new cheat sheet generator

This commit is contained in:
Jean-Philippe Bernardy 2016-11-15 21:35:36 +01:00
parent ab49c4019a
commit 67d6be1b38
12 changed files with 209 additions and 142 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -11,5 +11,8 @@ TAGS

View file

@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
emacs ?= emacs
cheat.pdf: cheat-sheet.hs
ghc --make cheat-sheet.hs -main-is CC
xelatex cheat-sheet.tex
xelatex qwerty.tex
xelatex qwerty.tex
cheat.pdf: cheat-sheet.hs Colemak.hs
nix-shell --run "cabal build"
nix-shell --run dist/build/boonCS/boonCS
nix-shell latex.nix --run "xelatex cheat-sheet.tex"
nix-shell --run dist/build/boonCS/boonCS
nix-shell latex.nix --run "xelatex cheat-sheet.tex"
$(emacs) -batch --script boon-test.el
Colemak.hs: boon-tutorial.el boon-colemak.el boon-keys.el
$(emacs) -batch \
--eval "(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name \".\"))" \
--eval "(package-initialize)" \

View file

@ -12,20 +12,22 @@
(defun boon-dump-map (map)
"Dump the MAP in a format usable to generate a cheat sheet."
(--map (let* ((b (lookup-key map (make-vector 1 it)))
(mn (boon-mnemonic-noformat b map)))
(format "(%d,%S,\"%S\"):" it mn
(cond ((symbolp b) b)
((eq b boon-x-map) 'x-map)
((eq b boon-goto-map) 'goto-map))
(-iterate '1+ ?A 26)
(-iterate '1+ ?a 26)
'(?\; ?: ?- ?' ?, ?. ?< ?>)
(-reduce (lambda (x y) (concat x "," y))
(--map (let* ((b (lookup-key map (make-vector 1 it)))
(mn (boon-mnemonic-noformat b map)))
(format "(%d,(%S,\"%S\"))" it mn
(cond ((symbolp b) b)
((eq b boon-x-map) 'x-map)
((eq b boon-goto-map) 'goto-map))
(-iterate '1+ ?A 26)
(-iterate '1+ ?a 26)
'(?\; ?: ?- ?' ?, ?. ?< ?> ?/ ?? 32 ?\")
(defun boon-dump-cheatsheet (flavour)
"Dump cheatcheat info for FLAVOUR."
@ -34,11 +36,11 @@
(require 'boon)
(load el)
(insert (format "module %s where \n " module))
(insert (format "module %s where \n" module))
(insert (format "nil = \"\"\n"))
(insert (format "commandMap = %s:[]\n" (boon-dump-map boon-command-map)))
(insert (format "movesMap = %s:[]\n" (boon-dump-map boon-moves-map)))
(insert (format "selectMap = %s:[]\n" (boon-dump-map boon-select-map)))
(insert (format "commandMap = %s\n" (boon-dump-map boon-command-map)))
(insert (format "movesMap = %s\n" (boon-dump-map boon-moves-map)))
(insert (format "selectMap = %s\n" (boon-dump-map boon-select-map)))
(write-region nil nil (concat module ".hs")))))
(defun boon-keymap-rev-look (sub map)

boon.cabal Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
name: boon
version: 1.0
category: Development
synopsis: A generator of nix files
Soon to appear.
license: GPL
license-file: LICENSE
author: Jean-Philippe Bernardy
Cabal-Version: >= 1.20
tested-with: GHC==8.0.1
build-type: Simple
executable boonCS
default-language: Haskell2010
build-depends: base
build-depends: lens
build-depends: gasp
build-depends: marxup
build-depends: lp-diagrams
main-is: cheat-sheet.hs

View file

@ -1,28 +1,26 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XTypeSynonymInstances -XOverloadedStrings -XRecursiveDo -pgmF marxup -F #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, RecordWildCards #-}
module CC where
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -pgmF marxup -F #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, RecordWildCards, RecursiveDo, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main (main) where
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.Char (toUpper,chr)
import Prelude hiding (mapM,sequence,Num(..),(/))
import MarXup
import MarXup.Latex
import MarXup.Tex hiding (label)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Graphics.Diagrams
import MarXup.Diagram
import MarXup.Latex.Math (ensureMath)
import Control.Lens (set)
-- import Data.String
import Data.Traversable
import Data.List (zip4,zipWith4,isSuffixOf,isPrefixOf)
import Data.List (isSuffixOf,isPrefixOf)
import Algebra.Classes
import qualified Colemak
preamble body = do
documentClass "article" ["10pt"]
usepackage "fontspec" []
cmd "setsansfont" (tex "DejaVu Sans")
cmd "setmainfont" (tex "DejaVu Serif")
-- cmd "setmainfont" (tex "DejaVu Serif")
usepackage "tikz" []
usepackage "graphicx" []
usepackage "amssymb" []
@ -31,12 +29,22 @@ preamble body = do
env "document" body
data CheatSheet = CS
{ leftHandK, rightHandK :: [[String]] -- keycaps
, leftHandM, rightHandM :: [[TeX]] -- mnemonics
, leftHandL, leftHandU, rightHandL, rightHandU :: [[(TeX,Argument)]] -- commands (lowercase, uppercase)
, leftHandR :: [[(TeX,Argument)]] -- region selectors
{ leftHandK, rightHandK :: [[String]] -- keycap glyphs
, commandsInfo, selectorsInfo :: [(Integer,(String,String))]
commandArgument :: String -> Argument
commandArgument x | "region" `isSuffixOf` x = TextRegion
| "character" `isSuffixOf` x = Char
| "map" `isSuffixOf` x = Prefix
| "avy" `isPrefixOf` x = Char
commandArgument "boon-enclose" = Bin Enclosure TextRegion
commandArgument "selectContent" = TextRegion
commandArgument "" = Reserved
commandArgument _ = None
colemakCS :: CheatSheet
colemakCS = CS {
leftHandK = [["q","w","f","p","g"]
@ -45,41 +53,11 @@ colemakCS = CS {
,rightHandK = [["j","l","u","y",";"," "]
,["k","m",",",".","/"," "]]
,rightHandM = [["Jump", "", "", "", ""]
,["Hop", "" , "", "", "" , "'"]
,["bacK to marK", "", "", "", ""]
,leftHandL = [[("escape",Char), ("search backward",SearchObject), ("search forward",SearchObject), ("occur",None), ("goto-...",Prefix)]
,[("enclose",Bin Enclosure TextRegion), ("kill+insert", TextRegion), ("yank", None), ("kill", TextRegion), ("replace char", Char)]
,[reserved, ("C-x",Prefix), ("C-c C-...",Prefix), ("insert mode",None), ("yank register",Char)]
,leftHandM = [["Quote", "backWard", "Forward", "Pinpoint", "Goto"]
,["Around", "Replace", "Splice", "Take", "Displace"]
,["", "eXtended", "Command", "⋎ (insert mark)", "Bank"]
,leftHandU = [[reserved, ("re-search backward",None), ("re-search forward",None), ("Play-macro",None), reserved]
,[reserved, ("Record macro", None), ("pop-yank", None), ("copy", TextRegion), reserved]
,[reserved, reserved, reserved, ("open line",None), ("copy register",Char)]
,leftHandR = [[("quotes (string)",None), ("word",None), ("word",None), ("paragraph",None), reserved]
,[("enclosure",TextRegion), ("whole-line",None), ("symbol",None), ("whitespace+",TextRegion), ("document",None), ("previous-region",None)]
,[("inclosure",TextRegion), ("s-expr",None), ("s-expr contents",None), reserved, reserved]
,rightHandL = movesC
[["jump-to-def", "begin-of-line", "previous-line", "next-line", "end-of-line"]
,["avy-jump", "smarter-left", "backward-char", "forward-char", "smarter-right", "toggle mark-active"]
,["pop-mark", "", "begin-of-expr", "end-of-expr", ""]
,rightHandU = movesC
[["reserved", "", "previous-paragraph", "next-paragraph", ""]
,["avy-jump-char", "", "smarter-up", "smarter-down", "", ""]
,["pop-mark-quick", "", "begin-of-buffer", "end-of-buffer", ""]
,commandsInfo = Colemak.commandMap ++ Colemak.movesMap
,selectorsInfo = Colemak.selectMap
qwertyCS = colemakCS {
qwertyCS = CS {
leftHandK = [["q","w","e","r","t"]
@ -87,26 +65,11 @@ qwertyCS = colemakCS {
,rightHandK = [["y","u","i","o","p"," "]
,["n","m",",",".","/"," "]]
,leftHandL = [[("escape",Char), ("search backward",SearchObject), ("search forward",SearchObject), ("occur",None), ("replace char", Char)]
,[("enclose",Bin Enclosure TextRegion), ("kill+insert", TextRegion), ("kill", TextRegion), ("yank", None), ("goto-...",Prefix)]
,[reserved, ("C-x",Prefix), ("C-c C-...",Prefix), ("insert mode",None), ("yank register",Char)]
,leftHandU = [[reserved, ("re-search backward",None), ("re-search forward",None), ("Record macro", None), reserved]
,[reserved, reserved, ("copy", TextRegion), ("pop-yank", None), reserved]
,[reserved, reserved, reserved, ("open line",None), ("copy register",Char)]
,leftHandM = [["Quote", "backWard", "Elsewhere?", "occurR", "Transform"]
,["Around", "Substitute", "Delete", "Flush", "Goto"]
,["", "eXtended", "Command", "⋎ (insert mark)", "Bank"]
,leftHandR = [[("quotes (string)",None), ("word",None), ("word",None), ("paragraph",None), reserved]
,[("enclosure",TextRegion), ("symbol",None), ("document",None), reserved, ("paragraph",None), ("previous-region",None)]
,[("inclosure",TextRegion), ("s-expr",None), ("s-expr contents",None), ("whitespace+",TextRegion), ("blanks",TextRegion) ]
upKey c = case [c]
upKey :: Char -> Char
upKey c = case [c] of
"'" -> head "\""
";" -> ':'
"," -> '<'
@ -127,52 +90,47 @@ argColor a = case a of
Bin _ _ -> "purple"
_ -> "white"
reserved :: (TeX,Argument)
reserved = (italic "reserved",Reserved)
moveC :: String -> (TeX,Argument)
moveC "" = ("",Reserved)
moveC x | "avy" `isPrefixOf` x = (textual x,Char)
moveC x | "region" `isSuffixOf` x = (textual x,TextRegion)
moveC x = (textual x,None)
movesC = map (map moveC)
sm = cmd0 "shortmid"
ma = ensureMath
varwidth :: forall a. String -> Tex a -> Tex a
varwidth x body = env "varwidth" ((braces $ tex x) >> cmd0 "centering" >> body)
zzip = zipWith zip
zzipWith = zipWith . zipWith
zzip4 f = zipWith4 (zipWith4 f)
zzip3 f = zipWith3 (zipWith3 f)
keySize :: Constant
keySize = 65
fontsize :: String -> String -> TeX -> TeX
fontsize x y body = braces $ cmdn_ "fontsize" [tex x, tex y] <> body
massageInfo :: (Integer, (String,String)) -> (String, (TeX,Argument,TeX))
massageInfo (c,(mnemonic,command)) = ([chr (fromIntegral c)],(cmdTex,arg,textual mnemonic))
where (cmdTex,arg) | command == "nil" = (italic "reserved",Reserved)
| otherwise = (textual (shortenCommand command),commandArgument command)
-- keyHalf :: String -> (TeX,Argument) -> TexDiagram Anchorage
keyHalf k (act,arg) = do
up <- using (fill (argColor arg)) $ draw $ box "keyHalf"
upK <- label "k" $ textSize Huge $ sans $ textual $ k
upT <- label "scr" $ varwidth "45pt" $ sans $ textSize ScriptSize $ act
up # E .=. upT # E
up # W .=. upK # W
width up === constant keySize
height up === constant (keySize / 2)
return up
shortenCommand :: String -> String
shortenCommand c | "boon-" `isPrefixOf` c = shortenCommand (drop 5 c)
shortenCommand c | "-map" `isSuffixOf` c = shortenCommand (dropR 4 c)
shortenCommand c = c
dropR :: forall a. Int -> [a] -> [a]
dropR n = reverse . drop n . reverse
keyHalf :: [(String, (TeX, Argument, TeX))]
-> String -> TexDiagram Object
keyHalf kmInfo k = case lookup k kmInfo of
Nothing -> error $ "key (" ++ k ++ ") not found in keymap."
Just (act,arg,mnem) -> do
up <- using (fill (argColor arg)) $ draw $ box "keyHalf"
upK <- label "k" $ textSize Huge $ sans $ textual $ k
upT <- label "scr" $ varwidth "45pt" $ sans $ textSize ScriptSize $ act
m <- (label "mnem" $ sans $ textSize Tiny $ mnem)
m # SW .=. up # SW
up # E .=. upT # E
up # W .=. upK # W
width up === constant keySize
height up === constant (keySize / 2)
return up
keyDiagram k mnem l u = do
keyDiagram :: [(String, (TeX, Argument, TeX))] -> String -> Diagram TeX Tex Object
keyDiagram kmInfo k = do
b <- using (set lineWidth thick) $ draw $ box "keyB"
up <- keyHalf (map upKey k) u
down <- keyHalf k l
m <- (label "mnem" $ sans $ textSize Tiny $ mnem)
m # SW .=. b # SW
up <- keyHalf kmInfo (map upKey k)
down <- keyHalf kmInfo k
up # S .=. down # N
b # NW .=. up # NW
b # NE .=. up # NE
@ -193,6 +151,7 @@ keyFull w k act arg = do
keyDist :: Constant
keyDist = 5
argDescs :: [(Argument, TeX)]
argDescs =
[(Bin Enclosure TextRegion, "First an enclosure, then a region")
,(None,"No Argument")
@ -226,27 +185,30 @@ matrixDiag matrix = do
alignMatrix $ map (map (# Center)) keys
return $ reverse keys
keyBDiag :: CheatSheet -> TexDiagram ()
keyBDiag CS {..} = do
keys <- matrixDiag (zzip4 keyDiagram (leftHandK +++ rightHandK) (leftHandM +++ rightHandM) (leftHandL +++ rightHandL) (leftHandU +++ rightHandU))
keys <- matrixDiag (map (map (keyDiagram (map massageInfo commandsInfo))) (leftHandK +++ rightHandK))
esc <- keyFull keySize "esc" "back to normal mode" None
esc # SW .=. (keys !! 0 !! 0) # NW + (Point zero (constant keyDist))
bar <- keyFull (keySize * 6 + keyDist * 5) "space" "select region" TextRegion
keys !! 2 !! 2 # SW .=. bar # NW + (Point zero (constant keyDist))
return ()
regDiag :: CheatSheet -> TexDiagram ()
regDiag CS {..} = do
txt <- label "lhtrs" "Left-hand text region specifiers:"
keys <- matrixDiag (zzipWith keyHalf leftHandK leftHandR)
keys <- matrixDiag (map (map (keyHalf (map massageInfo selectorsInfo))) leftHandK)
spread vdist (constant 7) [keys!!0!!0,txt]
return ()
(+++) :: [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
x +++ y = zipWith (++) x y
main :: IO ()
main = do
renderTex Plain "cheat-sheet" (docu colemakCS)
renderTex Plain "qwerty" (docu qwertyCS)
-- renderTex Plain "qwerty" (docu qwertyCS)
docu :: CheatSheet -> TeX
docu csData = preamble «

Binary file not shown.

default.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
{ mkDerivation, base, gasp, lens, lp-diagrams, marxup, stdenv }:
mkDerivation {
pname = "boon";
version = "1.0";
src = ./.;
isLibrary = false;
isExecutable = true;
executableHaskellDepends = [ base gasp lens lp-diagrams marxup ];
description = "A generator of nix files";
license = "GPL";

latex.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
with (import <nixpkgs> {});
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "docsEnv";
buildInputs = [ (texlive.combine {
inherit (texlive)
scheme-small wrapfig marvosym wasysym wasy cm-super unicode-math filehook lm-math capt-of
xstring ucharcat;

lp-diagrams.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
{ mkDerivation, base, containers, fetchgit, gasp, graphviz
, labeled-tree, lens, mtl, parsek, polynomials-bernstein, process
, reflection, stdenv, text, typography-geometry, vector
mkDerivation {
pname = "lp-diagrams";
version = "2.1.0";
src = fetchgit {
url = "";
sha256 = "0n25cc2h863xgr119a0y8ip0pdazpljhjixlr2pvm9g18r23csw6";
rev = "5a9196d14191f7d8d16a191676ad461e1fbce89f";
libraryHaskellDepends = [
base containers gasp graphviz labeled-tree lens mtl parsek
polynomials-bernstein process reflection text typography-geometry
description = "An EDSL for diagrams based based on linear constraints";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3;

marxup.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
{ mkDerivation, base, configurator, containers, directory, dlist
, fetchgit, filepath, haskell-src-exts, labeled-tree, lens
, lp-diagrams, mtl, parsek, pretty, process, stdenv, text
mkDerivation {
pname = "marxup";
version = "";
src = fetchgit {
url = "";
sha256 = "1flpdaxxiqacg1m8ac76a32qv78yp1721nlgnnw2kvpqyqhjs8za";
rev = "ac35153d20e6f6d628b5a489a7fddd1ef0cb1140";
isLibrary = true;
isExecutable = true;
libraryHaskellDepends = [
base containers directory filepath haskell-src-exts labeled-tree
lens lp-diagrams mtl process text
executableHaskellDepends = [
base configurator dlist parsek pretty
description = "Markup language preprocessor for Haskell";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2;

View file

@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
with (import <nixpkgs> {});
haskell.lib.buildStackProject {
ghc = haskell.compiler.ghc7103;
name = "myEnv";
buildInputs = [ ncurses zlib.out ];
shellHook = ''
{ nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, compiler ? "ghc801" }:
with (import <nixpkgs> {}).pkgs;
let hp = haskell.packages.${compiler}.override{
overrides = self: super: {
lp-diagrams = self.callPackage ./lp-diagrams.nix {};
marxup = self.callPackage ./marxup.nix {};
locpkg = hp.callPackage ./default.nix { };
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
name =;
buildInputs = locpkg.buildInputs ++ [ z3 ];
shellHook = ''
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

styx.yaml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@