Datasets is available as **beta** in Ray 1.8+. Please file feature requests and bug reports on GitHub Issues or join the discussion on the `Ray Slack <>`__.
Ray Datasets are the standard way to load and exchange data in Ray libraries and applications. Datasets provide basic distributed data transformations such as ``map``, ``filter``, and ``repartition``, and are compatible with a variety of file formats, datasources, and distributed frameworks.
Ray Datasets are designed to load and preprocess data for distributed :ref:`ML training pipelines <train-docs>`. Compared to other loading solutions, Datasets is more flexible (e.g., can express higher-quality `per-epoch global shuffles <examples/big_data_ingestion.html>`__) and provides `higher overall performance <>`__.
Datasets is not intended as a replacement for more general data processing systems. Its utility is as the last-mile bridge from ETL pipeline outputs to distributed applications and libraries in Ray:
Ray-integrated DataFrame libraries can also be seamlessly used with Datasets, to enable running a full data to ML pipeline completely within Ray without requiring data to be materialized to external storage:
See the :ref:`ML preprocessing docs <datasets-ml-preprocessing>` for information on how to use Datasets as the last-mile bridge to model training and inference, and see :ref:`the Talks section <data-talks>` for more Datasets ML use cases and benchmarks.
Beyond data loading, Datasets simplifies general purpose parallel GPU/CPU compute in Ray (e.g., for `GPU batch inference <dataset.html#transforming-datasets>`__). Datasets provides a higher level API for Ray tasks and actors in such embarassingly parallel compute situations, internally handling operations like batching, pipelining, and memory management.
..image:: dataset-compute-1.png
Since it is built on Ray, Datasets can leverage the full functionality of Ray's distributed scheduler, e.g., using actors for optimizing setup time and GPU scheduling via the ``num_gpus`` argument.
Ray Datasets implement `Distributed Arrow <>`__. A Dataset consists of a list of Ray object references to *blocks*. Each block holds a set of items in either an `Arrow table <>`__ or a Python list (for Arrow incompatible objects). Having multiple blocks in a dataset allows for parallel transformation and ingest of the data (e.g., into :ref:`Ray Train <train-docs>` for ML training).
Since a Ray Dataset is just a list of Ray object references, it can be freely passed between Ray tasks, actors, and libraries like any other object reference. This flexibility is a unique characteristic of Ray Datasets.
Compared to `Spark RDDs <>`__ and `Dask Bags <>`__, Datasets offers a more basic set of features, and executes operations eagerly for simplicity. It is intended that users cast Datasets into more featureful dataframe types (e.g., ``ds.to_dask()``) for advanced operations.
Get started by creating Datasets from synthetic data using ```` and ````. Datasets can hold either plain Python objects (schema is a Python type), or Arrow records (schema is Arrow).
Datasets can be created from files on local disk or remote datasources such as S3. Any filesystem `supported by pyarrow <>`__ can be used to specify file locations:
Datasets can be transformed in parallel using ``.map()``. Transformations are executed *eagerly* and block until the operation is finished. Datasets also supports ``.filter()`` and ``.flat_map()``.
To take advantage of vectorized functions, use ``.map_batches()``. Note that you can also implement ``filter`` and ``flat_map`` using ``.map_batches()``, since your map function can return an output batch of any size.
By default, transformations are executed using Ray tasks. For transformations that require setup, specify ``compute="actors"`` and Ray will use an autoscaling actor pool to execute your transforms instead. The following is an end-to-end example of reading, transforming, and saving batch inference results using Datasets:
..code-block:: python
# Example of GPU batch inference on an ImageNet model.
Datasets can be passed to Ray tasks or actors and read with ``.iter_batches()`` or ``.iter_rows()``. This does not incur a copy, since the blocks of the Dataset are passed by reference as Ray objects:
..code-block:: python
def consume(data: Dataset[int]) -> int:
num_batches = 0
for batch in data.iter_batches():
num_batches += 1
return num_batches
ds =
# -> 200
Datasets can be split up into disjoint sub-datasets. Locality-aware splitting is supported if you pass in a list of actor handles to the ``split()`` function along with the number of desired splits. This is a common pattern useful for loading and splitting data between distributed training actors:
Contributions to Datasets are `welcome <>`__! There are many potential improvements, including: