Jean-Philippe Bernardy c6fd2ade38 todo notes
2017-05-02 11:39:22 +02:00

64 lines
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Org Mode

* Helm/Ivy/?
Here is the old section from the tutorial. Removed it as helm/ivy is a
choice that will depend on customization.
Helm is a very useful package. Boon provides special support for it.
>> If you have not done it yet, install helm now: (package-install 'helm)
The command '\\[helm-occur]' starts `helm-occur'; which does a quick search for all
occurrences of a pattern in the current buffer.
>> Type '\\[helm-occur]' now
>> Within the helm prompt area, type 'helm <return>' to jump to
the beginning of this section.
You can search for the current symbol by typing SPC in an empty
helm mini-buffer.
>> Move the cursor to an occurrence of the helm word, and type '\\[helm-occur] SPC'.
>> Use C-\\[helm-previous-line] and C-\\[helm-next-line] to select an occurrence, then type <return> to jump to
the currently selected occurrence
Note: after typing \\<helm-map>\\[helm-previous-line], it
suffices to type \\<helm-map>\\[helm-previous-line] to perform
The keys which do not require repeating the C- prefix are:
Besides `helm-occur', a few other helm commands are bound to keys starting with the same prefix:
\\[helm-apropos] --> `helm-apropos'
\\[helm-resume] --> `helm-resume'
\\[helm-show-kill-ring] --> `helm-show-kill-ring'
The full list of key bound to that prefix is:
* swap-region
* Fully Support Fundamental buffers
I tried to do this following the code in Evil but it does not work.
* Repeat "last command"
The package dot-mode allows to do this to some extent but falls short
for boon. The general method of dot-mode could be re-used; namely:
- Add a pre/post command hooks which record the keys/commands
- The sequences are delimited by move commands
However this is quite heavyweight (there are also lots of special
cases and complications in dot-mode), so it's not clear that's the way
to go.
** Binding
could be bound to RET or Z.