Keeping in mind that capitalization differences are not "naming"
conventions, and that there were no other recommendations for naming (e.g.
"begin each fetcher with "Get", etc.), I've changed this section to
"Style conventions".
While GraphQL is less susceptible to injection attacks, this introduction
made it sound like it wasn't possible, but the first paragraph then
demonstrated an injection attack and how to prevent it.
This should enable the dropdown box in the sidebar of the documentation.
Currently, that sidebar will be a terrible color, since it has never
appeared on Apollo documentation before and nobody has ever defined style on
it. That'll have to be fixed in the theme itself[0].
While the `gql` tag is not currently _required_, it does make it easier to
implement additional, development-friendly functionality in the future.
For example, it could avoid the need to question whether a string literal is
actually using Schema Definition Language (SDL) and avoid the need to
look for context clues.
By implementing these suggestions now, we can avoid the need to ask
developers to refactor in the future.
npm 6 deprecates support for Node.js 4, which is still LTS until the end of
the week.
It's probably best to take a moment and ensure that npm@6 is actually
working as we desire too, so this is just to make sure that we don't end up
with a bunch of PRs that need to be re-based/re-tested, which seems to
already be happening.
Apollo Persisted Queries is a standard for sending queries as short hashes
instead of full strings, designed to work well with GET requests. It is
implemented by servers including the Apollo Engine Proxy, and by the
apollo-link-persisted-query client.
A common configuration is to set up persisted queries on production servers but
not in development. It is still convenient to leave apollo-link-persisted-query
always on, though. While apollo-link-persisted-query can detect that servers
don't support PQs, it works better if the server actually says it doesn't
support the PQ, instead of trying to process a request without a query and
potentially printing a confusing stack trace. This commit makes apollo-server
directly return PersistedQueryNotSupported instead of allowing confusing stack
traces to occur.