2018-06-14 11:57:30 -07:00

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API Reference: apollo-server apollo-server

This API reference documents the exports from the apollo-server.


The core of an Apollo Server implementation. For an example, see the Building a server section within "Essentials".

constructor(options): <ApolloServer>


  • options: <Object>

    • typeDefs: <String inside gql tag> (required)

      String representation of GraphQL schema in the Schema Definition Language (SDL).

    • resolvers: <Object> (required)

      A map of resolvers for the types defined in typeDefs. The key should be the type name and the value should be a Function to be executed for that type.

    • context: <Object> | <Function>

      An object or function called with the current request that creates the context shared across all resolvers

new ApolloServer({
	context: ({ req }) => ({
		authScope: getScope(req.headers.authorization)
  • mocks: <Object> | <Boolean>

    A boolean enabling the default mocks or object that contains definitions

  • schemaDirectives: <Object>

    Contains definition of schema directives used in the typeDefs

  • introspection: <Boolean>

    Enables and disables schema introspection

  • debug: <Boolean>

    Enables and disables development mode helpers. Defaults to true

  • validationRules: <Object>

    Schema validation rules

  • tracing, cacheControl: <Boolean>

    Add tracing or cacheControl meta data to the GraphQL response

  • formatError, formatResponse, formatParams: <Function>

    Functions to format the errors and response returned from the server, as well as the parameters to graphql execution(runQuery)

  • schema: <Object>

    An executable GraphQL schema that will override the typeDefs and resolvers provided

  • subscriptions: <Object> | <String> | false

    String defining the path for subscriptions or an Object to customize the subscriptions server. Set to false to disable subscriptions

    • path: <String>
    • keepAlive: <Number>
    • onConnect: <Function>
    • onDisconnect: <Function>



ApolloServer.listen(options): Promise


In apollo-server, the listen call starts the subscription server and passes the arguments directly to an http server Node.js' net.Server.listen method are supported.


Promise that resolves to an object that contains:

  • url: <String>
  • subscriptionsPath: <String>
  • server: <http.Server>


The applyMiddleware method is provided by the apollo-server-{integration} packages that use middleware, such as hapi and express. This function connects ApolloServer to a specific framework.


  • options: <Object>

    • app: <HttpServer> (required)

      Pass an instance of the server integration here.

    • server: <ApolloServer> (required)

      Pass the instance of Apollo Server

    • path : <String>

      Specify a custom path. It defaults to /graphql if no path is specified.

    • cors: <Object | boolean> (express, hapi)

      Pass the integration-specific cors options. False removes the cors middleware and true uses the defaults.

    • bodyParser: <Object | boolean> (express)

      Pass the body-parser options. False removes the body parser middleware and true uses the defaults.


The applyMiddleware method from apollo-server-express registration of middleware as shown in the example below:

const { ApolloServer } = require('apollo-server-express');
const { typeDefs, resolvers } = require('./schema');

const server = new ApolloServer({
  // These will be defined for both new or existing servers

// Additional middleware can be mounted at this point to run before Apollo.
app.use('*', jwtCheck, requireAuth, checkScope);

server.applyMiddleware({ app, path: '/specialUrl' }); // app is from an existing express app. Mount Apollo middleware here. If no path is specified, it defaults to `/graphql`.


The gql is a template literal tag. Template literals were introduced in recent versions of ECMAScript to provide embedded expressions (i.e. `A string with interpolated ${variables}`) and template literal tags exist to provide additional functionality for what would otherwise be a normal template literal.

In the case of GraphQL, the gql tag is used to surround GraphQL operation and schema language (which are represented as Strings), and makes it easier to differentiate from ordinary strings. This is particularly useful when performing static analysis on GraphQL language (e.g. to enable syntax highlighting, code generation, etc.) and avoids need for tools to "guess" if a string contains GraphQL language.


Import the gql template literal tag into the current context from the apollo-server or apollo-server-{integration} modules:

const { gql } = require('apollo-server');

Then, place GraphQL schema definitions (SDL), queries or other operations into the gql template literal tag. Keep in mind that template literals use the grave accent (`) and not normal quotation marks (e.g. not " or '):

const typeDefs = gql`
  type Author {


The makeExecutableSchema method is re-exported from apollo-server as a convenience.


  • options : <Object>
    • typeDefs: <GraphQLSchema> (required)
    • resolvers : <Object>
    • logger : <Object>
    • allowUndefinedInResolve = false
    • resolverValidationOptions = {}
    • directiveResolvers = null
    • schemaDirectives = null
    • parseOptions = {}
    • inheritResolversFromInterfaces = false


The addMockFunctionsToSchema method is re-exported from apollo-server as a convenience.

Given an instance of a GraphQLSchema and a mock object, modifies the schema (in place) to return mock data for any valid query that is sent to the server.

If preserveResolvers is set to true, existing resolve functions will not be overwritten to provide mock data. This can be used to mock some parts of the server and not others.


  • options: <Object>

    • schema: <GraphQLSchema> (required)

      Pass an executable schema (GraphQLSchema) to be mocked.

    • mocks: <Object>

      Should be a map of types to mock resolver functions, e.g.:

        Type: () => true,

      When mocks is not defined, the default scalar types (e.g. Int, Float, String, etc.) will be mocked.

    • preserveResolvers: <Boolean>

      When true, resolvers which were already defined will not be over-written with the mock resolver functions specified with mocks.


const { addMockFunctionsToSchema } = require('apollo-server');

// We'll make an assumption that an executable schema
// is already available from the `./schema` file.
const executableSchema = require('./schema');

  schema: executableSchema,
  mocks: {
    // Mocks the `Int` scalar type to always return `12345`.
    Int: () => 12345,

    // Mocks the `Movies` type to always return 'Titanic'.
    Movies: () => 'Titanic',
  preserveResolvers: false,