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Raw Blame History

  import scipy
  import numpy as np
  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

  from scipy.special import expi

Inverse Laplace Transform of the Propagator

We need the laplace transform of our spectral density.

  η = 1
  ω_c = 1
  Ω = 1

  def α(t):
      return η / np.pi * (ω_c / (1 + 1j * ω_c * t)) ** 2

  def α_l(z):
      return (
          (1j * ω_c * η)
          / np.pi
          ,* (1 + 1j * z / ω_c * np.exp(-1j * z / ω_c) * expi(1j * z / ω_c))
  def α_l_num(z):
      return quadpy.quad(lambda t: α(t) * np.exp(-t*z), 0, 1000)

Now let's try calculating \(K_{11}\). First we define its laplace transform

  def K_l(z):
      return np.array([[z, Ω * np.ones_like(z)], [-(Ω + np.imag(α_l(z))), z]]) / (z ** 2 + Ω ** 2 + Ω * np.imag(α_l(z)))

Plotting it may help to give us some intuition.

  res = np.linspace(.1, 10, 100)
  ims = np.linspace(-10, 10, 100)
  zs = np.meshgrid(res, 1j* ims, indexing="ij")
  zs = (zs[0] + zs[1])
  image = plt.imshow(K_l(zs)[0,1].imag)
  plt.colorbar(image, ax=plt.gca(), location='right', anchor=(0, 0.3), shrink=0.7)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7fa8d2f60c70>


Let's do the inverse transform.

  import quadpy

  def integrand(s, t):
      return 1 / (2j * np.pi) * K_l(s) * np.exp(s * t)

  def γ(t):
      return 1j * t + 10 + 1.1 * t**2/np.sqrt(t**2 + 1)

  def γ_dot(t):
      return 1.1 * (2*t/np.sqrt(t**2 + 1) - (t/np.sqrt(t**2 + 1))**3) + 1j

  def K(t, lim):
      return quadpy.quad(
          lambda s: integrand(γ(s), t) * γ_dot(s),

  t = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
  #plt.plot(t, [K11(τ, 200, .1).real for τ in t])
  #plt.plot(t, [K11(τ, 200, 10).real for τ in t])
  #plt.plot(t, [K11(τ, 200, 20).real for τ in t])
  #plt.plot(t, [K11(τ, 400).real for τ in t])
  from scipy import interpolate
  K_i = interpolate.interp1d(t, [K(τ, 300) for τ in t], axis=0)
  t = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)
  Ks = K_i(t).real
  for i, j in np.meshgrid([0, 1], [0, 1]):
      plt.plot(t, Ks[:, i, j])
