If you try to kill the ssh process from the command line while the node process is active, a new ssh tunnel will be established (which is the point of autossh). You will need to kill the node process first or call the `kill` method on the instance.
When first trying to establish the ssh tunnel, `autoshh` will poll the local port until the connection has been established. The default max poll count is `30`.
**Adjusting the max poll count**
Set the `maxPollCount` property in the object passed to `autossh`:
const myAutossh = autossh({
host: '111.22.333.444',
username: 'root',
localPort: 'auto',
remotePort: 5432,
maxPollCount: 50
.on('connect', connection => {
console.log('connected: ', connection);
**Disabling the max poll count**
Set the `maxPollCount` property to `0` or `false` in the object passed to `autossh`:
const myAutossh = autossh({
host: '111.22.333.444',
username: 'root',
localPort: 'auto',
remotePort: 5432,
maxPollCount: false
.on('connect', connection => {
console.log('connected: ', connection);
**Warning:** The max poll count is there to prevent `autossh` from infinitely polling the local port. Rather than disabling it, it may be wise to set it to a high number (e.g. `500`).