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# autossh
Persistent SSH tunnels for Node.js
### Install
Using npm
npm i -S autossh
### Usage
#### To Start
``` javascript
const autossh = require('autossh');
host: '111.22.333.444',
username: 'root',
localPort: 64444,
remotePort: 5432
``` equivalent to...
``` bash
ssh -NL 64444:localhost:5432 -o "ExitOnForwardFailure yes" -o ServerAliveInterval=120 -o ServerAliveCountMax=1 root@111.22.333.444
#### Event Listeners
Autossh inherits from node.js's EventEmitter, and implements two events: `error`, `connect`
The `error` event will fire anytime there is an error throughout the life of the `autossh` process.
The `connect` event will fire only once when the initial ssh connection is made
``` javascript
host: '111.22.333.444',
username: 'root',
localPort: 64444,
remotePort: 5432
.on('error', err => {
console.error('ERROR: ', err);
.on('connect', connection => {
console.log('Tunnel established on port ' + connection.localPort);
console.log('pid: ' +;
#### Generate Dynamic Local Port
If you want to dynamically/randomly generate a port number, provide a string `auto` for the `localPort`.
The major benefit is that port conflicts will automatically be avoided--the generated port will not have been in use.
The generated `localPort` can be accessed from the connection object as `localPort`.
``` javascript
host: '111.22.333.444',
username: 'root',
localPort: 'auto',
remotePort: 5432
.on('connect', connection => {
console.log('connected: ', connection);
console.log('localPort: ', connection.localPort);
#### Killing the Autossh Process
The autossh process will automatically die if the node process is closed, but you can manually kill the process using `kill`.
If you try to kill the ssh process from the command line while the node process is active, a new ssh tunnel will be established (which is the point of autossh). You will need to kill the node process first or call the `kill` method on the instance.
**Example 1**
``` javascript
const myAutossh = autossh({
host: '111.22.333.444',
username: 'root',
localPort: 64444,
remotePort: 5432
.on('connect', connection => {
console.log('connected: ', connection);
**Example 2**
``` javascript
host: '111.22.333.444',
username: 'root',
localPort: 64444,
remotePort: 5432
.on('connect', connection => {
console.log('connected: ', connection);
#### Adjusting `serverAliveInterval` and `serverAliveCountMax`
These two options are the bread and butter butter as far as polling the ssh connection.
Basically, `serverAliveInterval` is an interval (in seconds) for how often we should ping the ssh connection and check if the connection is established.
The `serverAliveCountMax` is a count for how many failed `serverAliveInterval` checks until we close the connection.
For example, if `serverAliveInterval=10` and `serverAliveCountMax=1` then the ssh connection would be checked every 10 seconds, and if there is 1 failure, then close (and, in the case of autossh, restart) the connection. If the connection never fails, then there will be no restart.
One more example, if `serverAliveInterval=5` and `serverAliveCountMax=0` then the ssh connection would be checked every 5 seconds, and if there are 0 failures, then close and restart the connection. The 0 means it doesn't care if there is a failure or not--restart every 5 seconds, regardless!.
The default values are `serverAliveInterval=120` (120 seconds) and `serverAliveCountMax=1`.
You can set these options in the object you pass to `autossh`.
``` javascript
host: '111.22.333.444',
username: 'root',
localPort: 'auto',
remotePort: 5432,
serverAliveInterval: 30,
serverAliveCountMax: 1
.on('connect', connection => {
console.log('connected: ', connection);
console.log('localPort: ', connection.localPort);
#### Specifying the Private Key File
Select a file from which the identity (private key) for public key authentication is read. The default is `~/.ssh/id_rsa`.
You can set the private file path as `privateKey` in the object you pass to `autossh`.
host: '111.22.333.444',
username: 'root',
localPort: 64444,
remotePort: 5432,
privateKey: '~/.ssh/github_rsa'
.on('error', err => {
console.error('ERROR: ', err);
.on('connect', connection => {
console.log('Tunnel established on port ' + connection.localPort);
console.log('pid: ' +;
#### Adjusting/Disabling Max Poll Count
When first trying to establish the ssh tunnel, `autoshh` will poll the local port until the connection has been established. The default max poll count is `30`.
**Adjusting the max poll count**
Set the `maxPollCount` property in the object passed to `autossh`:
host: '111.22.333.444',
username: 'root',
localPort: 'auto',
remotePort: 5432,
maxPollCount: 50
.on('connect', connection => {
console.log('connected: ', connection);
**Disabling the max poll count**
Set the `maxPollCount` property to `0` or `false` in the object passed to `autossh`:
host: '111.22.333.444',
username: 'root',
localPort: 'auto',
remotePort: 5432,
maxPollCount: false
.on('connect', connection => {
console.log('connected: ', connection);
**Warning:** The max poll count is there to prevent `autossh` from infinitely polling the local port. Rather than disabling it, it may be wise to set it to a high number (e.g. `500`).
#### Specifying a Different SSH Port
The designated port for SSH according to the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is port 22, but you can specify a different port if you are using a different port. Set the `sshPort` property in the object you pass to `autossh`.
host: '111.22.333.444',
username: 'root',
localPort: 'auto',
remotePort: 5432,
sshPort: 9999