C-c C-d breaks undo. Fix as follows:
Before: turn on slide indicator via C-c S, toggle type with C-c C-d
After: toggle type with C-c S.
Benefits: Fixes undo, simplifies slideshow operation, elpy users are
accustomed to having C-c C-d be "jump to doc"
M-x customize-group RET ein
Toggle Ein:Polymode
Avoid trying to emulate jump-to-definition, eldoc, and autocompletion
functionalities that Elpy will always do better.
Notebooks with :text/plain and :text/html outputs opt for
:text/html which looks bad in emacs.
There is already code to prefer :text over :text/html, so it should
prefer :text/plain as well.
We were only selectively fixing the mime type for execute_result outputs, now we
treat those the same as we do display outputs. Also fixed image/svg+xml MIME
type wherever I could find it.
If dynamic-javascript is enabled and we see HTML in the display data after
executing a cell, then we create a web page for it in the simple-httpd server.
Do not assume python... leverage ESS to improve R interaction.
Fix both undo and fontify in the presence of toggling cells (`C-c
Fix and test switching kernels
Use deferred and callbacks instead of `:sync t` for tkf requests which
is known to have issues. Query server attributes once on
notebooklist-open to avoid sequencing issue #176 (but allow Resync).
Under curl backend, a second request for the same "key" as a pending
request will abort the latter, which has resulted in a clobbered
curl-cookie-jar file, so merely warn and don't abort.
New hooks `ein:pre-kernel-execute-functions', `ein:on-execute-reply-functions'
and `ein:on-shell-reply-functions'. See variable documentation for more
Similar to having an input area face, we now have faces for errors &
normal output in the output area. They're currently empty to preserve
existing appearance.
User can now ask ein to truncate long outputs in a worksheet. Use the
customizable variable `ein:truncate-long-cell-output' to control this behavior.
Set to nil to have no truncation, otherwise an integer value specifying the
number of lines to keep before truncating.
It seems there are enough people out there still on Emacs 24 to warrant undoing
some of my recent moves away from eieio to cl-generic. For the near future I
will try to keep any changes that are incompatible with Emacs 24 to a
development branch. There is still probably plenty of opportunity to make the
code more future-proof for an eventual move away from eieio (I'm looking at you
oref and sref...)
Images weren't being save to json in the way they should have. Mostly had to do
with how the attirbutes were being ordered. This is still, unfortunately, a
nasty bit code but it still seems to work.