yeah! add off-axis simulation

This commit is contained in: 2023-05-08 15:06:37 -04:00
parent 0068785f47
commit c056a4f118
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: E034E12B7AF56ACE
35 changed files with 180201 additions and 502 deletions

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View file

@ -116,44 +116,31 @@ coupling-change/cycle time.
# [goto error]
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[19], line 3
 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots()
 2 for model in models[:22]:
----> 3 pu.plot_with_σ(models[0].t, model.interaction_power().sum_baths().integrate(model.t), ax=ax)
 4 print(model.power(steady_idx=2).value, model.T[0], model.ω_c[0])
File ~/src/two_qubit_model/hiro_models/, in Model.interaction_power(self, data, results_path, **kwargs)
 550 """Calculates interaction power from the hierarchy data
 551 ``data`` or, if not supplied, tries to load the online results from ``results_path``.
 556 :returns: See :any:`hopsflow.util.interaction_energy_ensemble`.
 557 """
 559 if data is None:
--> 560 return self.try_get_online_data(
 561  results_path, self.online_interaction_power_name
 562  )
 564 N, kwargs = _get_N_kwargs(kwargs, data)
 566 return hopsflow.hopsflow.interaction_energy_ensemble(
 567 data.valid_sample_iterator(data.stoc_traj), # type: ignore
 568 data.valid_sample_iterator(data.aux_states), # type: ignore
 574 **kwargs,
 575 )
File ~/src/two_qubit_model/hiro_models/, in Model.try_get_online_data(self, path, results_path)
 296 file_path = os.path.join(path, results_path)
 297 if not os.path.exists(file_path):
--> 298 raise RuntimeError(f"No data found under '{file_path}'.")
 300 return hopsflow.util.get_online_values_from_cache(file_path)
RuntimeError: No data found under 'results/interaction_power_922443c7c9913a4ba2ddbfd8792ec54f664d39dabe87377a2ab559a7fb96e0c4.npz'.
-0.006066419789176171 0.4 0.5
-0.005586445662789428 0.45 0.5
-0.005038545160476334 0.5 0.5
-0.004551607899071748 0.55 0.5
-0.004084369471683145 0.6 0.5
-0.006276938479392601 0.4 0.75
-0.005883213741945448 0.45 0.75
-0.0054760722009299465 0.5 0.75
-0.00509961243651586 0.55 0.75
-0.004713792601165993 0.6 0.75
-0.006003694926219254 0.4 1.0
-0.005630008851490323 0.45 1.0
-0.005247723184476385 0.5 1.0
-0.004922650999264568 0.55 1.0
-0.004561986692017902 0.6 1.0
-0.005792018673164359 0.4 1.25
-0.005411940557486204 0.45 1.25
-0.005122848900745669 0.5 1.25
-0.004739985218211038 0.55 1.25
-0.004424832509632545 0.6 1.25
-0.005671859616295697 0.4 1.5
-0.005321236317782547 0.45 1.5
#+begin_src jupyter-python
@ -163,7 +150,6 @@ coupling-change/cycle time.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
@ -172,8 +158,8 @@ coupling-change/cycle time.
| <Figure | size | 1200x400 | with | 1 | Axes> | <AxesSubplot: | > | ((<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fe105f9ab50>) <matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection at 0x7fe105f8ebb0>) |
| <Figure | size | 340x320 | with | 1 | Axes> | <AxesSubplot: | > | ((<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7efe37c44190>) <matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection at 0x7efe37c44400>) |
@ -184,7 +170,7 @@ coupling-change/cycle time.
| <Figure | size | 340x320 | with | 2 | Axes> | (<AxesSubplot: xlabel= $N$ ylabel= $P$ > <AxesSubplot: xlabel= $N$ ylabel= $\eta$ >) |
@ -223,7 +209,7 @@ coupling-change/cycle time.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
for model in models:
@ -234,31 +220,31 @@ coupling-change/cycle time.
: /home/hiro/Documents/Projects/UNI/master/eflow_paper/python/otto_motor/subprojects/bath_memory/ RuntimeWarning: More than 20 figures have been opened. Figures created through the pyplot interface (`matplotlib.pyplot.figure`) are retained until explicitly closed and may consume too much memory. (To control this warning, see the rcParam `figure.max_open_warning`). Consider using `matplotlib.pyplot.close()`.
: fig, ax = setup_function()
* Things to Look At

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" clip-path="url(#p71932e806c)" style="fill: none; stroke: #1f77b4; stroke-width: 0.5; stroke-linecap: square"/>
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@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ L 235.12758 17.200021
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L 236.349869 17.334319
" clip-path="url(#p71932e806c)" style="fill: none; stroke: #2ca02c; stroke-width: 0.5; stroke-linecap: square"/>
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@ -261,13 +261,12 @@ The best shift:
#+begin_src jupyter-python
: 7cac0199140ff8f9fb2e0073b950e079e582466b8a6aea99f286d5d81b62cad8
| <Figure | size | 340x320 | with | 1 | Axes> | <AxesSubplot: | xlabel= | $\tau$ | > |
@ -1089,3 +1088,47 @@ Way less energy is dumped into the cold bath.
- with these parameters the earlier obeservation does not recur
- more scan needed
- maybe slower coupling/decoupling will help
* Off-Axis Hamiltonian
#+begin_src jupyter-python :tangle tangle/ :results none
#+begin_src jupyter-python :tangle tangle/
proto = sc.make_model(0, 0)
off_ax_models = []
for weight in [.3, .6]:
off_ax = proto.copy()
off_ax.H_0 = 1 / 2 * (qt.sigmaz().full() + np.eye(2) + weight * qt.sigmax().full())
off_ax.H_1 = off_ax.H_0.copy()
: 3.5999999999999996
#+begin_src jupyter-python :tangle tangle/
ot.integrate_online_multi(off_ax_models, 10, increment=10, analyze_kwargs=dict(every=10_000))
: [INFO hops.core.integration 4057165] Choosing the nonlinear integrator.
: [INFO root 4057165] Starting analysis process.
: [INFO root 4057165] Started analysis process with pid 146332.
: [INFO hops.core.hierarchy_data 4057165] Creating the streaming fifo at: /home/hiro/Documents/Projects/UNI/master/eflow_paper/python/otto_motor/subprojects/cycle_shift/results_f41081a896f5826d5ec9ec455f52afb2020d140c4d25bd2986b63fb73863ee2d.fifo
: [INFO hops.core.integration 4057165] Using 16 integrators.
: [INFO hops.core.integration 4057165] Some 10 trajectories have to be integrated.
: [INFO hops.core.integration 4057165] Using 1001 hierarchy states.
: 100% 10/10 [00:45<00:00, 4.58s/it]
#+begin_src jupyter-julia
| <Figure | size | 340x320 | with | 1 | Axes> | <AxesSubplot: | xlabel= | $\tau$ | > |