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Flake-based development shell for Nix


  • Make sure you have installed Nix and have enabled Nix flakes in your local environment.

  • Fork project as template.

  • Then git clone on your project fork

  • After putting your dependencies in shell.nix, run flake develop to initialize project (if you have direnv, then run direnv allow and thereafter the project will be initialized automatically when you cd into that directory)

Nix package source

I have this flake pinned to my fork of nixpkgs, but you are free to change the nixpkgs to the original NixOS nixpkgs, or any other fork or commit that you wish. The settingi to change is inputs.nixpkgs.url (same applies to my fork of flake-utils, which is this project's only dependency outside of Nix itself).


The template only has jq as a project dependency, but you are free to use any project dependency that is available in recent nixpkgs.


Dual-licensed under MIT or the UNLICENSE.