Change: (ement-notify) Only run when session hasn't synced yet

This commit is contained in:
Adam Porter 2021-07-29 02:01:25 -05:00
parent df5c3fe170
commit 62302949df

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@ -86,8 +86,10 @@ the session (each the respective struct)."
(defun ement-notify (event room session)
"Send notifications for EVENT in ROOM on SESSION.
Calls functions in `ement-notify-functions' if any of
`ement-notify-predicates' return non-nil."
(when (and (cl-loop for pred in ement-notify-predicates
`ement-notify-predicates' return non-nil. Does not do anything
if session hasn't finished initial sync."
(when (and (ement-session-has-synced-p session)
(cl-loop for pred in ement-notify-predicates
thereis (funcall pred event room session))
(cl-loop for pred in ement-notify-functions
always (funcall pred event room session)))