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2016-03-12 15:25:45 -08:00
import unittest
import orchpy
import orchpy.serialization as serialization
2016-03-12 15:25:45 -08:00
import orchpy.services as services
import orchpy.worker as worker
2016-03-12 15:25:45 -08:00
import numpy as np
import time
import subprocess32 as subprocess
import os
import arrays.single as single
import arrays.dist as dist
2016-03-12 15:25:45 -08:00
from google.protobuf.text_format import *
from grpc.beta import implementations
import orchestra_pb2
import types_pb2
class ArraysSingleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testMethods(self):
test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
test_path = os.path.join(test_dir, "testrecv.py")
services.start_cluster(return_drivers=False, num_workers_per_objstore=1, worker_path=test_path)
2016-03-12 15:25:45 -08:00
# test eye
ref = single.eye(3, "float")
2016-03-12 15:25:45 -08:00
val = orchpy.pull(ref)
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(val == np.eye(3)))
# test zeros
ref = single.zeros([3, 4, 5], "float")
2016-03-12 15:25:45 -08:00
val = orchpy.pull(ref)
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(val == np.zeros([3, 4, 5])))
# test qr - pass by value
val_a = np.random.normal(size=[10, 13])
ref_q, ref_r = single.linalg.qr(val_a)
val_q = orchpy.pull(ref_q)
val_r = orchpy.pull(ref_r)
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.dot(val_q, val_r), val_a))
# test qr - pass by objref
a = single.random.normal([10, 13])
ref_q, ref_r = single.linalg.qr(a)
val_a = orchpy.pull(a)
val_q = orchpy.pull(ref_q)
val_r = orchpy.pull(ref_r)
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.dot(val_q, val_r), val_a))
class ArraysDistTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testSerialization(self):
[w] = services.start_cluster(return_drivers=True)
x = dist.DistArray()
x.construct([2, 3, 4], np.array([[[orchpy.push(0, w)]]]))
capsule, _ = serialization.serialize(w.handle, x) # TODO(rkn): THIS REQUIRES A WORKER_HANDLE
y = serialization.deserialize(w.handle, capsule) # TODO(rkn): THIS REQUIRES A WORKER_HANDLE
self.assertEqual(x.shape, y.shape)
self.assertEqual(x.objrefs[0, 0, 0].val, y.objrefs[0, 0, 0].val)
def testAssemble(self):
test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
test_path = os.path.join(test_dir, "testrecv.py")
services.start_cluster(return_drivers=False, num_workers_per_objstore=1, worker_path=test_path)
a = single.ones([dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE], "float")
b = single.zeros([dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE], "float")
x = dist.DistArray()
x.construct([2 * dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE], np.array([[a], [b]]))
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(x.assemble() == np.vstack([np.ones([dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE]), np.zeros([dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE])])))
def testMethods(self):
test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
test_path = os.path.join(test_dir, "testrecv.py")
services.start_cluster(return_drivers=False, num_workers_per_objstore=8, worker_path=test_path)
x = dist.zeros([9, 25, 51], "float")
y = dist.assemble(x)
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(y) == np.zeros([9, 25, 51])))
x = dist.ones([11, 25, 49], "float")
y = dist.assemble(x)
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(y) == np.ones([11, 25, 49])))
x = dist.random.normal([11, 25, 49])
y = dist.copy(x)
z = dist.assemble(x)
w = dist.assemble(y)
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(z) == orchpy.pull(w)))
x = dist.eye(25, "float")
y = dist.assemble(x)
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(y) == np.eye(25)))
x = dist.random.normal([25, 49])
y = dist.triu(x)
z = dist.assemble(y)
w = dist.assemble(x)
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(z) == np.triu(orchpy.pull(w))))
x = dist.random.normal([25, 49])
y = dist.tril(x)
z = dist.assemble(y)
w = dist.assemble(x)
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(z) == np.tril(orchpy.pull(w))))
x = dist.random.normal([25, 49])
y = dist.random.normal([49, 18])
z = dist.dot(x, y)
w = dist.assemble(z)
u = dist.assemble(x)
v = dist.assemble(y)
np.allclose(orchpy.pull(w), np.dot(orchpy.pull(u), orchpy.pull(v)))
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(orchpy.pull(w), np.dot(orchpy.pull(u), orchpy.pull(v))))
2016-04-19 14:44:07 -07:00
# test add
x = dist.random.normal([23, 42])
y = dist.random.normal([23, 42])
z = dist.add(x, y)
z_full = dist.assemble(z)
x_full = dist.assemble(x)
y_full = dist.assemble(y)
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(orchpy.pull(z_full), orchpy.pull(x_full) + orchpy.pull(y_full)))
# test subtract
x = dist.random.normal([33, 40])
y = dist.random.normal([33, 40])
z = dist.subtract(x, y)
z_full = dist.assemble(z)
x_full = dist.assemble(x)
y_full = dist.assemble(y)
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(orchpy.pull(z_full), orchpy.pull(x_full) - orchpy.pull(y_full)))
# test transpose
x = dist.random.normal([234, 432])
y = dist.transpose(x)
x_full = dist.assemble(x)
y_full = dist.assemble(y)
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(x_full).T == orchpy.pull(y_full)))
# test numpy_to_dist
x = dist.random.normal([23, 45])
y = dist.assemble(x)
z = dist.numpy_to_dist(y)
w = dist.assemble(z)
x_full = dist.assemble(x)
z_full = dist.assemble(z)
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(x_full) == orchpy.pull(z_full)))
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(y) == orchpy.pull(w)))
# test dist.tsqr
for shape in [[123, dist.BLOCK_SIZE], [7, dist.BLOCK_SIZE], [dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE], [dist.BLOCK_SIZE, 7], [10 * dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE]]:
x = dist.random.normal(shape)
K = min(shape)
q, r = dist.linalg.tsqr(x)
x_full = dist.assemble(x)
x_val = orchpy.pull(x_full)
q_full = dist.assemble(q)
q_val = orchpy.pull(q_full)
r_val = orchpy.pull(r)
self.assertTrue(r_val.shape == (K, shape[1]))
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(r_val == np.triu(r_val)))
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(x_val, np.dot(q_val, r_val)))
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.dot(q_val.T, q_val), np.eye(K)))
# test dist.linalg.modified_lu
def test_modified_lu(d1, d2):
print "testing dist_modified_lu with d1 = " + str(d1) + ", d2 = " + str(d2)
assert d1 >= d2
k = min(d1, d2)
m = single.random.normal([d1, d2])
q, r = single.linalg.qr(m)
l, u, s = dist.linalg.modified_lu(dist.numpy_to_dist(q))
q_val = orchpy.pull(q)
r_val = orchpy.pull(r)
l_full = dist.assemble(l)
l_val = orchpy.pull(l_full)
u_val = orchpy.pull(u)
s_val = orchpy.pull(s)
s_mat = np.zeros((d1, d2))
for i in range(len(s_val)):
s_mat[i, i] = s_val[i]
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q_val - s_mat, np.dot(l_val, u_val))) # check that q - s = l * u
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(np.triu(u_val) == u_val)) # check that u is upper triangular
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(np.tril(l_val) == l_val)) # check that l is lower triangular
for d1, d2 in [(100, 100), (99, 98), (7, 5), (7, 7), (20, 7), (20, 10)]:
test_modified_lu(d1, d2)
# test dist_tsqr_hr
def test_dist_tsqr_hr(d1, d2):
print "testing dist_tsqr_hr with d1 = " + str(d1) + ", d2 = " + str(d2)
a = dist.random.normal([d1, d2])
y, t, y_top, r = dist.linalg.tsqr_hr(a)
a_full = dist.assemble(a)
a_val = orchpy.pull(a_full)
y_full = dist.assemble(y)
y_val = orchpy.pull(y_full)
t_val = orchpy.pull(t)
y_top_val = orchpy.pull(y_top)
r_val = orchpy.pull(r)
tall_eye = np.zeros((d1, min(d1, d2)))
np.fill_diagonal(tall_eye, 1)
q = tall_eye - np.dot(y_val, np.dot(t_val, y_top_val.T))
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.dot(q.T, q), np.eye(min(d1, d2)))) # check that q.T * q = I
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.dot(q, r_val), a_val)) # check that a = (I - y * t * y_top.T) * r
for d1, d2 in [(123, dist.BLOCK_SIZE), (7, dist.BLOCK_SIZE), (dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE), (dist.BLOCK_SIZE, 7), (10 * dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE)]:
test_dist_tsqr_hr(d1, d2)
def test_dist_qr(d1, d2):
print "testing qr with d1 = {}, and d2 = {}.".format(d1, d2)
a = dist.random.normal([d1, d2])
K = min(d1, d2)
q, r = dist.linalg.qr(a)
a_full = dist.assemble(a)
q_full = dist.assemble(q)
r_full = dist.assemble(r)
a_val = orchpy.pull(a_full)
q_val = orchpy.pull(q_full)
r_val = orchpy.pull(r_full)
self.assertTrue(q_val.shape == (d1, K))
self.assertTrue(r_val.shape == (K, d2))
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.dot(q_val.T, q_val), np.eye(K)))
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(r_val == np.triu(r_val)))
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(a_val, np.dot(q_val, r_val)))
for d1, d2 in [(123, dist.BLOCK_SIZE), (7, dist.BLOCK_SIZE), (dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE), (dist.BLOCK_SIZE, 7), (13, 21), (34, 35), (8, 7)]:
test_dist_qr(d1, d2)
test_dist_qr(d2, d1)
for _ in range(20):
d1 = np.random.randint(1, 35)
d2 = np.random.randint(1, 35)
test_dist_qr(d1, d2)
2016-03-12 15:25:45 -08:00
if __name__ == '__main__':