ref_f for the output of f. Then two things will happen and can happen in either order, AliasObjectIDs(ref_g, ref_f) will be called, and f will be executed. When f is executed, it will create an actual array and put_object will be called, which will store the array in the object store (it will also call SchedulerService::AddCanonicalObjectID(ref_f)).

From the scheduler's perspective, there are three important calls, AliasObjectIDs(ref_h, ref_g), AliasObjectIDs(ref_g, ref_f), and AddCanonicalObjectID(ref_f). These three calls can happen in any order.

The scheduler maintains a data structure called target_objectids_, which keeps track of which object ids have been aliased together (target_objectids_ is a vector, but we can think of it as a graph). The call AliasObjectIDs(ref_h, ref_g) updates target_objectids_ with ref_h -> ref_g. The call AliasObjectIDs(ref_g, ref_f) updates it with ref_g -> ref_f, and the call AddCanonicalObjectID(ref_f) updates it with ref_f -> ref_f. The data structure is initialized with ref -> UNINITIALIZED_ALIAS for each object id ref.

We refer to ref_f as a "canonical" object id. And in a pair such as ref_h -> ref_g, we refer to ref_h as the "alias" object id and to ref_g as the "target" object id. These details are available to the scheduler, but a worker process just has an object id and doesn't know if it is canonical or not.

We also maintain a data structure reverse_target_objectids_, which maps in the reverse direction (in the above example, we would have ref_g -> ref_h, ref_f -> ref_g, and ref_h -> UNINITIALIZED_ALIAS). This data structure is not particuarly important for the task of aliasing, but when we do id counting and attempt to deallocate an object, we need to be able to determine all of the object ids that refer to the same object, and this data structure comes in handy for that purpose.

Gets and Remote Calls

When a worker calls ray.get(ref), it first sends a message to the scheduler asking the scheduler to ship the object referred to by ref to the worker's local object store. Then the worker asks its local object store for the object referred to by ref. If ref is a canonical object id, then that's all there is too it. However, if ref is not a canonical object id but rather is an alias for the canonical object id c_ref, then the scheduler also notifies the worker's local object store that ref is an alias for c_ref. This is important because the object store does not keep track of aliasing on its own (it only knows the bits about aliasing that the scheduler tells it). Lastly, if the scheduler does not yet have enough information to determine if ref is canonical, or if the scheduler cannot yet determine what the canonical object id for ref is, then the scheduler will wait until it has the relevant information.

Similar things happen when a worker performs a remote call. If an object id is passed to a remote call, the object referred to by that object id will be shipped to the local object store of the worker that executes the task. The scheduler will notify that object store about any aliasing that it needs to be aware of.

Passing Object ids by Value

Currently, the graph of aliasing looks like a collection of chains, as in the above example with ref_h -> ref_g -> ref_f -> ref_f. In the future, we will allow object ids to be passed by value to remote calls (so the worker has access to the object id object and not the object that the object id refers to). If an object id that is passed by value is then returned by the task, it is possible that a given object id could be the target of multiple alias object ids. In this case, the graph of aliasing will be a tree.