import unittest import orchpy import orchpy.serialization as serialization import as services import orchpy.worker as worker import numpy as np import time import subprocess32 as subprocess import os import arrays.single as single import arrays.dist as dist from google.protobuf.text_format import * from grpc.beta import implementations import orchestra_pb2 import types_pb2 class ArraysSingleTest(unittest.TestCase): def testMethods(self): test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) test_path = os.path.join(test_dir, "") services.start_cluster(return_drivers=False, num_workers_per_objstore=1, worker_path=test_path) # test eye ref = single.eye(3, "float") val = orchpy.pull(ref) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(val == np.eye(3))) # test zeros ref = single.zeros([3, 4, 5], "float") val = orchpy.pull(ref) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(val == np.zeros([3, 4, 5]))) # test qr - pass by value val_a = np.random.normal(size=[10, 13]) ref_q, ref_r = single.linalg.qr(val_a) val_q = orchpy.pull(ref_q) val_r = orchpy.pull(ref_r) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(, val_r), val_a)) # test qr - pass by objref a = single.random.normal([10, 13]) ref_q, ref_r = single.linalg.qr(a) val_a = orchpy.pull(a) val_q = orchpy.pull(ref_q) val_r = orchpy.pull(ref_r) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(, val_r), val_a)) services.cleanup() class ArraysDistTest(unittest.TestCase): def testSerialization(self): [w] = services.start_cluster(return_drivers=True) x = dist.DistArray() x.construct([2, 3, 4], np.array([[[orchpy.push(0, w)]]])) capsule, _ = serialization.serialize(w.handle, x) # TODO(rkn): THIS REQUIRES A WORKER_HANDLE y = serialization.deserialize(w.handle, capsule) # TODO(rkn): THIS REQUIRES A WORKER_HANDLE self.assertEqual(x.shape, y.shape) self.assertEqual(x.objrefs[0, 0, 0].val, y.objrefs[0, 0, 0].val) services.cleanup() def testAssemble(self): test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) test_path = os.path.join(test_dir, "") services.start_cluster(return_drivers=False, num_workers_per_objstore=1, worker_path=test_path) a = single.ones([dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE], "float") b = single.zeros([dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE], "float") x = dist.DistArray() x.construct([2 * dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE], np.array([[a], [b]])) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(x.assemble() == np.vstack([np.ones([dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE]), np.zeros([dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE])]))) services.cleanup() def testMethods(self): test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) test_path = os.path.join(test_dir, "") services.start_cluster(return_drivers=False, num_workers_per_objstore=8, worker_path=test_path) x = dist.zeros([9, 25, 51], "float") y = dist.assemble(x) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(y) == np.zeros([9, 25, 51]))) x = dist.ones([11, 25, 49], "float") y = dist.assemble(x) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(y) == np.ones([11, 25, 49]))) x = dist.random.normal([11, 25, 49]) y = dist.copy(x) z = dist.assemble(x) w = dist.assemble(y) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(z) == orchpy.pull(w))) x = dist.eye(25, "float") y = dist.assemble(x) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(y) == np.eye(25))) x = dist.random.normal([25, 49]) y = dist.triu(x) z = dist.assemble(y) w = dist.assemble(x) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(z) == np.triu(orchpy.pull(w)))) x = dist.random.normal([25, 49]) y = dist.tril(x) z = dist.assemble(y) w = dist.assemble(x) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(z) == np.tril(orchpy.pull(w)))) x = dist.random.normal([25, 49]) y = dist.random.normal([49, 18]) z =, y) w = dist.assemble(z) u = dist.assemble(x) v = dist.assemble(y) np.allclose(orchpy.pull(w),, orchpy.pull(v))) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(orchpy.pull(w),, orchpy.pull(v)))) # test add x = dist.random.normal([23, 42]) y = dist.random.normal([23, 42]) z = dist.add(x, y) z_full = dist.assemble(z) x_full = dist.assemble(x) y_full = dist.assemble(y) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(orchpy.pull(z_full), orchpy.pull(x_full) + orchpy.pull(y_full))) # test subtract x = dist.random.normal([33, 40]) y = dist.random.normal([33, 40]) z = dist.subtract(x, y) z_full = dist.assemble(z) x_full = dist.assemble(x) y_full = dist.assemble(y) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(orchpy.pull(z_full), orchpy.pull(x_full) - orchpy.pull(y_full))) # test transpose x = dist.random.normal([234, 432]) y = dist.transpose(x) x_full = dist.assemble(x) y_full = dist.assemble(y) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(x_full).T == orchpy.pull(y_full))) # test numpy_to_dist x = dist.random.normal([23, 45]) y = dist.assemble(x) z = dist.numpy_to_dist(y) w = dist.assemble(z) x_full = dist.assemble(x) z_full = dist.assemble(z) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(x_full) == orchpy.pull(z_full))) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(y) == orchpy.pull(w))) # test dist.tsqr for shape in [[123, dist.BLOCK_SIZE], [7, dist.BLOCK_SIZE], [dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE], [dist.BLOCK_SIZE, 7], [10 * dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE]]: x = dist.random.normal(shape) K = min(shape) q, r = dist.linalg.tsqr(x) x_full = dist.assemble(x) x_val = orchpy.pull(x_full) q_full = dist.assemble(q) q_val = orchpy.pull(q_full) r_val = orchpy.pull(r) self.assertTrue(r_val.shape == (K, shape[1])) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(r_val == np.triu(r_val))) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(x_val,, r_val))) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(, q_val), np.eye(K))) # test dist.linalg.modified_lu def test_modified_lu(d1, d2): print "testing dist_modified_lu with d1 = " + str(d1) + ", d2 = " + str(d2) assert d1 >= d2 k = min(d1, d2) m = single.random.normal([d1, d2]) q, r = single.linalg.qr(m) l, u, s = dist.linalg.modified_lu(dist.numpy_to_dist(q)) q_val = orchpy.pull(q) r_val = orchpy.pull(r) l_full = dist.assemble(l) l_val = orchpy.pull(l_full) u_val = orchpy.pull(u) s_val = orchpy.pull(s) s_mat = np.zeros((d1, d2)) for i in range(len(s_val)): s_mat[i, i] = s_val[i] self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q_val - s_mat,, u_val))) # check that q - s = l * u self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(np.triu(u_val) == u_val)) # check that u is upper triangular self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(np.tril(l_val) == l_val)) # check that l is lower triangular for d1, d2 in [(100, 100), (99, 98), (7, 5), (7, 7), (20, 7), (20, 10)]: test_modified_lu(d1, d2) # test dist_tsqr_hr def test_dist_tsqr_hr(d1, d2): print "testing dist_tsqr_hr with d1 = " + str(d1) + ", d2 = " + str(d2) a = dist.random.normal([d1, d2]) y, t, y_top, r = dist.linalg.tsqr_hr(a) a_full = dist.assemble(a) a_val = orchpy.pull(a_full) y_full = dist.assemble(y) y_val = orchpy.pull(y_full) t_val = orchpy.pull(t) y_top_val = orchpy.pull(y_top) r_val = orchpy.pull(r) tall_eye = np.zeros((d1, min(d1, d2))) np.fill_diagonal(tall_eye, 1) q = tall_eye -,, y_top_val.T)) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(, q), np.eye(min(d1, d2)))) # check that q.T * q = I self.assertTrue(np.allclose(, r_val), a_val)) # check that a = (I - y * t * y_top.T) * r for d1, d2 in [(123, dist.BLOCK_SIZE), (7, dist.BLOCK_SIZE), (dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE), (dist.BLOCK_SIZE, 7), (10 * dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE)]: test_dist_tsqr_hr(d1, d2) def test_dist_qr(d1, d2): print "testing qr with d1 = {}, and d2 = {}.".format(d1, d2) a = dist.random.normal([d1, d2]) K = min(d1, d2) q, r = dist.linalg.qr(a) a_full = dist.assemble(a) q_full = dist.assemble(q) r_full = dist.assemble(r) a_val = orchpy.pull(a_full) q_val = orchpy.pull(q_full) r_val = orchpy.pull(r_full) self.assertTrue(q_val.shape == (d1, K)) self.assertTrue(r_val.shape == (K, d2)) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(, q_val), np.eye(K))) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(r_val == np.triu(r_val))) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(a_val,, r_val))) for d1, d2 in [(123, dist.BLOCK_SIZE), (7, dist.BLOCK_SIZE), (dist.BLOCK_SIZE, dist.BLOCK_SIZE), (dist.BLOCK_SIZE, 7), (13, 21), (34, 35), (8, 7)]: test_dist_qr(d1, d2) test_dist_qr(d2, d1) for _ in range(20): d1 = np.random.randint(1, 35) d2 = np.random.randint(1, 35) test_dist_qr(d1, d2) services.cleanup() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()