Content api tries to handle redirects, pointing new content towards the
redirected url instead of the one supplied by the user. Login with redirects not
working, though.
Other fixes:
- Fixed bug in ein-ac that was generating errors outside of ein buffers.
- New function `ein:pyools-set-figure-size` as shortcut for modifying
matplotlib figsize rcParam.
- ob-ein will output tracebacks when ein source block generates an error.
Finally do the right thing when clear_output is received. Closes issue #24. Also
fix a nasty bug that might occurr when trying to open a notebook with no
associated kernelspec.
Prettier kernelspec names in notebooklist buffers. Only load pytools for python
kernels, which hopefully will help with connecting to non-python kernels.
tkf/emacs-request#60 was recently fixed, so no longer need to defadvice
`request--netscape-cookie-parse. Changed names of some obsolete variables. Also
trying to be a bit more clever in error handling by judicious use of
Some cell actions now have a true undo. Moving, inserting and executing cells
can all be undone. Deleting cell does not have an undo at the moment, though the
preferred method for users is to call ein:worksheet-kill-cell which puts the
removed cell into the kill-ring.
Grammar and info accuracy improvements for the README. Trying to catch up to a
jupyter world in ein-console, though not 100% there yet.
Fixing an annoying error in debugger comint buffer that was ocurring when
quitting an ipdb debugging session.
Improved notification in the header when the notebook has no associated
For advanced cell editing assume codecells contain python code when the notebook
has no associated kernelspec.
Jupyter notebook post v4.0 (4.1?) now stores cookies as HttpOnly. This fix
partially addresses, at least with curl request backend, however request still
needs to be updated to recognize these cookies (see issue #148).
Some users have seen problems indenting Python code in codecells; this may be
due to having `indent-tabs-mode` set to a non-nil value. I now force it to be
nil in all ein notebook/worksheet buffers.
Also before saving a notebook hooks defined in `before-save-hook` are run.
EIN ipdb buffer should look better on Linux machines now. The extra characters
were someone's (ipython?) attempt at doing ansi coloring I think.
Also trying to make the ipdb comint buffer more canonical, with the hope to get
it to work with realgud. Not quite there yet, unfortunately.