2021-12-27 20:23:35 -08:00

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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog.



  • Allow apheleia to format buffers without an underlying file (#52).
  • Support functional formatters (#62). You can now use a lisp function as a formatter allowing you to plug more powerful formatters into apheleia such as language servers.

Bugs fixed

  • Allow running the same formatter in multiple buffers in parallel (#64, #65). Previously, when saving a number of files at the same time, the contents of those buffers could be corrupted by a race condition.
  • In some circumstances the error wrong-type-argument bufferp nil could be reported when running certain formatters under Apheleia. This has been fixed.

1.2 (released 2021-12-27)


  • Support multiple formatters (#31). You can now configure a list of formatters for a major-mode in apheleia-mode-alist and they will be run in sequence.
  • Support evaluating items in apheleia-formatters to make formatter commands more dynamic (#50, #55).
  • Allow apheleia to format buffers without an underlying file (#52).


Bugs fixed

  • Fix spelling error in generated process names (#32).
  • Apheleia no longer conflicts with undo-fu (#[39]).
  • Apheleia no longer triggers after-set-visited-file-name-hook, which reduces conflicts with various modes. For example, lsp-mode will no longer trigger a reconnect every time you save.
  • Fix inconsistent :type spec preventing use of customize-variable on apheleia-formatters.
  • Fix mixed style line ending generated by diff (#54) by adding --strip-trailing-cr to diff's argument list.

1.1.2 (released 2021-02-26)


  • Prettier is now enabled in json-mode.

Bugs fixed

  • Prettier now respects .prettierignore (#21).
  • Apheleia's global mode should no longer trigger warnings about a locally let-bound after-save-hook (#27).

1.1.1 (released 2020-07-16)


Bugs fixed

  • Previously, there were some race conditions related to switching the current buffer. In particular, if you switched the current buffer right after saving, or save two buffers in quick succession, then it was possible for one buffer to be overwritten or to not be formatted. These problems have been fixed (#8).
  • Previously, enabling undo-tree-auto-save-history caused Apheleia to mark the buffer as modified after formatting. This has been fixed (#10).
  • Apheleia now tries harder to accidentally enter an infinite formatting loop (#12).

1.1 (released 2020-04-02)


  • There is now a maximum length for the dynamic programming algorithm, controlled by apheleia-max-alignment-size. This prevents Emacs from hanging due to Apheleia. under any circumstances (#4).


Bugs fixed

  • Previously, weirdness could happen if manually running Prettier via M-x apheleia-format-buffer on a buffer which was modified from what was written to disk. Now we simply abort running a command that uses the file keyword if the buffer is modified, since it will not produce correct results. This should not affect normal usage of Apheleia.
  • Previously, the buffer could be erased when running Apheleia from a buffer that had no backing file. This has been fixed, and Apheleia can run correctly on buffers both with and without backing files (#9).

1.0 (released 2019-09-20)


  • Package apheleia
  • Command apheleia-format-buffer
  • User options:
    • apheleia-formatters, with supported formatters:
      • black
      • prettier
      • gofmt
      • terraform
    • apheleia-mode-alist
    • apheleia-post-format-hook
  • Variable apheleia-formatter
  • Minor mode apheleia-mode (and apheleia-global-mode)