2019-08-25 22:05:02 +02:00
Cabal-Version: 2.4
2016-11-15 21:35:36 +01:00
name: boon
version: 1.0
category: Development
synopsis: A generator of nix files
Soon to appear.
license-file: LICENSE
author: Jean-Philippe Bernardy
maintainer: jeanphilippe.bernardy@gmail.com
2019-08-25 22:05:02 +02:00
tested-with: GHC==8.6.4
2016-11-15 21:35:36 +01:00
build-type: Simple
executable boonCS
2019-08-25 22:05:02 +02:00
build-tool-depends: marxup:marxup
2016-11-15 21:35:36 +01:00
default-language: Haskell2010
build-depends: base
build-depends: lens
build-depends: gasp
build-depends: marxup
build-depends: lp-diagrams
2019-08-25 22:05:02 +02:00
build-depends: typography-geometry >= 1.0.1
2016-11-15 21:35:36 +01:00
main-is: cheat-sheet.hs