
533 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import logging
from pathlib import Path
import os
import shutil
import sys
import json
import yaml
import tempfile
from typing import Optional
import pytest
from unittest.mock import patch
import ray
from ray.job_submission import JobSubmissionClient, JobStatus
from ray.dashboard.modules.job.common import CURRENT_VERSION, JobInfo
from ray.dashboard.modules.dashboard_sdk import (
from ray.dashboard.tests.conftest import * # noqa
from ray.ray_constants import DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_PORT
from ray.tests.conftest import _ray_start
from ray._private.test_utils import (
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def headers():
return {"Connection": "keep-alive", "Authorization": "TOK:<MY_TOKEN>"}
def job_sdk_client(headers):
with _ray_start(include_dashboard=True, num_cpus=1) as ctx:
address = ctx.address_info["webui_url"]
assert wait_until_server_available(address)
yield JobSubmissionClient(format_web_url(address), headers=headers)
# NOTE(architkulkarni): This test must be run first in order for the job
# submission history of the shared Ray runtime to be empty.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("use_sdk", [True, False])
def test_list_jobs_empty(job_sdk_client: JobSubmissionClient, use_sdk: bool):
client = job_sdk_client
if use_sdk:
assert client.list_jobs() == dict()
r = client._do_request(
assert r.status_code == 200
assert json.loads(r.text) == dict()
@pytest.mark.parametrize("use_sdk", [True, False])
def test_list_jobs(job_sdk_client: JobSubmissionClient, use_sdk: bool):
client = job_sdk_client
runtime_env = {"env_vars": {"TEST": "123"}}
metadata = {"foo": "bar"}
job_id = client.submit_job(
entrypoint="echo hello", runtime_env=runtime_env, metadata=metadata
wait_for_condition(_check_job_succeeded, client=client, job_id=job_id)
if use_sdk:
info: JobInfo = client.list_jobs()[job_id]
r = client._do_request(
assert r.status_code == 200
jobs_info_json = json.loads(r.text)
info_json = jobs_info_json[job_id]
info = JobInfo(**info_json)
assert info.status == JobStatus.SUCCEEDED
assert info.message is not None
assert info.end_time >= info.start_time
assert info.runtime_env == runtime_env
assert info.metadata == metadata
def _check_job_succeeded(client: JobSubmissionClient, job_id: str) -> bool:
status = client.get_job_status(job_id)
if status == JobStatus.FAILED:
logs = client.get_job_logs(job_id)
raise RuntimeError(f"Job failed\nlogs:\n{logs}")
return status == JobStatus.SUCCEEDED
def _check_job_failed(client: JobSubmissionClient, job_id: str) -> bool:
status = client.get_job_status(job_id)
return status == JobStatus.FAILED
def _check_job_stopped(client: JobSubmissionClient, job_id: str) -> bool:
status = client.get_job_status(job_id)
return status == JobStatus.STOPPED
def runtime_env_option(request):
import_in_task_script = """
import ray
def f():
import pip_install_test
if request.param == "no_working_dir":
yield {
"runtime_env": {},
"entrypoint": "echo hello",
"expected_logs": "hello\n",
elif request.param in {
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
path = Path(tmp_dir)
hello_file = path / "test.py"
with hello_file.open(mode="w") as f:
f.write("from test_module import run_test\n")
module_path = path / "test_module"
test_file = module_path / "test.py"
with test_file.open(mode="w") as f:
f.write("def run_test():\n")
f.write(" return 'Hello from test_module!'\n") # noqa: Q000
init_file = module_path / "__init__.py"
with init_file.open(mode="w") as f:
f.write("from test_module.test import run_test\n")
if request.param == "local_working_dir":
yield {
"runtime_env": {"working_dir": tmp_dir},
"entrypoint": "python test.py",
"expected_logs": "Hello from test_module!\n",
elif request.param == "local_working_dir_zip":
local_zipped_dir = shutil.make_archive(
os.path.join(tmp_dir, "test"), "zip", tmp_dir
yield {
"runtime_env": {"working_dir": local_zipped_dir},
"entrypoint": "python test.py",
"expected_logs": "Hello from test_module!\n",
elif request.param == "local_py_modules":
yield {
"runtime_env": {"py_modules": [str(Path(tmp_dir) / "test_module")]},
"entrypoint": (
"python -c 'import test_module;"
"expected_logs": "Hello from test_module!\n",
elif request.param == "working_dir_and_local_py_modules_whl":
yield {
"runtime_env": {
"working_dir": "s3://runtime-env-test/script_runtime_env.zip",
"py_modules": [
/ "pip_install_test-0.5-py3-none-any.whl"
"entrypoint": (
"python script.py && python -c 'import pip_install_test'"
"expected_logs": (
"Executing main() from script.py !!\n"
"Good job! You installed a pip module."
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected pytest fixture option {request.param}")
elif request.param == "s3_working_dir":
yield {
"runtime_env": {
"working_dir": "s3://runtime-env-test/script_runtime_env.zip",
"entrypoint": "python script.py",
"expected_logs": "Executing main() from script.py !!\n",
elif request.param == "pip_txt":
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir, chdir(tmpdir):
pip_list = ["pip-install-test==0.5"]
relative_filepath = "requirements.txt"
pip_file = Path(relative_filepath)
runtime_env = {"pip": {"packages": relative_filepath, "pip_check": False}}
yield {
"runtime_env": runtime_env,
"entrypoint": (
f"python -c 'import pip_install_test' && "
f"python -c '{import_in_task_script}'"
"expected_logs": "Good job! You installed a pip module.",
elif request.param == "conda_yaml":
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir, chdir(tmpdir):
conda_dict = {"dependencies": ["pip", {"pip": ["pip-install-test==0.5"]}]}
relative_filepath = "environment.yml"
conda_file = Path(relative_filepath)
runtime_env = {"conda": relative_filepath}
yield {
"runtime_env": runtime_env,
"entrypoint": f"python -c '{import_in_task_script}'",
# TODO(architkulkarni): Uncomment after #22968 is fixed.
# "entrypoint": "python -c 'import pip_install_test'",
"expected_logs": "Good job! You installed a pip module.",
assert False, f"Unrecognized option: {request.param}."
def test_submit_job(job_sdk_client, runtime_env_option, monkeypatch):
# This flag allows for local testing of runtime env conda functionality
# without needing a built Ray wheel. Rather than insert the link to the
# wheel into the conda spec, it links to the current Python site.
monkeypatch.setenv("RAY_RUNTIME_ENV_LOCAL_DEV_MODE", "1")
client = job_sdk_client
job_id = client.submit_job(
wait_for_condition(_check_job_succeeded, client=client, job_id=job_id, timeout=120)
logs = client.get_job_logs(job_id)
assert runtime_env_option["expected_logs"] in logs
def test_http_bad_request(job_sdk_client):
Send bad requests to job http server and ensure right return code and
error message is returned via http.
client = job_sdk_client
# 400 - HTTPBadRequest
r = client._do_request(
json_data={"key": "baaaad request"},
assert r.status_code == 400
assert "TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument" in r.text
def test_invalid_runtime_env(job_sdk_client):
client = job_sdk_client
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Only .zip files supported"):
entrypoint="echo hello", runtime_env={"working_dir": "s3://not_a_zip"}
def test_runtime_env_setup_failure(job_sdk_client):
client = job_sdk_client
job_id = client.submit_job(
entrypoint="echo hello", runtime_env={"working_dir": "s3://does_not_exist.zip"}
wait_for_condition(_check_job_failed, client=client, job_id=job_id)
data = client.get_job_info(job_id)
assert "Failed to setup runtime environment" in data.message
def test_submit_job_with_exception_in_driver(job_sdk_client):
Submit a job that's expected to throw exception while executing.
client = job_sdk_client
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
path = Path(tmp_dir)
driver_script = """
print('Hello !')
raise RuntimeError('Intentionally failed.')
test_script_file = path / "test_script.py"
with open(test_script_file, "w+") as file:
job_id = client.submit_job(
entrypoint="python test_script.py", runtime_env={"working_dir": tmp_dir}
wait_for_condition(_check_job_failed, client=client, job_id=job_id)
logs = client.get_job_logs(job_id)
assert "Hello !" in logs
assert "RuntimeError: Intentionally failed." in logs
def test_stop_long_running_job(job_sdk_client):
Submit a job that runs for a while and stop it in the middle.
client = job_sdk_client
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
path = Path(tmp_dir)
driver_script = """
print('Hello !')
import time
time.sleep(300) # This should never finish
raise RuntimeError('Intentionally failed.')
test_script_file = path / "test_script.py"
with open(test_script_file, "w+") as file:
job_id = client.submit_job(
entrypoint="python test_script.py", runtime_env={"working_dir": tmp_dir}
assert client.stop_job(job_id) is True
wait_for_condition(_check_job_stopped, client=client, job_id=job_id)
def test_job_metadata(job_sdk_client):
client = job_sdk_client
print_metadata_cmd = (
'python -c"'
"import ray;"
job_id = client.submit_job(
entrypoint=print_metadata_cmd, metadata={"key1": "val1", "key2": "val2"}
wait_for_condition(_check_job_succeeded, client=client, job_id=job_id)
assert (
"job_name": job_id,
"job_submission_id": job_id,
"key1": "val1",
"key2": "val2",
in client.get_job_logs(job_id)
def test_pass_job_id(job_sdk_client):
client = job_sdk_client
job_id = "my_custom_id"
returned_id = client.submit_job(entrypoint="echo hello", job_id=job_id)
assert returned_id == job_id
wait_for_condition(_check_job_succeeded, client=client, job_id=returned_id)
# Test that a duplicate job_id is rejected.
with pytest.raises(Exception, match=f"{job_id} already exists"):
returned_id = client.submit_job(entrypoint="echo hello", job_id=job_id)
def test_nonexistent_job(job_sdk_client):
client = job_sdk_client
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="nonexistent_job does not exist"):
def test_submit_optional_args(job_sdk_client):
"""Check that job_id, runtime_env, and metadata are optional."""
client = job_sdk_client
r = client._do_request(
json_data={"entrypoint": "ls"},
wait_for_condition(_check_job_succeeded, client=client, job_id=r.json()["job_id"])
def test_missing_resources(job_sdk_client):
"""Check that 404s are raised for resources that don't exist."""
client = job_sdk_client
conditions = [
("GET", "/api/jobs/fake_job_id"),
("GET", "/api/jobs/fake_job_id/logs"),
("POST", "/api/jobs/fake_job_id/stop"),
("GET", "/api/packages/fake_package_uri"),
for method, route in conditions:
assert client._do_request(method, route).status_code == 404
def test_version_endpoint(job_sdk_client):
client = job_sdk_client
r = client._do_request("GET", "/api/version")
assert r.status_code == 200
assert r.json() == {
"ray_version": ray.__version__,
"ray_commit": ray.__commit__,
def test_request_headers(job_sdk_client):
client = job_sdk_client
with patch("requests.request") as mock_request:
_ = client._do_request(
json_data={"entrypoint": "ls"},
json={"entrypoint": "ls"},
headers={"Connection": "keep-alive", "Authorization": "TOK:<MY_TOKEN>"},
@pytest.mark.parametrize("scheme", ["http", "https", "ray", "fake_module"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("host", ["", "localhost", "fake.dns.name"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("port", [None, 8265, 10000])
def test_parse_cluster_info(scheme: str, host: str, port: Optional[int]):
address = f"{scheme}://{host}"
if port is not None:
address += f":{port}"
final_port = port if port is not None else DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_PORT
if scheme in {"http", "ray"}:
assert parse_cluster_info(address, False) == ClusterInfo(
elif scheme == "https":
assert parse_cluster_info(address, False) == ClusterInfo(
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
parse_cluster_info(address, False)
async def test_tail_job_logs(job_sdk_client):
client = job_sdk_client
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
path = Path(tmp_dir)
driver_script = """
import time
for i in range(100):
print("Hello", i)
test_script_file = path / "test_script.py"
with open(test_script_file, "w+") as f:
job_id = client.submit_job(
entrypoint="python test_script.py", runtime_env={"working_dir": tmp_dir}
i = 0
async for lines in client.tail_job_logs(job_id):
print(lines, end="")
for line in lines.strip().split("\n"):
assert line.split(" ") == ["Hello", str(i)]
i += 1
wait_for_condition(_check_job_succeeded, client=client, job_id=job_id)
if __name__ == "__main__":
sys.exit(pytest.main(["-v", __file__]))