* Documentation chasing the commit tail.
* This really belongs with the project.
No longer 100% up to date, but worth including if nothing more than for
historical purposes.
* Update ob-ein documentation.
* Fix testing for emacs 27.
Shouldn't setq a structure accessor.
* Add the changelog.
* Workaround for issue #559.
Force ein to use an earlier version (0.9) of websocket.
* Update to v0.16.1
* Add changelog.
One of these days I will remember.
* Get my links right.
* Revert now that websocket is working again.
* Doc updates, dependency updates, prepare for another release.
Make sure we point to a working version of websocket. Documenting some changes
so we can release v0.16.2.
* Make sure we get all the documentation changes in.
* Latest IPython version is 7.5.
Update travis accordingly.
Because global-font-lock-mode will call font-lock-initial-fontify, the
inconsistency caused by nullifying font-lock-function while preserving
font-lock-fontify-buffer-function causes the whole buffer to get
fontified in polymode
Commit a969736 duplicated the before-until advice on
syntax-propertize. This broke polymode badly, and yet none of my
tests catch this (partly because it's hard to test font-lock).
`advice.el` suggests the `ad-default-compilation-action=maybe` admits
inadvertent byte-compilation of advised syntax-ppss in non-EIN
packages reported in #537.
Prevent this by setting `ad-default-compilation-action=never`
when ein:polymode is activated.
M-x customize-group RET ein
Toggle Ein:Polymode
Avoid trying to emulate jump-to-definition, eldoc, and autocompletion
functionalities that Elpy will always do better.