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This file is part of ARB.
ARB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ARB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with ARB; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Copyright (C) 2012 Fredrik Johansson
#include "fmpcb.h"
#include "fmpcb_poly.h"
2012-12-19 14:04:00 +01:00
#include "bernoulli.h"
/* res = src * (c + x) */
void _fmpcb_poly_mullow_cpx(fmpcb_struct * res, const fmpcb_struct * src, long len, const fmpcb_t c, long trunc, long prec)
long i;
if (len < trunc)
fmpcb_set(res + len, src + len - 1);
for (i = len - 1; i > 0; i--)
fmpcb_mul(res + i, src + i, c, prec);
fmpcb_add(res + i, res + i, src + i - 1, prec);
fmpcb_mul(res, src, c, prec);
/* series of 1/N^(c+x) */
void _fmpcb_poly_ui_invpow_cpx(fmpcb_struct * res, ulong N, const fmpcb_t c, long trunc, long prec)
long i;
fmpcb_t logN;
fmprb_log_ui(fmpcb_realref(logN), N, prec);
fmpcb_mul(res + 0, logN, c, prec);
fmpcb_neg(res + 0, res + 0);
fmpcb_exp(res + 0, res + 0, prec);
for (i = 1; i < trunc; i++)
fmpcb_mul(res + i, res + i - 1, logN, prec);
fmpcb_div_si(res + i, res + i, -i, prec);
void _fmpcb_poly_fmpcb_invpow_cpx(fmpcb_struct * res, const fmpcb_t N, const fmpcb_t c, long trunc, long prec)
long i;
fmpcb_t logN;
fmpcb_log(logN, N, prec);
fmpcb_mul(res + 0, logN, c, prec);
fmpcb_neg(res + 0, res + 0);
fmpcb_exp(res + 0, res + 0, prec);
for (i = 1; i < trunc; i++)
fmpcb_mul(res + i, res + i - 1, logN, prec);
fmpcb_div_si(res + i, res + i, -i, prec);
fmpcb_zeta_series_em_sum(fmpcb_struct * z, const fmpcb_t s, const fmpcb_t a, int deflate, ulong N, ulong M, long d, long prec)
fmpcb_struct *t, *u, *v, *term, *sum;
fmpcb_t splus, Na, rec;
fmprb_t x;
fmpz_t c;
long i;
ulong r, n;
2012-12-26 11:26:43 +01:00
bernoulli_cache_compute(2 * M + 1);
t = _fmpcb_vec_init(d + 1);
u = _fmpcb_vec_init(d);
v = _fmpcb_vec_init(d);
term = _fmpcb_vec_init(d);
sum = _fmpcb_vec_init(d);
/* sum 1/(n+a)^(s+x) */
for (n = 0; n < N; n++)
fmpcb_add_ui(Na, a, n, prec);
_fmpcb_poly_fmpcb_invpow_cpx(t, Na, s, d, prec);
_fmpcb_vec_add(sum, sum, t, d, prec);
/* t = 1/(N+a)^(s+x); we might need one extra term for deflation */
fmpcb_add_ui(Na, a, N, prec);
_fmpcb_poly_fmpcb_invpow_cpx(t, Na, s, d + 1, prec);
/* sum += (N+a) * 1/((s+x)-1) * t */
if (!deflate)
/* u = 1/(s+x) has series [1/(s-1), -1/(s-1)^2, 1/(s-1)^3, ...] */
fmpcb_sub_ui(u + 0, s, 1, prec);
fmpcb_inv(u + 0, u + 0, prec);
for (i = 1; i < d; i++)
fmpcb_mul(u + i, u + i - 1, u + 0, prec);
for (i = 1; i < d; i += 2)
fmpcb_neg(u + i, u + i);
_fmpcb_poly_mullow(v, u, d, t, d, d, prec);
_fmpcb_vec_scalar_mul(v, v, d, Na, prec);
_fmpcb_vec_add(sum, sum, v, d, prec);
/* sum += ((N+a)^(1-(s+x)) - 1) / ((s+x) - 1) */
/* at s = 1, this becomes (N*t - 1)/x, i.e. just remove one coeff */
if (fmpcb_is_one(s))
for (i = 0; i < d; i++)
fmpcb_mul(u + i, t + i + 1, Na, prec);
_fmpcb_vec_add(sum, sum, u, d, prec);
/* TODO: this is numerically unstable for large derivatives,
and divides by zero if s contains 1. We want a good
way to evaluate the power series ((N+a)^y - 1) / y where y has
nonzero constant term, without doing a division.
How is this best done? */
_fmpcb_vec_scalar_mul(t, t, d, Na, prec);
fmpcb_sub_ui(t + 0, t + 0, 1, prec);
fmpcb_sub_ui(u + 0, s, 1, prec);
fmpcb_inv(u + 0, u + 0, prec);
for (i = 1; i < d; i++)
fmpcb_mul(u + i, u + i - 1, u + 0, prec);
for (i = 1; i < d; i += 2)
fmpcb_neg(u + i, u + i);
_fmpcb_poly_mullow(v, u, d, t, d, d, prec);
_fmpcb_vec_add(sum, sum, v, d, prec);
_fmpcb_poly_fmpcb_invpow_cpx(t, Na, s, d, prec);
/* sum += u = 1/2 * t */
_fmpcb_vec_scalar_mul_2exp_si(u, t, d, -1L);
_fmpcb_vec_add(sum, sum, u, d, prec);
/* term = u * (s+x) / N */
_fmpcb_poly_mullow_cpx(u, u, d, s, d, prec);
_fmpcb_vec_scalar_div(term, u, d, Na, prec);
/* 1/(N+a)^2 */
fmpcb_mul(Na, Na, Na, prec);
fmpcb_inv(Na, Na, prec);
2012-12-04 14:18:01 +01:00
for (r = 1; r <= M; r++)
/* sum += bernoulli number * term */
fmprb_set_round_fmpz(x, fmpq_numref(bernoulli_cache + 2 * r), prec);
fmprb_div_fmpz(x, x, fmpq_denref(bernoulli_cache + 2 * r), prec);
_fmpcb_vec_scalar_mul_fmprb(u, term, d, x, prec);
_fmpcb_vec_add(sum, sum, u, d, prec);
/* multiply term by ((s+x)+2r-1)((s+x)+2r) / ((N+a)^2 * (2*r+1)*(2*r+2)) */
fmpcb_set(splus, s);
fmprb_add_ui(fmpcb_realref(splus), fmpcb_realref(splus), 2*r-1, prec);
_fmpcb_poly_mullow_cpx(term, term, d, splus, d, prec);
fmprb_add_ui(fmpcb_realref(splus), fmpcb_realref(splus), 1, prec);
_fmpcb_poly_mullow_cpx(term, term, d, splus, d, prec);
/* TODO: div fmpz when fmpz! */
fmpz_set_ui(c, 2*r+1);
fmpz_mul_ui(c, c, 2*r+2);
fmpcb_div_fmpz(rec, Na, c, prec);
_fmpcb_vec_scalar_mul(term, term, d, rec, prec);
_fmpcb_vec_set(z, sum, d);
_fmpcb_vec_clear(t, d + 1);
2012-11-30 02:26:40 +01:00
_fmpcb_vec_clear(u, d);
_fmpcb_vec_clear(v, d);
_fmpcb_vec_clear(term, d);
_fmpcb_vec_clear(sum, d);