`company-backends' is special-variable-p so I don't believe it can be
avoid eager loading of ess or julia.
if one changes the minimal tested version of emacs, one should `make
README` to reflect. Also, reverted back to 25.1 because #509.
no need for evm under osx (purcell).
restore a completion test (after disabling company-frontends).
We have to be careful about setting it globally because that seems to be causing
some conflicts, better to set it at the buffer level when we are opening a
notebook otherwise ein:company-backend may not be activated.
Because global-font-lock-mode will call font-lock-initial-fontify, the
inconsistency caused by nullifying font-lock-function while preserving
font-lock-fontify-buffer-function causes the whole buffer to get
fontified in polymode
Commit a969736 duplicated the before-until advice on
syntax-propertize. This broke polymode badly, and yet none of my
tests catch this (partly because it's hard to test font-lock).
Before: Exit emacs with modified notebooks. Be asked "You have
unsaved notebooks. Discard changes?" Respond no, and manually figure
out which notebooks haven't been saved.
After: Exit emacs with modified notebooks. Be asked "Save A?".
Respond yes. Quit without further ado.
Also, bugfix killing of buffers in polymode. Must kill host buffer,
not indirect buffers.
* Use completing-read instead of ido-completing-read.
Per @seagle0128 and issue #496.
* lisp/ein-notebook.el:
* Wrap all calls to completing-read with ein:completing-read
Use `ein:completing-read' everywhere we need to do completion as it wraps Emacs
completing-read functionality and tries to use sane defaults.
C-c C-d breaks undo. Fix as follows:
Before: turn on slide indicator via C-c S, toggle type with C-c C-d
After: toggle type with C-c S.
Benefits: Fixes undo, simplifies slideshow operation, elpy users are
accustomed to having C-c C-d be "jump to doc"
M-x customize-group RET ein
Toggle Ein:Polymode
Avoid trying to emulate jump-to-definition, eldoc, and autocompletion
functionalities that Elpy will always do better.
* Testing for shared eval and connecting buffers.
* Forgot the feature.
* Need a small delay to make sure code is evaluated.
* Testing for shared eval and connecting buffers.
* Forgot the feature.
* Need a small delay to make sure code is evaluated.
* Add scenario for company completion in a connected buffer.
* Works better if we test completion first.
* Update ipython version tested in travis.
* Stab in the dark to fix travis erroring under ipython 6.x
* Revert "Stab in the dark to fix travis erroring under ipython 6.x"
This reverts commit 7255d31fdb.
In light of #425 and #456, provide more guidance on curl errors.
Also, clean up eldoc stub. Leveraging elpy's eldoc perfection seems
the only sensible choice, however.
EIN can sometimes lose the reference to the notebook buffer when trying to save
"huge" notebooks. This is a temporary (hah!) workaround until the problem is
better understood.