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Important Basics


DONE Where is stochastic unraveling explained in more detail?

  • maybe in sources 1-7 in the cite:Diosi1997

    1. cite:Diosi1995Jan
  • wait for hab…

RESOLVED Ito formalism necessary?

RESOLVED the stochastic calculus…

DONE understanding NMQSD

DONE How are gaussian processes described by their autocorellation

DONE Which mean is meant in the Bath Correlation Function?

  • ok mean in initial state

DONE What is the justification for substitutiong zt for a stochastic process?

  • actually we do not really substitute -> the sample trajectories are a stoch. process

DONE Why in the first place? -> sampling -> but why processes

DONE The langevin eq. for Q in cite:Strunz2001Habil is NO LANGEVIN equation?!

  • well sort of. the solution is correct

DONE Mathematical nitpicks in cite:Strunz2001Habil

DONE IN cite:Strunz2001Habil this is meant as integral over initial conditions?

TODO Submit stocproc and … patches


Implement Basic HOPS

CLOCK: [2021-10-08 Fri 08:51] CLOCK: [2021-10-07 Thu 13:38][2021-10-07 Thu 17:50] => 4:12

Find the Steady State

Quantify Heat Transfer

  • not as easy as in the cite:Kato2015Aug paper

Relation between coerrelation time and hops depth