Grammar and info accuracy improvements for the README. Trying to catch up to a
jupyter world in ein-console, though not 100% there yet.
Fixing an annoying error in debugger comint buffer that was ocurring when
quitting an ipdb debugging session.
Improved notification in the header when the notebook has no associated
For advanced cell editing assume codecells contain python code when the notebook
has no associated kernelspec.
Jupyter notebook post v4.0 (4.1?) now stores cookies as HttpOnly. This fix
partially addresses, at least with curl request backend, however request still
needs to be updated to recognize these cookies (see issue #148).
Some users have seen problems indenting Python code in codecells; this may be
due to having `indent-tabs-mode` set to a non-nil value. I now force it to be
nil in all ein notebook/worksheet buffers.
Also before saving a notebook hooks defined in `before-save-hook` are run.
EIN ipdb buffer should look better on Linux machines now. The extra characters
were someone's (ipython?) attempt at doing ansi coloring I think.
Also trying to make the ipdb comint buffer more canonical, with the hope to get
it to work with realgud. Not quite there yet, unfortunately.
Can save a copy of an existing notebook to a new name via
`ein:notebook-save-to-command` (I still haven't thought of a good,
default keybinding, however).
Deleting notebooks now works again.
Notebooklist was not showing kernel status anymore.
Connect_request messages are deprecated since v5.0 of the messaging
spec, and ein never did much anyway with the message.
Small hack to allow python mode source editing popout buffers (ala C-c')
work with anaconda-mode.
Do major mode selection based on language specified in kernelspec, this
should allow better support when using ein with kernels other than python.
Using C-c', users can create a temporary buffer running an appropriate
mode to edit the contents of a notebook cell. This functionality is
intentionally very similar to what org-mode provides for editing blocks
of code or other.
Saving a notebook and creating a checkpoint are related, but distinct
activities. EIN does better now with this distinction. See updates to
the documentaiton (which should get pushed to github any day now).
The goal is to eventually eliminate most of the warnings that are
generated when byte-compiling ein.
Do this over several commits to make it easier to revert in the likely
event that something breaks.