
26 KiB
Raw Blame History

Motivated by the striking result from over here we would like to find some approximation of the optimal cycle.

Bayesian optimization allows us to optimize towards the result with as few cycles as possible.


  from bayes_opt import BayesianOptimization
  import figsaver as fs
  import plot_utils as pu
  from hiro_models.one_qubit_model import StocProcTolerances
  from hiro_models.otto_cycle import OttoEngine
  import hiro_models.model_auxiliary as aux
  import numpy as np
  import qutip as qt
  import utilities as ut
  import stocproc
  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  import otto_utilities as ot

  import ray

  from hops.util.logging_setup import logging_setup
  import logging
  plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12,4)

  def timings(τ_c, τ_i, percent_overlap=0):
        τ_cI = τ_c * (1-percent_overlap)

        τ_thI = (1 - 2 * τ_cI) / 2
        τ_th = (1 - 2 * τ_c) / 2
        τ_i_on = (τ_thI - 2*τ_i)
        timings_H = (0, τ_c, τ_c + τ_th, 2*τ_c + τ_th)

        timings_L_hot = (τ_cI, τ_cI + τ_i, τ_cI + τ_i + τ_i_on, τ_cI + 2 * τ_i + τ_i_on)

        timings_L_cold = tuple(time + timings_H[2] for time in timings_L_hot)

        return timings_H, (timings_L_cold, timings_L_hot)

First Attempt: Only shifting the coupling to the bath


To keep the number of parameters down, we'll shift the bath coupling without changing the coupling length. Later, an asymmetric approach with more parameters may be attempted.

  τ_mod, τ_I = 0.15, 0.15
  (p_H, p_L) = timings(τ_mod, τ_I, 0)
  prototype = OttoEngine(
      δ=[0.4, 0.4],
      ω_c=[2, 2],
      ψ_0=qt.basis([2], [1]),
      description=f"Classic Cycle",
      bcf_terms=[4] * 2,
      driving_process_tolerances=[StocProcTolerances(1e-3, 1e-3)] * 2,
      thermal_process_tolerances=[StocProcTolerances(1e-3, 1e-3)] * 2,
      T=[0.5, 4],
      therm_methods=["tanhsinh", "tanhsinh"],
      Θ=1.5 / 0.05,
      shift_to_resonance=(False, True),
      L_shift=(0, 0),

  def make_cycle(shift_c, shift_h):
      crazy_model = prototype.copy()
      (p_H, p_L) = timings(τ_mod, τ_I, 1)
      p_L = [list(timings) for timings in p_L]
      p_L[1][2] += τ_I
      p_L[1][3] += τ_I
      p_L[0][0] -= τ_I
      p_L[0][1] -= τ_I
      crazy_model.timings_H = p_H
      crazy_model.timings_L = tuple(tuple(timing) for timing in p_L)
      crazy_model.L_shift = (shift_c + τ_mod, shift_h)
      crazy_model.description = "Full Overlap with Shift"

      return crazy_model

This is the best known config so far.

  #ot.plot_cycle(make_cycle(τ_mod, τ_mod))
  ot.plot_cycle(make_cycle(.4018, .303))
<Figure size 1200x400 with 1 Axes> <AxesSubplot: xlabel= $\tau$ ylabel= Operator Norm >


Now we define our objective function

  def objective(shift_c, shift_h, N=500):
      print(shift_c, shift_h)
      model = make_cycle(shift_c, shift_h)
      ot.integrate_online(model, N)

      return -1 * model.power(steady_idx=-2).value

… and run the optimizer.

  # Bounded region of parameter space
  from bayes_opt.logger import JSONLogger
  from bayes_opt.event import Events
  from bayes_opt.util import load_logs
  pbounds = {"shift_c": (-0.1, 0.5), "shift_h": (-0.1, 0.5)}

  optimizer = BayesianOptimization(
  # load_logs(optimizer, logs=["./logs.json"]);

  # logger = JSONLogger(path="./logs.json")
  # optimizer.subscribe(Events.OPTIMIZATION_STEP, logger)
      params={"shift_c": 0.15, "shift_h": 0.15},

    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Choosing the nonlinear integrator.
    [INFO    root                      264609] Starting analysis process.
    |   iter    |  target   |  shift_c  |  shift_h  |
    [INFO    root                      264609] Started analysis process with pid 268966.
    [INFO    hops.core.hierarchy_data  264609] Creating the streaming fifo at: /home/hiro/Documents/Projects/UNI/master/eflow_paper/python/otto_motor/results_49165931924fa512ce3e8357ea5e629d22c808f8070c3949c830b5948e16ecf2.fifo
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 16 integrators.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Some 0 trajectories have to be integrated.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 165 hierarchy states.
  0it [00:00, ?it/s]
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Choosing the nonlinear integrator.
    [INFO    root                      264609] Starting analysis process.
    | 1         | -0.0      | 0.1502    | 0.3322    |
    [INFO    root                      264609] Started analysis process with pid 268971.
    [INFO    hops.core.hierarchy_data  264609] Creating the streaming fifo at: /home/hiro/Documents/Projects/UNI/master/eflow_paper/python/otto_motor/results_c369b7aefe5503442c698bdb4de83a3f7b1c88ae9cdf1456153e9087c7d9fc2f.fifo
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 16 integrators.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Some 0 trajectories have to be integrated.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 165 hierarchy states.
  0it [00:00, ?it/s]
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Choosing the nonlinear integrator.
    [INFO    root                      264609] Starting analysis process.
    | 2         | -0.01777  | -0.09993  | 0.0814    |
    [INFO    root                      264609] Started analysis process with pid 268976.
    [INFO    hops.core.hierarchy_data  264609] Creating the streaming fifo at: /home/hiro/Documents/Projects/UNI/master/eflow_paper/python/otto_motor/results_f6fa2d1ea82b839e46df4013b731e3476b80119a206ef196c9a10f9d625066e4.fifo
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 16 integrators.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Some 0 trajectories have to be integrated.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 165 hierarchy states.
  0it [00:00, ?it/s]
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Choosing the nonlinear integrator.
    [INFO    root                      264609] Starting analysis process.
    | 3         | -0.001374 | -0.01195  | -0.0446   |
    [INFO    root                      264609] Started analysis process with pid 268981.
    [INFO    hops.core.hierarchy_data  264609] Creating the streaming fifo at: /home/hiro/Documents/Projects/UNI/master/eflow_paper/python/otto_motor/results_1779c2e0c81b26e68f18a2298525a84c531fd36c909e6fddc0e41f3b78a02ee1.fifo
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 16 integrators.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Some 0 trajectories have to be integrated.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 165 hierarchy states.
  0it [00:00, ?it/s]
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Choosing the nonlinear integrator.
    [INFO    root                      264609] Starting analysis process.
    | 4         | -0.0      | 0.01176   | 0.1073    |
    [INFO    root                      264609] Started analysis process with pid 269016.
    [INFO    hops.core.hierarchy_data  264609] Creating the streaming fifo at: /home/hiro/Documents/Projects/UNI/master/eflow_paper/python/otto_motor/results_4c924d501d086d896c1552881c628116ad03c2100d680cb6ef5cc81dd4b2a2a6.fifo
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 16 integrators.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Some 0 trajectories have to be integrated.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 165 hierarchy states.
  0it [00:00, ?it/s]
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Choosing the nonlinear integrator.
    [INFO    root                      264609] Starting analysis process.
    | 5         | -0.02987  | -0.03473  | 0.1213    |
    [INFO    root                      264609] Started analysis process with pid 269051.
    [INFO    hops.core.hierarchy_data  264609] Creating the streaming fifo at: /home/hiro/Documents/Projects/UNI/master/eflow_paper/python/otto_motor/results_d8ae65a827650db8ac3da6b4bce3faef161be342650b8238d59244d1ec5f69bb.fifo
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 16 integrators.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Some 0 trajectories have to be integrated.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 165 hierarchy states.
  0it [00:00, ?it/s]
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Choosing the nonlinear integrator.
    [INFO    root                      264609] Starting analysis process.
    | 6         | 0.02888   | 0.398     | 0.2961    |
    [INFO    root                      264609] Started analysis process with pid 269086.
    [INFO    hops.core.hierarchy_data  264609] Creating the streaming fifo at: /home/hiro/Documents/Projects/UNI/master/eflow_paper/python/otto_motor/results_97c6b5378d143228f25a568548ca12c00f145bef0320218d249394cdf75795d6.fifo
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 16 integrators.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Some 0 trajectories have to be integrated.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 165 hierarchy states.
  0it [00:00, ?it/s]
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Choosing the nonlinear integrator.
    [INFO    root                      264609] Starting analysis process.
    | 7         | -0.004074 | -0.01042  | 0.2773    |
    [INFO    root                      264609] Started analysis process with pid 269121.
    [INFO    hops.core.hierarchy_data  264609] Creating the streaming fifo at: /home/hiro/Documents/Projects/UNI/master/eflow_paper/python/otto_motor/results_a5de368bb5ac8323883a97b14f8dc14ef84d021a9134152bd2e73a3bd4760052.fifo
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 16 integrators.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Some 0 trajectories have to be integrated.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 165 hierarchy states.
  0it [00:00, ?it/s]
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Choosing the nonlinear integrator.
    [INFO    root                      264609] Starting analysis process.
    | 8         | -0.04096  | -0.04836  | 0.3552    |
    [INFO    root                      264609] Started analysis process with pid 269156.
    [INFO    hops.core.hierarchy_data  264609] Creating the streaming fifo at: /home/hiro/Documents/Projects/UNI/master/eflow_paper/python/otto_motor/results_c981612944d44cef75b47e1c972bc3e1b979a39b180aeceea5746a3cc49138b9.fifo
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 16 integrators.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Some 0 trajectories have to be integrated.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 165 hierarchy states.
  0it [00:00, ?it/s]
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Choosing the nonlinear integrator.
    [INFO    root                      264609] Starting analysis process.
    | 9         | 7.841e-06 | 0.1374    | -0.003125 |
    [INFO    root                      264609] Started analysis process with pid 269191.
    [INFO    hops.core.hierarchy_data  264609] Creating the streaming fifo at: /home/hiro/Documents/Projects/UNI/master/eflow_paper/python/otto_motor/results_ad69b9cace9b50f1041832e082421a317348dcbb5bfda0a3e6b8efb7717c92e8.fifo
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 16 integrators.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Some 610 trajectories have to be integrated.
    [INFO    hops.core.integration     264609] Using 165 hierarchy states.
    0% 0/610 [00:00<?, ?it/s][INFO    hops.core.signal_delay    264609] caught sig 'SIGINT'
    [INFO    hops.core.signal_delay    264609] caught sig 'SIGINT'
    [INFO    hops.core.signal_delay    264609] caught sig 'SIGINT'
    0% 0/610 [00:10<?, ?it/s]
    [INFO    hops.core.signal_delay    264609] caught 3 signal(s)
    [INFO    hops.core.signal_delay    264609] emit signal 'SIGINT'
    [INFO    hops.core.signal_delay    264609] caught sig 'SIGINT'
    [INFO    hops.core.signal_delay    264609] emit signal 'SIGINT'
    [INFO    hops.core.signal_delay    264609] caught sig 'SIGINT'
    [INFO    hops.core.signal_delay    264609] emit signal 'SIGINT'
    [INFO    hops.core.signal_delay    264609] caught sig 'SIGINT'
    2023-02-02 09:05:23,690     ERROR worker.py:94 -- Unhandled error (suppress with 'RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1'): The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information.
    2023-02-02 09:05:23,691     ERROR worker.py:94 -- Unhandled error (suppress with 'RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1'): The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information.
    2023-02-02 09:05:23,695     ERROR worker.py:94 -- Unhandled error (suppress with 'RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1'): The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information.
    2023-02-02 09:05:23,696     ERROR worker.py:94 -- Unhandled error (suppress with 'RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1'): The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information.
    2023-02-02 09:05:23,697     ERROR worker.py:94 -- Unhandled error (suppress with 'RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1'): The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information.
    2023-02-02 09:05:23,705     ERROR worker.py:94 -- Unhandled error (suppress with 'RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1'): The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information.
    2023-02-02 09:05:23,729     ERROR worker.py:94 -- Unhandled error (suppress with 'RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1'): The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information.
    2023-02-02 09:05:23,741     ERROR worker.py:94 -- Unhandled error (suppress with 'RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1'): The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information.
    2023-02-02 09:05:23,742     ERROR worker.py:94 -- Unhandled error (suppress with 'RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1'): The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information.
    2023-02-02 09:05:23,742     ERROR worker.py:94 -- Unhandled error (suppress with 'RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1'): The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information.
    2023-02-02 09:05:23,743     ERROR worker.py:94 -- Unhandled error (suppress with 'RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1'): The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information.
    2023-02-02 09:05:23,743     ERROR worker.py:94 -- Unhandled error (suppress with 'RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1'): The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information.
    2023-02-02 09:05:23,743     ERROR worker.py:94 -- Unhandled error (suppress with 'RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1'): The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information.
    2023-02-02 09:05:23,744     ERROR worker.py:94 -- Unhandled error (suppress with 'RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1'): The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information.
    2023-02-02 09:05:23,744     ERROR worker.py:94 -- Unhandled error (suppress with 'RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1'): The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information.
    2023-02-02 09:05:23,745     ERROR worker.py:94 -- Unhandled error (suppress with 'RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1'): The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information.
    [INFO    hops.core.signal_delay    264609] caught 3 signal(s)
    [INFO    hops.core.signal_delay    264609] emit signal 'SIGINT'
  KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
  Cell In[7], line 16
        7 optimizer = BayesianOptimization(
        8     f=objective,
        9     pbounds=pbounds,
       10     random_state=1,
       11 )
       12 # load_logs(optimizer, logs=["./logs.json"]);
       14 # logger = JSONLogger(path="./logs.json")
       15 # optimizer.subscribe(Events.OPTIMIZATION_STEP, logger)
  ---> 16 optimizer.maximize(
       17     init_points=4,
       18     n_iter=8,
       19 )

  File /nix/store/vkzza81mzwyk5br1c6cm67g48xycvmvl-python3-3.9.15-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bayes_opt/bayesian_optimization.py:311, in BayesianOptimization.maximize(self, init_points, n_iter, acquisition_function, acq, kappa, kappa_decay, kappa_decay_delay, xi, **gp_params)
      309     x_probe = self.suggest(util)
      310     iteration += 1
  --> 311 self.probe(x_probe, lazy=False)
      313 if self._bounds_transformer and iteration > 0:
      314     # The bounds transformer should only modify the bounds after
      315     # the init_points points (only for the true iterations)
      316     self.set_bounds(
      317         self._bounds_transformer.transform(self._space))

  File /nix/store/vkzza81mzwyk5br1c6cm67g48xycvmvl-python3-3.9.15-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bayes_opt/bayesian_optimization.py:208, in BayesianOptimization.probe(self, params, lazy)
      206     self._queue.add(params)
      207 else:
  --> 208     self._space.probe(params)
      209     self.dispatch(Events.OPTIMIZATION_STEP)

  File /nix/store/vkzza81mzwyk5br1c6cm67g48xycvmvl-python3-3.9.15-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bayes_opt/target_space.py:236, in TargetSpace.probe(self, params)
      234 x = self._as_array(params)
      235 params = dict(zip(self._keys, x))
  --> 236 target = self.target_func(**params)
      238 if self._constraint is None:
      239     self.register(x, target)

  Cell In[4], line 3, in objective(shift_c, shift_h, N)
        1 def objective(shift_c, shift_h, N=1000):
        2     model = make_cycle(shift_c, shift_h)
  ----> 3     ot.integrate_online(model, N)
        5     return -1 * model.power(steady_idx=-1).value

  File ~/Documents/Projects/UNI/master/eflow_paper/python/otto_motor/otto_utilities.py:155, in integrate_online(model, n, stream_folder, **kwargs)
      154 def integrate_online(model, n, stream_folder=None, **kwargs):
  --> 155     aux.integrate(
      156         model,
      157         n,
      158         stream_file=("" if stream_folder is None else stream_folder)
      159         + f"results_{model.hexhash}.fifo",
      160         analyze=True,
      161         **kwargs,
      162     )

  File ~/src/two_qubit_model/hiro_models/model_auxiliary.py:201, in integrate(model, n, data_path, clear_pd, single_process, stream_file, analyze, results_path, analyze_kwargs)
      199         supervisor.integrate_single_process(clear_pd)
      200     else:
  --> 201         supervisor.integrate(clear_pd)
      203 cleanup(0)

  File ~/src/hops/hops/core/signal_delay.py:87, in sig_delay.__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
       84 if len(self.sigh.sigs_caught) > 0 and self.handler is not None:
       85     self.handler(self.sigh.sigs_caught)
  ---> 87 self._restore()

  File ~/src/hops/hops/core/signal_delay.py:68, in sig_delay._restore(self)
       66 for i, s in enumerate(self.sigs):
       67     signal.signal(s, self.old_handlers[i])
  ---> 68 self.sigh.emit()

  File ~/src/hops/hops/core/signal_delay.py:42, in SigHandler.emit(self)
       40 for s in self.sigs_caught:
       41     log.info("emit signal '{}'".format(SIG_MAP[s]))
  ---> 42     os.kill(os.getpid(), s)

  with aux.model_db(data_path=".data") as db:
      model = db["05a638feb440fd913b41a5be74fbdd5a6cc358f2b556e61e4005b8539ca15115"]["model_config"]
  c=make_cycle(0.401813980810373, 0.302982197157591)
  # aux.import_results(
  #     other_data_path = "taurus/.data",
  #     results_path = "./results",
  #     other_results_path = "taurus/results",
  #     interactive = False,
  #     models_to_import = [model],
  #     force = False,
  # )
  t, total = ot.val_relative_to_steady(model, model.total_energy_from_power(), steady_idx=-2)
  pu.plot_with_σ(t, total)
EnsembleValue([(10000, 3.3527328716046976e-05, 5.0274219343398344e-05)])
