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# indihub-agent
The `indihub-agent` is a command line interface tool to connect your astro-photography equipment to [INDIHUB](https://indihub.space) network. The network can be used to share you equipment with others, use others' equipment remotely or just use your equipment without sharing but still contribute your images to INDIHUB-network.
NOTE: all astro-photos taken via INDIHUB-network (with auto-guiding or main imaging cameras) will be processed by INDIHUB cloud pipeline and used for scientific purposes.
## Prerequisites
0. You have a desire to contribute to Space exploration and sustainability projects.
1. You have motorized astro-photography equipment connected to your home network.
2. Your equipment is controlled by [INDI-server](https://github.com/indilib/indi), manuals and docs can be found on [INDI-lib](http://indilib.org) Web-site.
3. INDI-server is controlled by [INDI Web Manager](https://github.com/knro/indiwebmanager).
4. You have ready to use INDI-profile created with INDI Web Manager.
5. Raspberry PI (or computer) where you run `indihub-agent` is connected to Internet so it can register your equipment on INDIHUB-network.
## Registration on INDIHUB-network as a host
Registration is very easy - you don't have to do anything.
The `indihub-agent` doesn't require any signup or token to join INDIHUB.
When you first run `indihub-agent` and it is connected to INDIHUB-network successfully - it receives token from network and saves in the same folder in the file `indihub.json`. Please keep this file there and don't loose it as it identifies you as a host on INDIHUB-network. Also, this file will be read and used automatically for all next runs of `indihub-agent`.
## indihub-agent modes
There are three modes available at the moment:
1. `share` - open remote access to your equipment via INDIHUB-network of telescopes, so you can provide remote imaging sessions to your guests.
2. `solo` - use you equipment without opening remote access but equipment is still connected to INDIHUB-network and all images taken are contributed for scientific purposes.
3. `robotic` - open remote access to your equipment to be controlled by scheduler running in INDIHUB-cloud (experimental).
The mode is specified via `-mode` parameter, i.e. to run indihub-agent in a share-mode you will need run command:
./indihub-agent -indi-profile=my-profile -mode=share
The only mandatory parameter is `-indi-profile` where you specify profile name created with [INDI Web Manager](https://github.com/knro/indiwebmanager). All other parameters have default valyes. I.e. `-mode` default value is `solo`.
To get usage of all parameters just run:
./indihub-agent -help
The latest `indihub-agent` release can be downloaded from [releases](https://github.com/indihub-space/agent/releases) or [indihub.space](https://indihub.space) Web-site.
## API
There is an API-server running as part of `indihub-agent` and listening on port `:2020` (or on port specified via `-api-port=N` parameter) which provides two different APIs to control or use `indihub-agent`:
- RESTful API to get status or switch modes of the agent
- Websocket API to control equipment via websocket-connections
By default API-server works over HTTP-protocol. You can switch it to work over TLS by providing `-api-tls` parameter. This will make `indihub-agent` to generate self-signed CA and certificate.
### RESTful API
You can use this simple RESTful API to control `indihub-agent`.
NOTE: CORS protection can be specified with comma-separated list of allowed origins via agent parameter:
Also, all examples assume `indihub-agent` is running on host `raspberrypi.local`.
#### 1. Get indihub-agent status (public)
`curl -X GET http://raspberrypi.local:2020/status`
Response example:
"indiProfile": "NEO-remote",
"indiServer": "raspberrypi.local:7624",
"mode": "solo",
"phd2Server": "",
"status": "running",
"supportedModes": [
"version": "1.0.3"
#### 2. Restart indihub-agent current mode (public)
`curl -X GET "http://raspberrypi.local:2020/restart"`
#### 3. Switch indihub-agent mode (protected via token)
You need to do HTTP-request `POST "http://indihub-agent-host:2020/mode/{mode}"` specifying required mode in a `mode` URI-parameter and supplying your token in `Authorization` header, i.e.:
curl -X POST "http://raspberrypi.local:2020/mode/share" -H "Authorization: Bearer cca13ac2951efd6d912ead20a7ab4882"
Response will have status of agent running in new mode:
"indiProfile": "NEO-remote",
"indiServer": "raspberrypi.local:7624",
"mode": "share",
"phd2Server": "",
"publicEndpoints": [
"name": "INDI-Server",
"addr": "node-1.indihub.io:55642"
"status": "running",
"supportedModes": [
"version": "1.0.3"
### Websocket API
You can use `indihub-agent` to control your equipment via Websocket API, i.e. from your Web-app open int the Web-browser.
NOTE: Websocket upgrade-requests are allowed only from origins specified with comma-separated list via agent parameter:
#### 1. Open WS-connection to INDI-server (protected via token)
To establish a new WS-connection to INDI-server you will need to use URL with format:
NOTE: we connect to `raspberrypi.local:2020` which is `indihub-agent` API-server and we provide token via `token` query string parameter.
This will open WS-connection to you your equipment via `indihub-agent` API-server where all outgoing messages will be INDI-protocol commands and all incoming messages will be INDI-protocol replies from your equipment.
#### 2. Message format for INDI-server Websocket connection
All commands are expected to be in JSON-format where INDI-command XML attributes translate to fields with `attr_`-prefix.
I.e. to send this INDI XML-command over WS-connection:
<getProperties version="1.7" />
You will need to send message over WS-connection in JSON-format:
"getProperties": {
The INDI-protocol responses will be converted from XML to JSON-messages and sent over WS-connection as messages.
I.e. this INDI-response about telescopes installed on the mount in XML-format:
<defNumberVector device="iOptron CEM25" name="TELESCOPE_INFO" label="Scope Properties" group="Options" state="Ok" perm="rw" timeout="60" timestamp="2020-02-20T21:52:23">
<defNumber name="TELESCOPE_APERTURE" label="Aperture (mm)" format="%g" min="10" max="5000" step="0">
<defNumber name="TELESCOPE_FOCAL_LENGTH" label="Focal Length (mm)" format="%g" min="10" max="10000" step="0">
<defNumber name="GUIDER_APERTURE" label="Guider Aperture (mm)" format="%g" min="10" max="5000" step="0">
<defNumber name="GUIDER_FOCAL_LENGTH" label="Guider Focal Length (mm)" format="%g" min="10" max="10000" step="0">
Will be converted in to JSON-format like this:
"defNumberVector": {
"attr_device":"iOptron CEM25",
"attr_label":"Scope Properties",
"defNumber": [
"attr_label":"Aperture (mm)",
"attr_label":"Focal Length (mm)",
"attr_label":"Guider Aperture (mm)",
"attr_label":"Guider Focal Length (mm)",
Please NOTE:
- XML element attributes get converted into JSON-fields with `attr_` prefix
- XML element value get converted into JSON-field with name `#text`
- vector like child-elements get converted into JSON-arrays
## Building indihub-agent
You will need to install [Golang](https://golang.org/dl/).
There are `make` build-commands for different platforms available:
- `make build-macos64` - build for macOS (64 bit)
- `make build-linux64` - build for Linux (64 bit)
- `make build-unix64` - build for Unix (64 bit)
- `make build-win64` - build for Windows (64 bit)
- `make build-win32` - build for Windows (32 bit)
- `make build-raspberrypi` - build for Raspberry Pi (ARM5)
## Contributing
PRs and issues are highly appreciated. TODO: `indihub-agent` speaks to the INDIHUB-cloud so special dev-server will be added for development purposes soon.
## What is next
The INDIHUB-network is in its beta release at the moment. We board new hosts on the network, collect data and most importantly - feedback from our first hosts.
Also we work on partnerships. If you are interested please send us email at [info@indihub.space](mailto:info@indihub.space).
And last but not least - don't forget to signup to our mailing list on [indihub.space](https://indihub.space) so you will know all the news first! |