9.4 KiB
- Literatur
- Aufgaben
- Clock Table
- Fragen
- Lorentz Invar. Matrixelement
- Impulserhaltung aus dem Gefuehl… (ohne deltas) ok?
- Normierung Photonenfeld?
- Globaler Spin bei pol. Vektoren?
- Spin nicht erhalten?
- Abweichungen im vergeich weiter diskutieren?
- Flavours im Proton
- Sind quark verhaeltnisse in PDF enthalten (2:1 fuer proton)
- beide finalstate photonen behalten?
- PDF members
- Sensitivity detectors cite! -> separation from beam
- was fuer eine pdf ist das NNPDF31lo
- four mom. conservation errors
- Warum Veto nur fuer MUONS
- Initial und finals state radiation?
- Jet algos
- Soft Inclusive
- what does inclusive mean
- Normalize to XS
- y axis label for normalized histos
- PDF cannot be derived: in principle?
- still compatible?
- cite atlas paper (analysis?)
- Work Log
- Todo
- Observations
Feynman Rules
Siegert Vorlesung
CLOCK: [2020-03-18 Wed 10:57]–[2020-03-18 Wed 11:20] => 0:23
- Vorlesung
- Feynman Diags etc…
- Beispiel zur Berechnung
Particle Physics
CLOCK: [2020-03-18 Wed 16:32]–[2020-03-18 Wed 21:01] => 4:29 CLOCK: [2020-03-18 Wed 11:20]–[2020-03-18 Wed 14:21] => 3:01
Pseudo Rapidity
Erste Aufgabenp
CLOCK: [2020-03-20 Fri 09:30]
Mail von Siegert
CLOCK: [2020-03-19 Thu 15:21]–[2020-03-19 Thu 17:25] => 2:04 CLOCK: [2020-03-19 Thu 10:05]–[2020-03-19 Thu 11:56] => 1:51
Hi Valentin,
alles klar. Das Formular machen wir dann einfach im Nachhinein und datieren es zurueck.
Dann wuerde ich zur Einarbeitung vorschlagen, Du schaust Dir mal meinen Aufschrieb zu Feynman-Regeln und der |M|^2-Berechnung aus der Vorlesung an, Kapitel 4.3 und 4.4 hier:
Versuch das erstmal fuer den gezeigten Prozess nachzuvollziehen, und schau dann, ob Du folgende Uebungsaufgaben aus meinem Kurs kannst: 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2 5.3 https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/11966152704/CourseNode/92162447560998
Wenn Du konzeptionell oder rechnerisch irgendwo haengen bleibst, reden wir (Skype/Vidyo/Zoom/…), damit ich einzelnes nochmal naeher erlaeutern kann. Wenn Du damit durch bist, kann ich Dir die Musterloesungen zur Verfuegung stellen und du schaust nochmal genauer, ob noch irgendwas unklar ist.
Dann kannst Du mal qq->yy rechnen.
Klingt das OK fuer den Start?
Viele Gruesse, Frank
Berechnung qq -> γγ
- 4 Anlaeufe :). Idiotischerweise 4-Vektor negiert
- letzter Anlauf mit Casimir Trick erfolgreich
gute tricks:
- γ auf z Achse
- Symmetrien Beachten -> spart die Haelfte beim umdrehen der Spins
- Vollstaendigkeitsrelation von pol. Vektoren in Form: Completeness Pol. Vectors
Vergleich mit Sherpa
- Runcard
- Notebook mit Implementierung der XS
- Zeigte fehler in Rechnung auf
Monte Carlo Methods
- implementation as module
- Integration
- Sampling and Analysis
DONE Check Statistics
- 100 mal…. 67, check with random seed
- error bars in histtype
DONE Variablen Trafo geschickt waehlen.
- stratified sampling, vegas
TODO Something fishy about that variance estimate in vegas!!!
- overesimate even stronger if evaluation point number increased
DONE Sherpa + Rivet
- analyse + histogramme
- Analysis:
, analysis reference - sherpa configure:
../configure --enable-rivet=/usr/bin/rivet --prefix=/usr --enable-hepmc2=/usr
- manual
Parton Density functions
pT sortieren
TODO Shower
- pT only works with showers
- remnants of proton create showers -> without fragmentation: no hadrons
- can create more photons
limited -> conserves m_yy
- Other recoil scheme CSS_KIN_SCHEME=0 could fix that
TODO Fragmentation,
- https://sherpa-team.gitlab.io/sherpa/master/manual/parameters/hadronization.html?highlight=fragmentation#id18
- showers recombinate to hadrons
- more photons
- multiple partons interact, create showers etc
Clock Table
Headline | Time | |
Total time | 7:53 | |
Literatur | 7:53 | |
Feynman Rules | 0:23 | |
Particle Physics | 7:30 |
Lorentz Invar. Matrixelement
- Ich stand ganz schoen auf dem Schlauch: Lorentz Invar = selbe Form in allen BS (muss nicht unb. konst bei LT sein), lorentzskalarfeld
Impulserhaltung aus dem Gefuehl… (ohne deltas) ok?
Normierung Photonenfeld?
Globaler Spin bei pol. Vektoren?
Spin nicht erhalten?
Abweichungen im vergeich weiter diskutieren?
Flavours im Proton
Sind quark verhaeltnisse in PDF enthalten (2:1 fuer proton)
beide finalstate photonen behalten?
PDF members
Sensitivity detectors cite! -> separation from beam
was fuer eine pdf ist das NNPDF31lo
four mom. conservation errors
Warum Veto nur fuer MUONS
- ich habe auch photons gevetoed
Initial und finals state radiation?
- nur QCD -> wichtigste prozesse modelliert
The Jimmy model stops here, considering only hard events, and so it can only be applied to underlying event.
- doesn't the mpi contain soft inclusive physics
Jet algos
- what are jet xs? -> particles jets as legs
- why ist double counting a problem -> in exact calculation -> same diagramm
- IS radiation: all partons?
Soft Inclusive
- wtf are those processes
what does inclusive mean
Normalize to XS
y axis label for normalized histos
TODO PDF cannot be derived: in principle?
TODO still compatible?
TODO cite atlas paper (analysis?)
Work Log
- habe mich in manche konzeptionelle Dinge ziemlich verrannt!
TODO lab xs kuerzen
TODO shower scale anpassen
TODO effekt shower und kperp
DONE y-axis a.u.!
DONE mean, var einzeichnen
DONE Variance of vegas weighted f!
DONE look at xs plot -> they seem different
TODO take new sample: still bias?
Azimuthal Angle
- 0 for basic
- converge at large angle -> expected
- smaller angle with PS but also last bin smaller
- all otherssimilar, at lower -> MI/Hadrons (copatible) a little higher
- in general flattens out
Cos Θ
- similar shape as before
- all others a little bit enhanced over basic
- Hadonization usually highest but within range of others
- converge at big angles
- MI a little lower in center region
- big drop at extremes
- more weight towards center (isolation?)
- drop already with PS, mode With hadronization
most drop with MI and pT -> why that difference with hadronization
- could still be statistical
- hadronized xs seems enhanced
- but shape change dominated through PSeudo
Invariant Mass
- very similar to basic process, no huge effects
- max ~ 300 Gev
- generally shiftet to lower energies (under the cuts, additional pT -> pass cut)
- all but basic copatible with ps,ps+pt enhanced over hadrons (noise?)
- very few smaller than cut with mi
- PS alone enhanced towards high myy but low in last bin
- mi seems ban
Scattering Angle
- enhanced at small angles
- all converge to zero
- mostly compatible
- mi lower
Scattering Angle in CS Frame
- similar to lab frame (total pT not that big on average ~1 GeV, Around 500 GeV max)
all effects converge to the same non-zero
- finite pT -> photons with small scattering angle pass cuts
- likeness to lab frame -> good generalisation, interesting effect may be isolated
- mi lower on average
pT leading
first 2 bins lower than basic, others bigger
- shifting the pT distribution -> intrinsic + jet pT
- PS a little bit enhanced in first bin
- from pT on all similar
- mi lower on average
pT subleading
- very similar in shape
- almost constant factor smaller with PS, pT
- pT, hadrons compat, mi a little lower
- total pT shift -> subleading gets less pT
total pT
- most at ~ 2 Gev
- max around 100 Gev (as inv mass)
- steep drop after ~ 50 GeV
- pig differences at low pT, MI enhnaced (here isolation seems to work better, less transverse jets?), statistics
- pS not enough, only with pT (remnants) conclusive picture
- with all other effects similar
- why is MI not bigger? -> does not modify IS!
- mi lower
- remnants+pT usually pretty good approx