2020-02-22 11:48:06 -08:00

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#+TITLE melpazoid

#+AUTHOR Chris Rayner


melpazoid is a bundle of scripts for testing Emacs packages, primarily submissions to MELPA. The ambition is to have checks that run in an "clean" environment, either through CI or through a container on your local machine.

Use Travis

Fork this repository and open a PR against it that modifies the .travis.yml file with your recipe and your clone address. The build information on your pull request will report any discovered issues.

Local install

You will need Python >= 3.6 (along with the requests package) and Docker.

Test your MELPA PR

  1. Run `make`
  2. Copy and paste the URL of your MELPA PR into the console

A Docker container will be built with (hopefully) all of your requirements installed. The output scroll will report any discovered issues.

Test a local package


Test a remote package