In Ray Serve 2.0, we released a [new deployment API](converting-to-ray-serve-deployment). The 1.x deployment API can still be used, but it will be deprecated in the future version.
## Migrating the 1.x Deployment
### Migrating handle pass between deployments
In the 1.x deployment, we usually pass handle of deployment to chain the deployments.
-`predict` method is defined inside `DAGDriver` class as an entry point to fulfil requests
- Similar to `predict` method, `predict_with_route` method is defined inside `DAGDriver` class as an entry point to fulfil requests.
-`DAGDriver` is a special class to handle multi entry points for different deployments
-`DAGDriver.bind` can accept dictionary and each key is represented as entry point route path.
-`predict_with_route` accepts a route path as the first argument to select which model to use.
- In the example, you can also use an HTTP request to fulfill your request. Different models will bind with different route paths based on the user inputs; e.g. http://localhost:8000/model1 and http://localhost:8000/model2
### Migrate deployments with route prefixes
Sometimes, you have a customized route prefix for each deployment: